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For Develepers


What in my opinion should be added to Ylands.
The note!
I understand that the developers do not have a lot of time and money and I appreciate the work and with the expectation of this I offer what I would like to see in my favorite game Ylands
1. Very important! Add the ability to add your own NPCs (merchants, guards) in the research mode - this will allow players on multiplayer servers in a new experimental research to make so-called bays and trade resources and things.
2. Very important! Allow NPCs to shoot small arms (since using a bag with a propeller - you become invulnerable)
3.Very important! First person mode. Return!
4. Very important! Make several competitions for the construction of islands in a specific theme with a monetary reward (I'm ready to donate) and add the winner's project to the exploration mode in the local environment. This will make it easier for you to work on locations and buildings + will attract and interest players and you can concentrate onundefined technical issues of the game.
5. Bonus! Add super workbenches - they will allow players to produce a lot of resources They should look like a small factory with many different production chains.
1.Add an elevator (it's not difficult but nice and diversifies the game)
2. The ability to build long cars, then it will be possible to make: a bus, a wagon, a truck, etc. which in turn diversifies the game (that is, you just need to split the chassis and make it possible to add intermediate sections and it would be nice to do the same with ships and of course you can limit the number of such sections so as not to spoil the performance of the game - but restrictions are bad)
3.Add aquatic animals (sharks, whales, etc.)
4. Add Workshop to Steam (you can take buildings from there for local islands, which in turn will make your work easier and diversify the game a lot)
5.Add pirates of different difficulty levels, or at least just pirates
6.Add some more levels undefined the complexity of the islands is at least up to 5, ideally up to 10. (Technically, this is not difficult, all you need is in the locations that will be taken from contests you will need to add NPCs and traps to them.
7. Make it possible to exchange blueprints through trade (I understand that you sell them in the game store, but believe me, this will give you a lot more bonuses).
8.Submarine (its skin is already there, only add mechanics, although I understand that now the scale of the game is not the same to add it)
For monetization:
Also, I have not forgotten about the benefits of people who do it for us!
1. Weapons (machine guns, salvo launchers, catapults, maybe even tanks, etc.) you can add all this to the game store - this is such fan content that anyone can buy for themselves) only an important point is not to overdo it so that a simple player would not be interested in playing because he has no money or desire to buy this or that fan content, it is important to keep a balance here.
2.Well, skins they are principles and so they can be added by popular heroes (Jack Sparrow, undefined Pirate with stick foot place, etc.)
3. Separate maps in the form of Europe, Antarctica or even the whole world - this would be good content for those who want to play exploration in the real world, well, it's more like an idea for a new add-on that can be purchased separately! And once again, the important point is not to overdo it so that a simple player would not be interested in playing because he has no money or desire to buy this or that fan content, it is important to keep a balance.
Thank you all for your attention.
Best regards, your ardent admirer Andrey undefined

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