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Dev Diary #331 Testing Elven Expeditions

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Ahoy Ylanders!

As you probably know, it takes a while to create a video game. Once it is done, there is still a long way to go as the testing begins. The story ylands are basically like small games within Ylands and testing them before the experimental is released can get quite interesting. Peek behind the curtain and see some of the more interesting screenshots from our testers. We will go from the least disruptive bugs to the most, so you have something to look forward to.


1. Once the Starcharter sends you here the door should unlock for you. These minor scripting errors are basically must-haves.


2. Off with the heads! Eh...we mean, not the heads but placeholder statues. Yes, even "bugs" like this is what our testers are capable of noticing.


3. How many dogs do you see? Even though someone might see one cerberus those are actually just two dogs in one spot. One bug, two dogs.


4. Let's enter the mobile realm which is abundant with proper bugs! Forget barely noticeable double dog or easily fixed locked door we present you random blank spots! It appears that parts of the Ylands world ceased to exist here. Ooopsie!

File (221).jpg


File (220).jpg

But if you played the 3rd story yland you know that we successfully managed to mend all of these. In case you didn't play the story, you should definitely do so! Let us know how you like it once you are done. In the meantime... Stay Classy!

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