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Hello there I'm Helldogz,

I am a big fan of the ArmA series and also run a DayZ server with my friends, but I had one of these "I have nothing to play" Moment when I was scrolling through my Steam library.

It began when I stumbled over Ylands in the Incubator where I got me "Project Argo" (wich is the better alternative to CS: GO to me), but forgot about it for a while.

Well, actually as you could guess from my name I wasn't into "nice" and "fluffy" games before. But when I was looking for entertainment a friend lend me his Minecraft account and I liked it a kind off. Well, its interface and the graphics are gross (I know it's part of the games Identity) but this crafting thing got me. I'm a handy guy. I repair nearly all in my house and on my Motorcycle by myself so I am into "virtual crafting" too ;-)

I played the Trial today and have to say that I even like it more than Minecraft before. I would like to buy it but have some questions left, wich I am going to ask, now that I am hopefully free to post in the General Topic ;-)

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Well I dont get it, I introduced myself, but still cant create a topic in the general discussion :-/

What is it with bohemia's policy in the forums to make user to create some useless threads and posts in other sections so that they finally can ask the questions they actually have (I want to know how the multiplayer works before I buy the game)

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Hey Helldogz!

I'm glad you decided to give the "fluffy" world a try! We'll treat you nicely, I promise :D 

You don't have to create several threads before you can post in the General Discussion subforum. Until now, it worked in a way that Registered Users couldn't post there (we basically wanted to avoid random users spamming our forum, so it was kind of an experimental phase :D), but I just changed the settings and newly registered users are free to post there now (and so are you!). 

So feel free to ask as many questions as you want! :) 

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