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Compilation of suggestions, bugs, and glitches


A group of friends and I started playing a couple days ago and we've explored a decent amount of the game so far and we have a lot of feedback to provide that will hopefully be new. A lot of these bugs and glitches came from multiplayer.
Some of these bugs may have been reported already however I'm just leaving a list of everything I've experienced sorry if there are repeats.
-Also for all multiplayer related bugs I was the host and I have a higher end computer than most users would have alongside faster internet compared to most users so I assume the issues are game related and not related to personal tech issues
Some suggestions may already have been suggested but again just leaving a list hopefully some are new and helpful.

-Non host players randomly have their maps erased or maps stop charting (We've tried holding the maps having on/off hotbar, making new maps, making maps with paper press the issues remained)
-Non host players have placed objects disappear resulting in having to relog (the disappearance of blocks mainly happened when built on vehicles by non host players)
-Non host players have other players disappear only seeing their heads
-On death sometimes you keep your entire inventory and teleport back to the original yland regardless of what yland you are on
-On death sometimes you keep your entire inventory and teleport to a random yland unable to get back to your friends / ylands
-Inventories sometimes create a ghost item that you cannot move / interact with and counts towards the max capacity of your inventory
-While boats are moving non-host players sometimes fall off the boat due to the object desyncing on their screen (we tried putting railings but you automatically walk up them and they don't stop movement)
-When chests or inventory storage containers break all of the items inside are lost forever (unknown as to whether or not this is intentional but sucks when you accidentally shoot a bag and lose the items inside)
-Adding fuel to a workstation that requires fuel disappears after adding fuel for non-host players
-Going in first person and shoving your face into a wall allows you to see caves / tunnels underground giving the player x-ray
-The cursor in 3rd person doesn't match up to the one in 1st person (going into 1st person seems to always have accurate hit detection for mining while 3rd person doesn't)
-The wind indicator doesn't work when placed it sort of works when holding in hand but it doesn't seem to affect anything its a generally confusing system maybe a UI addition would help a lot while sailing
-I'm not sure how wind works at all so it may not be a bug but the wind seemed to have no affect on sailing no matter which cardinal direction I was sailing
-Some crafting recipes don't show even if you have all of the materials needed to craft the item
-Getting off of a horse disables turning with your mouse for non-host players
-Rope ladders send non host players through the world occasionally

-There should be an option to clone your map and give it to other players showing everything you've uncovered to your friends and both maps will update together (if these maps could show the dots for other players as well that'd be amazing)
-A coordinate system would be great for finding your friends or sending them to landmarks
-Tool tips on items specifically weapons and armor to understand what is stronger and by how much. Also showing how much armor increases warmth to prevent freezing
-A better way to track hunger and tooltips on food to know how much hunger food is restoring (also seeing your hunger bar somewhere would be nice other than when you're hungry)
-The inventory system is hard to use at times when trying to move items sometimes you try to put 2 stacks of the same item together and they don't stack on the first attempt
-A better way to unlock crafting recipes / have them show up other than just having the items on hand for more experienced players
-Chests should have larger storage capacity, this game has a lot of items and if you come back from gathering materials you're often having to drop resources on the ground since the chests fill up so quickly
-The basic raft seems to be faster than all of the other ships until many many many many many sails are added to increase speed (also basic swimming is faster but you risk shark attacks) increasing ship base speed would help a lot
-More admin commands could be useful when running a game with a lot of users
-I've seen this suggested already but being able to tie boats together for better group traveling (instead of all piling up on one raft)
-Windowed fullscreen mode for all of those multi monitor users
-System messages announcing the joining / exit of players (currently the only way we know somebody is online is when we all get lag from them joining)
-A way to move players bodies when they log off (sometimes you want to help your friend being attacked by wolves other times you just want to lock them in a room with sea urchins)
-A further upgraded tool for mining larger areas in late game (something like this might exist but if it doesn't it should)
-More reliable bird google maps telling us where we can find the next yland (it'd be cool if there was a way to find specific types of ylands sometimes you just want some cacti)
-In game friends list tab to find friends games

Could probably go on for a while about suggestions but those are the ones I think should be addresses early on as they generally affect multiplayer gameplay a lot
So far myself and those I played with really enjoy this game and hope that the development process continues to make this game amazing. I loved watching a boat sink after getting cannonballed for the first time and the PvP maps were so much fun to play. Once all of the bugs and issues are resolved this game will be fantastic and currently is a great survival / sandbox game.

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