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Everything posted by Snaatteri

  1. So, I got back to Ylands from a long break, and I started building a ship. When I was building the bow i noticed while placing wedges, that the wedges i was trying to place didnt "lock on" to the already placed wedges, and instead went through to the outside of the ship. I just brushed it off as me being a bit rusty, and thought nothing more of it. Then it was time for painting the damn thing, and unexpectedly, i cant paint the wedges or slopes. It was very...
  2. Oh sorry, haven't looked in here for a while since its a bit hard for me to sign in on here. You still need it?
  3. Right, I'll try that either today or when I get back home tomorrow.
  4. Sad to report that this did not work; still cant paint the wedges or slopes. Any other tips?
  5. Yeah I think I might be able to pull it off, at least hoping so, would be nice to get it done. Now that I actually think about it, I will try it now instead of tomorrow, I have some time to spare.
  6. Thanks man, I'll try that tomorrow since its quite late here already, and its in the explore mode. Also the ship is somewhat based on s/s relandersgrund and s/s storbrotten, old Finnish lightships.
  7. Snaatteri

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    you can put snow there as well..