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About Chiruno

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  1. So, I've been trying to get my server to show up on the server list so that friends can join, and even if I name it starting with characters that should show up at the top of the current broken list, it doesn't seem to show up like it did when I was hosting locally. Are there any kind of launch flags or console commands or the like that would allow us to connect directly, utilitizing the address of the host in the interim?
  2. Ah, that was it. The same port was set, and I was able to add a new instance now. Appreciate it.
  3. So, I've followed directions and launched YlandsLauncher with the --servermonitor flag. When I click play, the server monitor pops up a moment later, but when I try to add a new server, the OK button does not work. I fill in the server name and ports, hit OK, and absolutely nothing happens. I've checked, and there is no Ylands process running after clicking play in the launcher. I've looked around for a bit and have not seen any posts with anyone describing the same issue. I have the game installed on a Windows Server 2012 R2 instance. Looking at my output_log from ServerMonitor_Data, there's various D3D errors (why would these even exist when the client is running in a headless mode?) but nothing else stands out. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be glad to hear them. Thanks.