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Posts posted by Shadow72

  1. 1 hour ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    Kids who have never worked to make an honest living see money as evil (I am not suggesting you are such a person)

        I know you said in parenthesis that you aren't suggesting I'm that person. But having that in your response to what I said kinda implies that you think so. I'm not a kid, i'm 20, and before the pandemic happened I worked 40 hours a week for 2 years and after that 20 hours a week while going to college. 


        There's nothing wrong with making money, its how you portrayed your communities. You portrayed it as a group of mature gamers who enjoy playing Ylands and helping each other out, when in reality you were planning on making money off of all of them. Right now you are looking at the game through the eyes of someone who wants to try and make money off of it, and because you aren't able to you are telling everyone to stay away from the game.


        Also the whole excuse of posting around all the Ylands forum/discord/reddit just to let people know your community is leaving for the 3rd time isn't a good one. 

  2. You probably won't reply to this but here are my opinions.


    18 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    If you enjoy the game by all means, enjoy it, but for those of us who are creators, community managers and people that are invested in the game for other reasons and my topics are informative. 


        I think this really shows your intentions for playing Ylands. You weren't playing Ylands to enjoy the game and have fun, you wanted to get in on the game on the ground floor and be able to profit off of it. All of the points you keep bringing up revolve around the success of the game and the steam charts showing how many people are playing it. In your own words, if you enjoyed the game, enjoy it. In the videos you made criticizing the game you barely talked about things in exploration you didn't like or why the gameplay was bad. You focused on player numbers and coyn cashing out and other stuff like that. Your not criticizing the game because you don't like what the game has become, you are criticizing it because you have spent years trying to profit off of it and weren't able to do so.


    1 hour ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    I invested more than 7000 hours, came up with new bug reporting systems, tried to become a channel between the players and the developers.

        Why do you think they would want you to be a channel between the players and developers when that is what community managers are for? If I were to go to the creators of Minecraft and tell them I want to be a channel between the devs and players they would tell me to get lost.


    4 hours ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    One of the reasons I left is the game is better than ever. When I saw that the Game had indeed fixed the issues and turned the situation around but players were not coming back I realized that because they hid the best part of the game behind the DLC they painted themselves in a corner. If they could make the exploration DLC free then I think the Game would have a real chance but I’m not sure they can legally do that because they charged for it.

        So you say that the game is better than ever and the devs have fixed the issues, but later go on to talk about how the devs never listen and are in a echo chamber. They clearly listened to you and fixed what you wanted and added new stuff that made the game better. How can you complain about the devs not listening but then go on to say that they have fixed the issues with the game? Oh, but now it makes sense, down more in the post you explain that they are now listening but its too late and the player numbers are dropping. This just backs up my point of you not really caring about enjoying the game and instead are hyper focused on making sure the game's playerbase is big enough for you to make money off of it.


    Some smaller points I want to make:

        You keep saying "I would really like to see this game succeed" but its pretty obvious that you don't. It seems like every week you are making posts on either the forums, the reddit, or the steam discussions talking about how the game is dying or dead and that the devs don't listen to anyone or take any criticism. 

        You always said that P1 Gaming was your community and that P1 creators was your business, but when you figured that Ylands wasn't going to be profitable for you P1 Gaming and P1 creators both left Ylands. In your own words the game is better than ever, so why would your community discord server leave Ylands? Seems odd...


    • Like 1

  3. Anytime I try to instantiate a new instance of a custom class that has parameters in it's constructor I get "UNKNOWN INTERNAL ERROR 454". 

    class TestClass {
    	constructor() { }
    class TestClass2 {
    	constructor(name) {
    		this.name = name;
    function SomeFunction() {
    	let aClass = new TestClass();
    	let bClass = new TestClass2("Bob");

    Creating a new instance of TestClass works but creating a new instance of TestClass2 gives a error.

  4. The video Ocnog linked is really good. If you have any questions feel free to pm me and I can try to help you out. Although I don't know any French.

    • Like 1

  5. 7 hours ago, Houp said:


    thank you for all your suggestions.

    However, I do not understand the first one. You can use same .yjs file in any number of game logic objects.


    There is no GUI support for global scripts at the moment but there is simple trick how to have them.

     Just add to any GL (ok, it may be tricky to have it in the beginning of all scripts)

    let myGlobalVariable = 6;


    Sorry, I probably should have explained the first one better. Here's some pseudo code to help explain better.

    class GameManager {
    	constructor() {
    		this.gameState = "WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS";
    	setState(newState) {
    		this.gameState = newState;
    var myGameManager = new GameManger();

    For the game manager I would need it in multiple different game logics so I could check the current gameState. But adding the same script to each game logic wouldn't work because if I set the new gameState to "IN_GAME" it would only update the gameManager for that single game logic, instead of all of them.


    I also tried using the code you posted and it seems like we are only able to use "let" inside of functions in the experimental build.

  6. I have been playing around with text scripting for a bit now and here are some suggestions I have.

    • Right now there is no way to share code between game logics. It would be nice to be able to import other yjs files in your script or to have global scripts that all scripts automatically have access to. However, right now you can share code between scripts in the same game logic, but if you need that code in multiple different game logics you would have to add that script to each of them. Then that becomes a problem if you want to do something like a gamemanager script where the script keeps track of the gamestate and whatnot.
    • We don't have i++, instead we have i += 1. It would be nice to have i++ since most people are used to typing that in javascript for loops.
    • It would be cool if we could create visual scripting tiles from text scripting. Allowing us to hide the more complex code in scripts and then use visual scripting to link it all together so it is easier to quickly change things(sort of like how UE4 does it). It would also allow people who don't want to get into text scripting a way to use other peoples text scripts in their own project without having to learn javascript.
    • Text script errors in chat blend together with multiple errors in a row. Would be nice to have some type of separator between the errors or even a new window that would pop up and display the error in a more easily readable way.
    • Upvote 1

  7. It seems you can't instantiate a instance of a custom class outside of the event functions. Doing so results in the error: Undefined variable "{0}". However you can instantiate a new copy of a class such as YVector3 outside of the event functions.

    var x = new Test();
    var p;
    var v = new YVector3(0, 1, 0);
    function onSwitchOn(triggerEntity) {
    	p = new Test();
    	YEntity.spawnEntity(YEntityType.get(35), 1, v, v);
    class Test {
    	constructor() {}
    	doSomething() {
    		return "test";
    • var x gives the undefined variable error when loading the script
    • var p has no errors and setting the variable in the onSwitchOn function gives no errors
    • var v has no errors

  8. While creating the first out of the 3 leveling maps for Evanar I wanted a large wall to go on top of the mountains I have created. The problem was that It would most likely take forever to create something of that scale. So I came up with a way to generate a wall that would conform to the terrain but still look decent. This is the end result.

    • Like 4

  9.     When working on this project it became clear that the use of visual scripting for a project this big would just not work. The large scripts were difficult to work with and were difficult to manage. I abandoned the project for some time but with the new announcement of non-visual scripting I have decided to pick the project back up. Although I plan on using mostly non-visual scripts in the newer version. That leaves me with all of my hard work put into visual scripts just sitting on my computer doing nothing. So I have decided to release the full project so that others can use bits and pieces of it in their own games. Or just take a look at it and see how I did certain things. I hope some of you guys will find this useful. I plan to start working on this project again once non-visual scripting is available.


    Installation instructions:

    1. Download the zip file attached to this post
    2. Place the .Yland file in your Ylands scenario folder. It can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(YOUR STEAM ID)\298610\remote\Scenarios
    3. Place all of the spreadsheets in your Ylands Datasets folder. It can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(YOUR STEAM ID)\298610\remote\DataSets
    4. Open Ylands and load the map into the editor
    5. Once the map is opened in the editor, you should see a line of dataset game objects. Go through each dataset game object and import the matching spreadsheet for it


    Please note that this is unfinished and there will be bugs in some of the scripts.

    Lands of Evanar.zip

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  10. Finally! I have been waiting for this to be in the game for a long time. I do have a few questions about how this will work though.

    • After editing a script, will we have to reload the script into the game like how we load spreadsheets into datasets? Or will they automatically reload once the game has detected that they have been edited?
    • What will the errors look like if you load in a script with syntax errors? Will it tell you what line the syntax error is on or will it just reject the file and say there is a error somewhere in the script?
    • What kind of documentation will be provided? 
    • Will we be able to access and change more things in non-visual scripting compared to visual scripting?
    • Like 1

  11.     I've recently had enough time to hop on and try out the new exploration. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought that it was far better than the old exploration. With that being said, I do have some feedback.

    • Crafting items feels like a chore. The workstations can only hold a small amount of items which causes you to have to babysit them non-stop. This isn't really fun because I would much rather be out exploring other islands instead of standing in my base waiting. I think doing a crafting system like the Minecraft furnaces would be a lot better. Where you can put a stack of materials into the workstation and then every so often it will convert a material into the selected item.
    • The inventory is way too small. There are so many different items in Ylands that you pickup from your adventures where your inventory feels like it is always full.
    • Chests don't hold enough items. 
    • Trading with merchants feels awkward to do. The text overlaps on the items so it can be difficult to see how much you would get for your items. Also as a beginner it is difficult to know what is included inside of the shipments. I traded for a knights armor shipment thinking it would be a new set of gear but it ended up just being a set of iron armor which I already had. For the other shipments it was confusing because I didn't know how much coal would be in a coal shipment.
    • The hunger system isn't very user friendly. We only know when we are starving or dying of starvation. I think a hunger bar would work much better.
    • There isn't a way to destroy unwanted items. I ended up having to drop unwanted items around my base cluttering it.
    • The combat feels very basic and uninteresting. I think adding a blocking system and allowing you to cancel attacks by dodging would make the combat feel a lot more fluid. You can then make the monsters deal a lot more damage so it becomes important to make sure you are blocking all of its attacks. This would make the combat more interesting and have it be more mentally engaging than just spamming left mouse button.
    • You aren't able to transport horses or cars to other islands. I think you guys have responded to this one before, but I have an idea on how to fix it. You could allow us to load either a car or horse into a custom made ship. This does however make the custom built ship overpowered since you would be able to store items on the ship and also pull a car out of the ship and speedrun a island to get all of the good items off of it. To fix that you could make the custom ship require a lot more materials to craft so it becomes more of an endgame item. This also gives the player a goal to shoot for.


    • Like 3

  12.     It has been a while since the last update so I figured I'll fill you guys in on what's up. Due to school and personal reasons I haven't had time to work on the game in around a week. As I begin to work on the game again I am faced with the challenge of completing this super ambitious game in 22 days. It is going to be super tough to do but I'm going to try since I know a lot of people are looking forward to the game's release. In order to be able to release on time I got to announce the first content cuts from the game. The dungeon system and the class specialization system won't be in the game at launch. It is just going to take too much time to create the dungeon with all the custom encounters and balance it all correctly to do before the launch. Since there won't be a dungeon to do at endgame there won't be a need for specializations as most of them are specializations are made for dungeons such as tanks and healers. If you are looking forward to that part of the game don't worry, I plan to add in the dungeon and class specialization system in the first non-bug update after launch.

        After the game is released and I have some free time I plan to upload a bunch of cool stuff to the workshop. My plan is to split all of my systems up and release them onto the workshop for anyone to use. So for example if you want a quest system like mine all you would have to do is download the composition from the workshop and add it to your game. The main concern when I say that to people is "Aren't you scared that someone might just copy what you did exactly and upload a copy of the game on the workshop?" but I think the positives that will come from me uploading the systems to the workshop will overshadow any of the negatives that could come from it. I highly suggest that others do the same too. The more we allow others to use what we have built the more cool games we will see on the workshop. The more cool games on the workshop the more people will stick around playing Ylands. It also allows people with limited experience in the editor the ability to create really cool and complex games without having to have that much experience in the editor. It will take some time for me to release all of them though. Some of the systems will have to be modified to allow easier use with outside scripts and the detailed writeup on how to use them will take a while to write. So don't expect it right away, but it is coming.

    I should probably get back to working on the game, there is still so much to do. The next update I post will most likely be a preview of the lvl 1-5 leveling experience.

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  13. 7 minutes ago, bojo2736 said:

    How is that differ from what we have now? I can already allow players on my game.

    With the new update you are able to transfer stuff between the worlds. So you can think of your singleplayer island as your home base and you can sail your ship to other peoples islands and collect stuff and bring it back to your own.

    • Thanks 1

  14. 8 hours ago, Adam Snellgrove said:

    That is...AMAZING! Really cool solution to changing characters! Love it Shadow ? And how's the game running so far with all the scripts you have in there at the moment?


    So far its running flawlessly. In the script monitor the scripts usually take under .3 ms to run and has peaks of about 1.5 ms, but that is from the saving time trigger which I will most likely optimize later on.

  15. Update #7

        In this update I added the character system. The character system allows you to create multiple different characters to play as. So if you want to be a priest and a wizard you are able to. This system was very difficult to create due to the scale of data that would need to be handled and stored. It is about 90% finished right now, I just need to work out a few UI bugs that you probably saw in the video. For this update I want to dive into how I actually created this system incase if any of guys are looking to create the same thing.

        On the surface it seems to be a very simple thing to do, just add variables to the game storage for each character and call upon the right variable for the character the player is playing. Which is exactly what I am doing right now, but if every time you have to check something like if a player has finished a quest you would need a if statement to see which character the player is playing. Which really bloats your scripts and makes it a big pain in the butt to do anything with those variables. After a bit of trying things I finally found a way to greatly decrease the amount of repeated code needed to make the system. How it works is each player has a entity storage called "Character Info". When the player spawns and picks their character the storage is added to them and filled with all of the data from the game storage for that particular character. I can then manage all of my data like seeing if a quest is completed or what quest they are on by checking and updating the entity storage. I then have a function called "Save Player" that saves all of the data in the entity storage to the right character slot in the game storage. That way I am only checking and using those specific game storage variables in one spot instead of through-ought my entire game. The save player function is called when the player disconnects and every 30 seconds just incase the server crashes so there won't be too much of a rollback. The image below shows what my game storage variables look like.


        After I got that up and working I started to try and figure out how I can save the players inventory and equipment to the game storage. You aren't able to save entities directly to the game storage so what I did was grabbed all of the data I needed from the item and then put all of it into a string and separated the data with ";". So it looked something like this: [Item Id];[Stack Count];[Color1 Red];[Color1 Green]... so on and so on. I can then put that string in an array and store that array in the game storage. When its time to give the character the saved inventory you just need to loop through the array and split the string on ";". You then can grab the items from the array by using the get tile. So index 0 would be the Item id, index 1 would be the stack count, so on and so on. You then can spawn the item and change all of the items properties to the ones that are stored in the array. This is so far the best way I have found to store entities in game storage.

        If you guys have any questions about anything from my game such as how I did something or just what I plan to implement in the game, feel free to ask me.

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  16. If you use a for loop to loop through the players equipment and save the definition id of the item to game storage you get the error: "Unknown internal error, type isn't supported by server variables". For some reason this only happens when you get the item from equipment. If you loop through the inventory and try to save the exact same items definition id to game storage everything will work perfectly. 
