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Posts posted by Shadow72

  1. Since we don't have access to dictionaries right now I have been using arrays with indexes as my key and then the value at that index as my value for key value pairs. If you try to set a value of an array at index 1 but have nothing at index 0 and then set the game storage variable to it you will get a difficult error to try and track down in your code. It would be nice if we could store an array with empty fields in a game storage variable. There is also no None variable for variables which makes it more difficult to check if a index in an array is empty or not.


    For anyone else stuck on this here is the workaround I found. Use a count with loop to count from the length of the array to the index you are going to use and set each index inbetween to 0.

  2. For this competition I have decided to make a small scale mmorpg. I plan on adding stuff like quests, dailies, random bosses spawning around the map, an instanced dungeon, and much more. My goal for The Lands of Evanar is to make something fun that has tons of replay value. Here is a video of how the quests will work. Keep in mind it is still in the early stages of development.



    The quest log allows you to have up to 10 quests at a time. With the quest log you can track the progress you are making on your quests, abandon a quest if its too difficult, or read some of the lore of Evanar that will be told through the questlines. I plan to keep this thread updated as I continue to work on it so stay tuned!

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  3. 53 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:



    I'm not sure you understand, these are fundamental changes to the game that broke our games such as changes to alpha values which are permanent and intentional. We would love to see an update script which would help bring things back as they were. 

    I mean it sucks but you were warned that this is early access and things can change.

  4. It's cool that everyone who bought the game during early access will get a special pet. I am wondering if there will be a special reward for players who bought the game before it was even on steam?

  5. 59 minutes ago, Adam Snellgrove said:

    Also if you'd like to see our "Documentary" about Bugs, visit our Facebook page ? 


    In the video you forgot one important step. Creating new bugs while fixing the current bug that you will find later! 99 little bugs in the code. 99 little bugs. Take one down, patch it around. 127 little bugs in the code...

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3

  6. Hey, the problem you are having with the first error is that you forgot to capitalize file in YlandFile. I would also recommend renaming the folder the server is in from "Ylands DS" to "YlandsDs" as sometimes programs have issues when parsing file paths with spaces in them. As for the console window not fully opening i find that it happens when the server is already running in the background. Try opening task manager and killing the YlandsDs process. That should hopefully fix the issues you are having.

    Here is what your json file should look like(Make sure you rename the "Ylands Ds" folder to "YlandsDs"):

      "SessionDataType" : "YlandFile",
      "SessionData" : "C:\YlandsDS\SessionSave.ylandsgame",
      "SavePath : "C:\YlandsDS\SessionSave.ylandsgame",
      "nMaxPlayers" : 4,
      "Name" : "Yland of Eden",
      "Password" : "***",
      "OfflineImmunity" : 1


    • Thanks 1

  7. Hey, I am not apart of the Ylands team but hopefully I can help you out. After looking through the output log you posted it seems like you are using a pirated version of the game. The logs show that you are trying to load version 0.22 of the game which came out over 2 years ago. Version 0.22 also happens to be the most readily available pirated version for Ylands. I can also see from the log file that the games directory is located in your downloads folder which doesn't happen when you download the game from steam. I recommend obtaining a legal copy of Ylands from steam. It's only 15$. That should fix the issue you are having.

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  8. 23 minutes ago, Arktic_P1 said:

    How Do I stop the ai from targeting me? I got the animation down, but the npc keeps turning to look at me.

    If i remember correctly there should be a checkbox in the npcs options that allows you to turn it off. Im not sure if its still in the game though. If its not what you could do is have a loop that sets the rotation of the armor to the npcs current rotation.

  9. Just now, Arktic_P1 said:

    I'll see what I could do about that, but yeah that would take some time, thanks for the suggestion...

    If you do go down that road what i suggest is make the animation logic not tied to a specific set of armor, so if you want to later on make a new set of armor you can use the existing animation logic for both sets of armor.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 5 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    I am not an  expert  or  possesses   knowledge in this  field,  but i see the point  BB is making is that if you are going to change the way  something works,  you  advise the users  of the intended change and  what needs to be done BEFORE the change is made rather than leave it  up in the  air  for the users to guess what  is  wrong.

    Its becoming  obvious that there was a change, and the information users  require has not  filtered down to them for them to make the  necessary  adaptions.

    This  may  not be the  scenario, but  some  players are suspecting the  difference is to   "encourage"  players to  switch to rent   BI servers.

    If this  was to be the case ... Ylands  would certainly lose popularity  and many may  would look for alternatives ...  .

    Hopefully  its  not the case.   but there seems to be more  information on the internet available  about  Limburger  cheese than  whats needed to  put Ylands on a  non BI  dedicated  server.....


    Except the required information was given to us. Over a month ago @Khanecz made a post detailing the changes made to the Ylands dedicated server as well as updating the DS guide for the newer version.


    On 5/15/2019 at 5:06 AM, Khanecz said:

    Hello, these are the changes to Session data types for DS valid from version 0.12

    [string] "SessionDataType": Specifies where to get the data for the hosted session. Determines the contents of SessionData. Allowed values are:
    - "YlandFile" - Path to a savegame to host. Absolute or relative to the config file. If game is not from workshop and .ysd exists for the game type. The *.ysd must be next to the save file or in (DsRootCacheDirectory config) directory.
    - "GameFile" (obsolete, use TemplateFile instead) - Path to a game file from which a fresh savegame will be created and hosted.
    - "TemplateFile" - Path to a locally exported scenario = .ygt file. Create a template file in Genesys (via Export as → Local export). If .ysd exists for the game type, it must be next to .ygt.
    - "BuiltIn" - Identifier of a built-in game type from which a fresh savegame will be created and hosted. "Explore" or "Creative"
    - "WorkshopGameAssetId" - integer id of game in workshop - you can take it directly from url. e.g. https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/11 => the value is 11




    For those who want a simple guide for configuring DsConfig.json for custom games, it should look like this:

      "SessionDataType" : "TemplateFile",
      "SessionData" : "C:\XXX\your_game.ygt",
      "nMaxPlayers" : 4,
      "Name" : "My Mp Session"

    Keep in mind that if an .ysd file exists for the .ygt file, it must be placed next to it.




    DS guide also updated with this information:

    Ylands DS Beta Guide v6.txt


    5 hours ago, bb cakes_P1 said:

    Clearly this weekend,  the files are clearly VERY different. I can upload the old style explore maps to my DS. I CANNOT upload anything. Like, at all. To the BI coyn server.

    Thanks for the mansplain. As always, super appreciated.

    Well yes, the files this weekend are very different. It is most likely due to them pre loading the servers with the newer version before release with the plan to have all servers automatically update when 0.13 launches. The reason they do this is because the last thing you want to be working on right after you release a new patch to the game is to update the servers. That time is much better used to fix game breaking bugs as fast as possible. It is most likely a accident that they pushed the 0.13 version to their servers. The don't benefit at all from releasing the 0.13 version to their serves because nobody has a client that can connect to 0.13 servers. Also, I don't get the mansplaining comment. I don't know if it was directed at me but I don't feel like i have done anything that is remotely close to mansplaining.

  11. 2 hours ago, bb cakes_P1 said:

    Thus my comment about them having different files....


    I think you misunderstood me. Its not that they don't have the same files as BI have, its just they are configuring the files wrong which is causing the servers to not be able to accept custom maps. With 0.12 they slightly changed the config files for the DS and the host hasn't updated their hosting software to allow the user to input the correct values for the config through their control panel.

  12. 4 minutes ago, bb cakes_P1 said:

    I don't know the correct term perhaps. But I cannot use the editor explore files, and haven't been able to since 0.12 on my DS. 

    I think we should credited with the 3 days we couldnt use the coyn servers.

        I agree that people should be credited with free time for the coyn servers because of the downtime caused. I have read the thread about you not being able to use custom maps on your DS and it doesn't seem like it is a issue with the servers. Instead it is a problem with your host not updating the config files to work with the newer version of the Ylands server. 

  13. 22 hours ago, bb cakes_P1 said:

    If that is true, it is further evidence that the server software is different on BI than what Nitrado has.  Still not sure if that makes it a BI issue or a Nitrado issue.  The current games hosting on Nitrado are working.  I can't seem to upload anything in working order on BI. I can upload it.  But it comes back with the error message.


    I don't think they have different software than what we get. I think they just have a different deployment system for their dedicated servers other than steam.

  14. I think it is because they were planning to release 0.13 this week but they ended up delaying it. So all of the servers were automatically updated to the 0.13 version while we cant update our games past 0.12 at the moment. It sucks but all we can do is wait for them to either rollback the servers to version 0.12 on Monday or release 0.13 on Monday.

  15. Looks amazing. Maybe make a game around it where you have two teams with each their own cube and they have to try and feed the cube different resources around the island in order for it to create a signal flare so the team can get rescued. The first team to set off the flare win the game.You could also have it so when a player dies it depletes some of the resources within the cube to respawn them. So it adds a sense of fear when going out into the wilderness to gather supplies because if you are not careful you could actually be setting you team back instead of helping them.

  16. Hey Marten, the problem you are having is you are declaring m_points as a local variable. What you need to do is delete the local variables that you have made and create a global variable. To do this you need to click on the variables dropdown and click "Create New Variable".

  17. 17 hours ago, Houp said:

    Hi, thanks a lot for your big feedback. I will not react to all of it (but I may reply to a more things in the future). It does not mean that I did not read the rest.

    Some of the wanted features and changes are already planned and you will (probably) get them in one of the following updates.

     First I am not sure about this one. Screenshots would be helpful here.

    You should be able to set alpha of barrier color already.

    Not sure what you are trying to achieve. Any example?

    For bugs it would be better to have a separate thread. Providing us scenario(.yland file) with instruction in which script you are encountering  the problem would be helpful.


    Or do you need something else? (custom commands can be really useful too)



    Thanks for the response. Here is some more info for the things you asked about.

    History window example: It seems like I was confused about how the tool actually worked. After messing with it for a little bit i figured it out. Maybe adding a apply button that undoes everything instead of undoing everything automatically would make it more easier to understand(so it would act like you clicking on a point to undo to is like a preview of what it would look like)

    Barrier alpha value: After a bit of investigating i figured out that the alpha value for barriers does indeed work, but the scale for the alpha value is off. With values from 0-120 it works as intended but 120-255 it is just completely opaque. It would naturally seem that 112.5 would let half of the light through and 168.75 would let 3/4 of the light through but it isn't working like that at the moment. Maybe it is calculating the amount of light it lets through for each face of the barrier instead of the whole barrier.

    Storages: Sorry for the confusion, the way I worded it was bad. How game logic storages currently works is that when you call a instruction it only runs the one function that you have inside of the storage for all logics that have the storage. This works fine for simple creations but when you try to create complex systems it becomes pretty useless. The problem is that sometimes you want a certain logic to handle a instruction call in a different way than others. For example, what I was trying to use it for was a command system. Each command was its own game logic that shared the same storage "command"(Since they all shared the same variables like "Name", "Description", etc.). I had a instruction called "handle" which would run the code for that command. The problem is that with the current way the storage system works it only allows you to write one instruction that all gamelogics use. So I couldn't write specific handlers for each command without having to have a giant ifelse block running through every command possible(which can be a lot in bigger projects). From what I understand, storages are supposed to be sort of like objects for us to use where we can create multiple of the same types with the same variables and instructions but allow for each variable to have a different value. It would nice for there to also be some kind of inheritance system so we could have the same variables and instructions but allow the instructions to be different.

    Variable Error Feature: I tried to recreate the bug but I couldn't. If i ever encounter the bug again ill make a post on the bugs sub forum.

    PlayTesting Menu: You could make 90% of it with checking for debug mode and custom commands, but it would be nice to have a playtesting menu in all games you make without having to include a custom menu for testing your game. Being able to set your speed, set god mode, and other stuff without having to write a handler for each of the commands would make it a lot easier to test games. Also having it in a nice menu the person making the game could bring up with a keybind would make it a lot easier and more user friendly.



  18. 3 hours ago, Hww047 said:

    I was editing npcs using the in-game Editor and it just keeps crashing after a few minutes or even seconds after I started.

    Most of the time after the crash, the game shows the small window titled "Unity" with Ylands logo on it, and then exits. At one of the crashes, the game window closed, and took me back to the Windows Desktop view, but the game was still running on the background, and after I force - close the game using Ctrl+Alt+Del Task Manager, Windows told me my graphic card had stopped working and "have restarted successfully".

    I'm using Windows 7 and my graphic card is NVidia GeForce GTX 950



    Im not a Dev but it looks like to me that there is something wrong with the shaders in your game files that is causing you to crash. I suggest verifying the game files on steam. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335
