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Posts posted by Shadow72

  1. Bugs:

    When placing down either a local variable block or a return block sometimes their default value will disappear. If you try to place a new value into the default value it will freak out. This happens rarely but seems to get worse as the script gets bigger.

    If you delete the default value of a local variable block or a return block you cannot delete the block until you close the script and reopen it.



    Allow us to return an array from a function

    Allow us to convert strings to integers

    Add remove from array block

    Add clear array block

    Allow us to anchor Ui's from the top of the screen and bottom of the screen(We currently only can do topleft, topright, bottomleft, and bottomright).

    Add move gamelogic block(So we can move trigger zones)

    Allow us to get when a player presses any key on their keyboard(So we can keybind things like custom menus or special abilities)

    Allow us to lock the players armor/inventory

    Rename all blocks so they are more easily searchable(For example, right now if you search for vehicle nothing will pop up, even though there are multiple blocks relating to vehicles. So instead of having a block be named Set Velocity it should be Vehicle Set Velocity).


    Long Term Suggestions

    Allow us a way to save data through ought game restart(So we can have persistent data throughout games like a players k/d ratio)

    Add a UI editor(The current ui panel is very difficult to use and requires you to compile your game every time you want to see the changes you have made.)

    Add the ability for UIs to have input boxes and buttons


  2. 11 hours ago, sjaaak777 said:

    Hi Shadow, thanks for the great tutorial. I love to do more with scripting. Would you find the time to explain how to add the dictionary manager into Ylands? I have downloaded and extracted the file but I cannot add it yet. In the editor, I have clicked on the plus button to add a composition, but it did not work ;)
    Thanks in advance and I hope you create many more tutorials in the future.

    I just uploaded it to the workshop so all you need to do is subscribe to it. https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/609

  3. In this video I show you how to use the Dictionary Manager that I made(Download below). If you don't know what a dictionary is I suggest you READ THIS before watching the video. Let me know if you have any questions or if you run into any issues.

    Sorry if some parts are a little difficult to understand. I am not good at making videos. I just thought that a video tutorial would be more helpful then a text tutorial.


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  4. I think a lot of people want to have their server run 24/7 but the server software just cant do it at this point in time. Most servers you are lucky to get a week of play time until it becomes unplayable due to the lag. The servers need to be fixed before 24/7 hosting is viable.

    • Upvote 1

  5. Will admins on servers be able to remove and edit other peoples energy barriers? Will players only be allowed 1 energy barrier or can the owner of the server set the amount of energy barriers each player will get? Will players be allowed to place energy barriers on boats and cars?

  6. I have recently started running a server that i keep up 24/7 and have noticed a giant performance decrease after around 6-8 hours. When i launch Ylands and get ingame it is using around 2.5gb of memory and after 6-8 hours it is using 4.5gb of memory. After 6-8 hours the game is nearly unplayable due to the lag even at 800x600 resolution with low settings. It takes around 5 minutes to save the game and quit to the main menu and while at the main menu Ylands still uses 4.5gb of memory. Players have also said they get lag spikes around every 5 minutes(autosave maybe?).



    GTX 950

    8gb Ram

    internet: 800 down 800 up



  7. 12 minutes ago, John - NEXFER said:

    Slightly off-topic but - can anyone confirm the new commands list?

    Commands like /additem and /sethour do not seem to be working any longer?


    • /cmdlist
    • /kick
    • /ban
    • /promote
    • /demote
    • /w
    • /freecamera
    • /killme
    • /unstuck

  8. I am wondering if you guys will ever open up the server info api that the multiplayer list uses(So we can get info like if the server is online, how many people are online on the server, etc.).
