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Everything posted by CdriXX

  1. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #105

    @Aleš Ulm Suggestion : add the exploration mode inside the actual beta (after fixing technical problems)
  2. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #105

    all players want to test the exploration mode... but impossible with the actual beta ... it's a joke ? @Adam Snellgrove ? I tested the beta in creative mode and ... ok the sky is beautiful but about the water ... ? the water is still not fixed when digging into the ground... ?
  3. CdriXX

    How to get Ylands 1.0 beta

    I can't link my bohemia account ... !!!! ? @Adam Snellgrove (Any reply from the support by email !)
  4. Hello, always a bug with the sound effect only. When my character is beside something in action (stove, ...), the sound jumps and jerks.
  5. Hey, it would be great to rename directly ingame an item (not in editor). To rename a chest, barrel, and so on ... (storage items)
  6. when I move my character, the background flashes (no problem with the previous version of the game)
  7. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. No player is connected ... What do you think about that ? Other days, there were only 5 players on all servers ... !!!!!
  9. yes I know that :) but yes, I can deconstruct items but not the blocks
  10. Always the same problem with the ship, I can't deconstruct a block inside my magical barrer (and with a hammer). I can deconstruct items but any blocks :((((((
  11. No don't have this ship in construction mode but I have this problem with others ships
  12. CdriXX

    FR translation / Fine Friendships Update

    @Adam Snellgrove I tagg you for this post too ?
  13. And new logs files after tried to deconstruct now ... sorry for all the messages ? output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  14. I tried again, with objects, it's ok but with blocs, can't deconstruct.
  15. @Adam Snellgrove Hello again here the logs files but don't know exactly it's the logs with this problem... :( output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  16. CdriXX

    FR translation / Fine Friendships Update

    PIECES and not "PYECES"
  17. I have this problem with lot of objects (all with special effects).
  18. CdriXX

    #BoostYlands Initiative

    DAN FIELD (French Youtuber) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18RieOQuuvjWcHADpZqOFQ DR HORSE (FR YOUTUBER) : https://www.youtube.com/user/drhorseetalphama AS2PIK (FR YOUTUBER) : https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMagohamot BILL SILVERLIGHT (FR YOUTUBER) : https://www.youtube.com/user/BillSilverlight SQUEEZIE (FR YOUTUBER) : https://www.youtube.com/user/aMOODIEsqueezie
  19. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #87

  20. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #87

  21. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #87

    Again an update about the editor ... ok it's great ... but for the other players ? No official servers to play, always reset on private servers ?!!!!!?‍♂️Seriously, could you post one or two official servers for the community (and no gold rush servers) ? @Aleš Ulm
  22. CdriXX

    FOR DEV !!! No player is connected !

    And there are no officials servers to play !!!! Other servers are reset all the time (even P1 servers), it's normal than players don't want to play (the same for me!).