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Everything posted by kurgun2018

  1. kurgun2018

    KNOWN ISSUE Eating Bug

    If you go to eat some food, no matter what kind, and you switch to your weapon or other stuff, like shovels or picks, you'll also eat the weapon/shovel/pick. Maybe this is intentional.
  2. kurgun2018

    KNOWN ISSUE Eating Bug

    It happened to me with my map too, i switched over too quickly to the map and lo and behold I ate my map and all the progress the map has on it. Meaning I was in the middle of the ocean with my propeller thing and no idea which way to fly towards land. So I just died at sea and had to almost start over on the closest island to where I had died. Ended up having to make a paper press, a smelter , and a tanning rack to make the map, then a raft and find my home location. What a pain it was. Just because I ate the map. There should be either a way to get the map back, make it indestructible or a way to copy all the areas you traveled already to a new map that you make. It's stupid to have to rediscover areas you already did. Would also be cool to have items that can be bound to you.
  3. kurgun2018

    A day building in Ylands

    I'm in explorer mode and I wanted to try building a building. My question is, if you misplace a block or piece let's say, how do you remove it or erase it, once the timer reaches 0 and you can't pick it up any longer? I tried hitting with the weapon and it never deletes or gets destroyed. Also,. is there any way to get to the roof of your build besides placing temporary tiles in free place mode that you can then use like a ramp?