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Everything posted by Raccoon-d673154438c9b428

  1. Raccoon-d673154438c9b428

    [SUGGESTION] Placementsystem [QoL]

    Hello there! I would suggest to add a function to the current placement system. We already can define the Z-Axis on the placement via Q & Z and i want to get Keybindings for the X-Axis Since a bunch of players want to build realistically you need to build in the Voxel-World which do not have a pattern and the placement cant go into the dirt, because you will always hit the surface, in the Height you can choose the Z Position via Keybinds. My Suggestion Add the function with the Z-Axis for the X-Axis too, so we can easily place blocks, even when they are hidden behind the surface. Makes life easier. best wishes. PS: Should i make a Thread for every suggestion?
  2. Raccoon-d673154438c9b428

    [SUGGESTION] Placementsystem [QoL]

    wow, thanks. Didnt found that in the keybinds. #Thread can be closed.
  3. Raccoon-d673154438c9b428

    [Feedback] 20 Hour Playtime

    Hello there! I'm Samuel and i just want to share my game experience with you. I have a very small playtime (20 Hours) and finally reached the "endgame". The Game is impressiv, its fun and not as buggy as i expected. I'm gonna list my Pro & Contra in very short terms. My english is very bad so, already sorry for that. CONTRA 1. Terraforming is very buggy and not fun. 1.1 Flattening does not work that good atm, tried to make a cellar with Clay Blocks but the Dirt glitches into the cellar and trough the wall and so on. Sure its not that easy to make it work like we would wish to. 1.2 Miningbehavior feels strange, sometimes you "mine" a very big space and afterwards not a single voxel. Maybe a result of desync. 2. Worldgeneration is bad. Without the option to change some generation behaviors this will break my interest very soon. 2.1 I hate "Automatically generated Structures" and the "Loot Boxes" the most. 2.2 I would like to change the Map-Size to A. Unlimited or 40+ Ylands. (Yeah thats a Performance Thingy i know why its "limited".) 2.3 I would like to have the Ore-Patches mostly in the ground and very rare but very rich. (Opinionthingy, thats why i need a custom generation). 3. (Maybe not your Issue) Desync. After 15 Hours Coop i died to "clipping" - "glitching" animals, trough walls and trough tree's. I didnt hit a single hit with the spear yet. Our Current Bandwidth is 1.8Mbits and we sit next to each other. (Sure its still Internet-delay) 4. (Not that big Issue) Useless Cosmetics (Opinionthingy since you focus on both Exploring and Custom Games its fine i think) 5. Crafting Search sucks hard. PRO 1. Very sweet graphic's and good Voxel Generation/Sprites (Example Picture) 1.1 Good Atmospheric design style -> Cave's are really spooky. The Ocean is very "Heavy" as Wooden Rift. 1.2 Animals are fancy too. 1.3 Overall all Items/Workstations are very good. 2. Craftingsystem is really good for a "click-craft" mechanic. 3. Blueprint system with the camera is a great idea. 4. Its fun! 5. Book's with real content are awesome. 6. You could basically do everything you want. 7. Researchsystem is really good. The "Key-Items" helps too. SUGGESTIONS 1. I would like to have more deepth, actually its really good for the start, even as DLC its okay. (With the kiln etc.) 2. Modding Support. Everygame benefits from it. Some games are only still alive because of it. 3. Community Discord, i've read a bunch about you talk about it but that was 2017. It feels much better to talk to a person live than with a great downtime. Sure its much more work for you or you're community manager but as customer its an awesome feature. 4. Backpacks 5. Remake or Improve some Animations, a bunch of it glitches or looks very bad for the situation. Overall its a very good game for an Alpha Stage and i hope i see more great Updates. PS: Your "Not-A-Robot" buggs. Samuel