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Everything posted by XXon

  1. XXon


    I have played this patch for way too long. Many, many hours. Epic scale is good. The islands are Uuuuge and that's great on a horse. The ocean is very large and the boat is slow. I also notice several things. If I want to visit many ylands and raise my score for that, or if I am looking for a level 3 yland, let's say, I always stay at the edge of the map. I go south, on a fresh map and I visit the closest yland, which is close, a straight shot, really easy. I go north, new map, visit one island. Back and forth with new maps. This is Waaaay faster than sailing across the map to maybe/maybe not find another yland. Great job on making clouds look like ylands, you fooled me twice now, plus the weather effects. I really do like being lost at sea and I wish currents would push the boat off course randomly or in a storm get pushed around. It is boring just going straight. Also, sort of related, the bow needs recoil so I must realign for each shot, right now I just hold the mouse still and it always, always hits which is very boring. So. The distances between ylands on each map is too far. The ylands on the edge are too close to the edge. Just move things around a bit, that would help. That way I don't skip map to map, which is lame. I suspect you have twice as much water between interior ylands related to the edge because nobody thought about the surrounding water times two. Just reposition the ylands, the yland size and the ocean size seem fine for now. Also. When I return to my home map I randomly (?) spawn all the way across the map and must sail incredibly long repeated voyages from this spawn point to my base yland. I spent a long time trying to figure out how this operates, if I sail off the map here, where do I end up on the next map. It seems a bit random? It makes it irritating to get home to my base. It makes me build my base on a boat and have no home yland. Even without the random quality it seems to have, it once again encourages me to 1) build my base on an edge yland never the center one, too far. and 2) jump map to map repeatedly without seeing any of them except one yland. I want to spawn near my base everytime. Otherwise, I hover real close. I go a little north, a little west, that's it and I just hop maps.
  2. XXon


    Nice job, round of applause, everyone. If you don't know what I'm talking about, delete all of your explore stuff and start fresh with the full tutorial. I fell in love with this game all over again. Good job.
  3. Game Settings : "Destroyed entities in the world drop items" checkbox. I want to start the game with no item drops, then change that rule. Can I do this? Thanks!
  4. XXon

    Changing game settings mid-game

    Yland 1 is very scripted, Yland 2 is mostly natural, with crafting, etc., so for a while you fight Crabkins and they make a mess of shells and meat all over, so the checkbox on game settings is unchecked, no loot will drop. Later, you fight a regular old game generated bear and it should drop a skin, but the box is unchecked for loot drop. Can I change that mid game. Or, is there another way to just stop the entity template Crabkins from dropping the stuff they always drop?
  5. XXon

    The Mystic Wood

    I am working on a game inspired by The Mystic Wood, an old board game, in which you lay out a grid of 45 map cards, face down. When you enter the new area, you flip over the card and see what is there. Sometimes the new map card has three doorways, sometimes four, maybe you fight a monster or draw a card, etc. As you move around, a map develops and you try to get to the other side first to win. It is a very enjoyable game and I like the simplicity of the map tiles. I made a series of rooms, each the same size,with three doorways all in the same place so they align no matter the rotation. The next room spawns right in front of your amazed eyes as you pass through the doorway into it, just like flipping over the Mystic Wood card. I preplace a grid of thin doorway trigger zones, relying on the rotation of the trigger zone to figure the position of the next room. You go South, the room triggers at a random rotation, but always to the South fifteen blocks. Each door triggers once only. Of course, if you come through the same doorway going North, then spawning to the South doesn't work so well. That sets the stage for my problem. Given the random map, sometimes you can double spawn a room by circling back around and using a door previously passed over and unused. You enter going North and the room you are already standing in respawns under your feet because the trigger direction says spawn to the South, which works if you used the door the first time through, but not when you circle around and use it for the first time. How can I prevent this double spawn? Any thoughts on this? Thanks! P.S. This has been driving me nuts for days.
  6. XXon

    The Mystic Wood

    That worked. Thanks. Now it all works, I just need to put the instructions together. Wish I could cut and paste sections from different scripts together. Feel free to critique. I appreciate your help. The difference in rotation degree is in the final math. Both +, both -, one + one -, one - one+ for 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
  7. XXon

    The Mystic Wood

    I can spawn the logic in the right spot, but I am trying to spin the logic position relative to the center of the map tile. So the map can spawn at any rotation and the trigger zone spawns in the right spot. X+X, Z-Z = 0 map rotation, X-X, Z-Z = 90, etc. How can I set Z and X individually? The water playing field is not a bad idea. Thanks.
  8. XXon

    The Mystic Wood

    I can spawn a map tile by welding it into one entity, but that doesn't transfer any game logic, just the entities. I think I have worked out how to rotate the game logic and spawn it correctly on the map tile. I cannot seem to spawn any water, however. It's not an entity and it's not game logic. Is it possible to spawn water?
  9. XXon

    The Mystic Wood

    I made each randomly chosen room spawn on a reference point. Upon trigger, if the reference point has no label, it spawns the room and adds a label to the reference point. Your way is more graceful, but my lack of skill limits me. Thanks for the correct method.
  10. Ahhhh. A new tab appears under Variables called Global Storage, but only after you place Global Storage. I wasn't expecting that, I missed seeing it. Easy peasy.
  11. I need a global variable. I can't seem to make it happen. Most info is really stale. I can create a variable in global storage, but that doesn't seem to help me. It doesn't show up anywhere else, if I make another with the same name elsewhere there is no link. Any help? Thanks! Each monster you kill gives you XP. The XP needs to add up for the character, encounter to encounter. Higher XP, tougher spawn, better loot, etc. XP is the variable I need.
  12. Empty world, there is no ocean and I can't regenerate ocean, as the tab is greyed out. I added lots of water, but I cannot place a boat, ship or car. The item remains red and will not place. "Not enough space", it says. How can I place a boat? Thanks!
  13. XXon

    How can I add a boat?

    My work around was to make the boat a composition, then I can place it anywhere! Thanks!
  14. XXon

    Bored and Explored?

    Plainly said, drop everything, craft nothing, ever. Explore and find what you need. This results in a cascade of changes and new experiences. A wakeful night cowering inside a frozen plane wreck, eating your limited supply of berries to keep from freezing to death while evil things march around you, trying to just survive until morning, for example. It doesn't mean you have to wipe out your progress, just leave it behind for a while and walk the Earth. It is much more fun that way, if you try it you will be hooked. I don't know if I will ever go back to the "right" way of playing, this is much better. Give it a shot.
  15. I explored, I was bored, so I wandered off in my underwear on a log raft. I must have bumped my head, I guess, because I forgot how to craft. Anything. Couldn't even cook food! I forgot how to plant seeds. The only map I had left was the fast travel screen. I cannot use a pick. Life is much different now. It took a while to stop clicking on everything, but I found what I needed to survive. My bags are light and I have developed a taste for elderberries and raw oysters. In my bright blue neoprene bodysuit and bear hat, under a full moon, with a war axe in my hand, I came upon three heavily armed deserters, two rhinos and three hyenas all guarding two tents. Careful timing and caution at first, but soon fur flew, tents were tattered and many bear berries were eaten on the run. Ah. What have we here... oh. Aha. If you are bored with explore and all built out, give it a try. Worked for me. Coming over the crest of a hill and finding a cabin is pretty exciting. P.S. Died. Back to underwear. Found some pirates. Stole their saber. Killed them with it.
  16. What if you could edit your home island. Maybe not with game logic, but terrain editing and stuff. Flip it on multiplayer, people sail over to race cars on your island or whatever. A reason to visit.
  17. XXon

    Edit your home island

    Other than sightseeing, I don't go to multiplayer to hang around at all because there is no reason to, no advantage, lots of drawbacks. I stop by and I leave if I go at all. But, I really like encountering other players in the wild, randomly. Makes the game feel inhabited. What if all the islands were, by default, multiplayer. You would randomly run into other players, or maybe you even tweak the map generation so odds increase that the map you visit has someone on it. Select a nice island, turn it private it is uninhabited , it won't sink. Pretty much the opposite of what it is.
  18. XXon

    Transporting vehicles in 1.5 explore.

    Built a ship with a garage. Not allowed to build a car on the boat, build mode or not, it glows red no matter how you move it. So, I built a cheap car, put it on the boat. It rocked and rolled around, real bouncy. Since I had the slowest boat ever built, I had lots of free time to mess with it on the way the the zone. You can drive the car around on the boat while the boat is moving, but once you control the car, the sails come down and the ship slows. You can stand on the car and it is fun and you bounce up and down. The car has an inertia to it, like it wants to be left behind. You can feel it move sideways under your feet. After a while I noticed these lines that the boat was leaving behind it, like a wake but too high, out of the water and I stared at it for a while and there were four lines and sometimes they stopped and started again. like black lines floating away from the boat with maybe even tire treads because the were skid marks, of course. The boat was dragging the car along against its will. Finally came the time to zone. I centered the car in its coral. I dropped anchor. All was still. I held my breath and zoned. Nope. The boat was empty. I dove down to the bottom the the ocean. I searched a bit. I saw nothing. Went back home, dejected and despondent. No car anywhere to be found. Gone forever. Makes you think, huh. An alternative might be to arrive with the makings of a cheap car already in hand.
  19. Enter the trigger zone, and your respawn point changes. It works fine every time. Unless you sleep in a bed first. Then, you respawn at the bed always and it will not change anymore. Happens like this on two different trigger zones. Once in bed, always in bed. Any thoughts? In a new map, make 2 spawn points A and B. Put a different marker by each, so you know which is which. A trigger zone with script to swap from A (original spawn) to B, maybe with music, so you know you triggered it. A bed. A monster. Spawn at A. Die. Spawn at A. Trigger the swap. Die. Spawn at B. Sleep in the bed. Die. Spawn at bed. Trigger the swap. Die. Spawn at bed. Spawn at bed forever. Music plays each time, so the trigger is functioning. It just won't change the spawn point anymore. P.S. I came up with a work around for the problem, but it remains broken.
  20. I made a map in editor and I'm test playing it, thinking of ways to cheat. It's just an island where you can craft, but you can't dig. Also, there is no healing plant, you need to heal up back home in bed after a hard day of adventuring. So, if there is a big jump or a tall obstacle, I can place 3 logs and boom I am over it. Is there a way to prevent building/placement? At zero skill level and for the cost of one rope and a few sticks I can make a wicker bed, so I now make 10. Now, I can "bind" my spawn anywhere I want. When I am hurt, I just die and respawn right there with all my stuff and full health. Endless heals. Is there a way to prevent this? Obviously no crafting, but that takes away a lot of good game play.
  21. Playlands equipment pops up if you delete the Player role, so I used your script. Thanks very much it worked!
  22. Testing my scenario: when I die I awake with all my stuff. I want to drop it, or at least some of it. Can I change this? I can't find how. Thanks.
  23. XXon

    Game design questions

    Whoa. That's awesome. Worked like a charm and was really easy. Thank you very much!
  24. That looks too hard for me to figure out the "dropping all your crap" part. I thought maybe there was a checkbox on a game settings menu to cut it on or off. Thanks. PS. I'm assuming you meant to script the part where you drop stuff. I didn't see another way.
  25. Same script, different NPC? Random loot drops from an NPC is the goal. The only way I could get it to work is to place scripting under the NPC itself. That is, entity template, then select the picture of the chosen NPC there and do the scripting under that. It's a complicated script (for me) with lots of parts. Now I want to use a different NPC, but everything else stays the same (maybe different loot drops). I must start scripting all over every time? Is there a better way to do this or a better place to locate the script so I can just use another NPC easily? Same script, different map? I am experimenting with scripting on a random editor map, but that is not the map I want to use. Can I transfer all of these scripts to another map? Perhaps a composition? I saw the "Follower" composition on the downloads. How is this possible. I thought one could only use the blueprint camera on Explore maps? (No game logic possible in Explore map). I would like to be able to copy all of the scripts, plop them down on the beach on a new map and then distribute them around the new map, quickly making a different game. The goal is to make a rogue-like game that is endlessly replayable and different each time on a full archipeligo map with random spawn points, quests, loot, etc. (My vision of what the gameplay on the actual Explore game ought to be). Ideally, loot drops, quests, skill trainers and NPC difficulty would change according to the players "level". Inspired by the dungeon mode of early access "Gedonia", which I recommend.