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Ylands QA
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Everything posted by Chocho-bis

  1. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Camera movement on mobile

    Since 1.8 we have implemented feature which should assign closest valid refresh rate which fixed this issue on 90%, sadly sometimes problem is blocked from android side but should be always changeable in mobile settings.
  2. Tenhle konkrétní problém byl způsobený špatným uložením stavu lodi, to už je fixlý od verze 1.8. Ve hře je stále existuje možnost, že některý obvody mimo loď se nenačtou správně což by mělo být opravený ve 2.4.
  3. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-29672] Issues with social menu

    Issue was fixed in 1.7 partially, there are repeatedly problems with backend side with this and since we changed some routes and storage places for several times it was not fixed completely yet, should be fine in 2.4.
  4. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-32039] Sea RE problem

    Carpets were tweaked in 2.0, Mentioned sea RE will never be "fixed" since runes appeared often under terrain so we leave them vertical.
  5. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-32038] Wooden Gate (1.7 beta)

    Was fixed in 1.7
  6. This should be fine since 2.0, you can still experience the problem in some older maps since some terrain information is hardcoded into map and cannot be changed retrospectively. Also it is now heavily depending on details so on low you will not se them on high you will (also remember that if you are messing up with visual options you have to head to the warning and go to main menu and back to see changes properly).
  7. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-31150] Raw fish dissapearing

    This particular problem was caused by bug in inventory UI, was fixed in 1.10.
  8. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-30853] Bed construction glitch on ship

    Issue was fixed in 1.8.
  9. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-30964] Some items won't harden

    Problems was with settings of some items from random encounters, since 1.11 it should be globally fixed (for any new encounters that is, if any player has still harden items from older encounters it must be removed manually by developer).
  10. There were a lot of causes of this most of them were safety measures which should apply in corner-cases but they applied in any form of ungraceful disconnect from server, there were bundles of fixes every update from 1.6 to 2.0, now it should appear only in the critical cases, there should be proper message which will also tell you date of unlock (it is locked only for two minutes).
  11. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Low FPS when using Ships

    Issue was tweaked as much as it could be in 1.10 and 2.0, mentioned ships should be fine in SP, a bit consuming in MP, there is limit what can be done here so basically one ship with 8000+ blocks will make area around it almost unplayable.
  12. Cannot be sure due to absence of log, but similar issue with desynchronization was fixed in 1.9.
  13. Issue was fixed in 1.10.
  14. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-24732] Ostrich walking sideways

    Issue was fixed in 1.11
  15. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-28592] Ship helm not moving

    Issue was fixed in 1.9.
  16. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-29887] My horse is gone

    Issue was mitigated a lot, also players can now have companions which cannot be lost. Problem can still happen in corner cases where animals are put into modified terrain (holes made by players) which is reported separately.
  17. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED My game feels like 30 fps

    This was completely fixed in 2.1, camera had to be completely redone so it could be interpolated for it to be able to move faster then 40 FPS. Should be fine for almost two years now.
  18. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-29964] Clay pot on ships bug

    issue was fixed in 1.8
  19. This was fixed continuously, map generator is changed every update. So basically every new update had many fixed and many new problems. Mentioned one should be fine since 1.7.
  20. Player was disconnected from steam for several minutes and game tried to synchronize some stuff which in the end caused a huge desynchronization, the problem from our side was fixed in 1.8 but in some corner cases problems still can happen if connection is so unresponsive.
  21. Data of ship could get corrupted in some corner cases (mostly due to faulty steam/internet connection), there are several counter measures since 1.7 and 1.8 so it should no longer happen.
  22. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED {Bug} Prop pack color

    Issue was fixed in 1.10
  23. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-30017] Trading Bugs

    Issue was fixed in 1.8