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About SibSib

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  1. SibSib

    Clay veins?

    It almost looks like a flint vein.
  2. SibSib

    Friday night event! -

    Can I add a canon to my boat?
  3. The update helped fix the freezing problems on the multiplayer maps, but I've noticed there are some glitches happening. When I try to open my map, it won't let me. I quit to the main menu to relog the scenario and that's when my map briefly opens up before I appear back at the main menu. Also, some of the items in your inventory won't disappear. I can physically see the item get dropped on the ground next to me, but it's still showing up in my...
  4. SibSib

    RESOLVED Horse Glitch

    Tried restarting it, but it freezing once the map attempts to appear.
  5. A friend and I were playing on a multiplayer and invested about 3-4 days into our map. When another friend joined the map the game froze and now it keeps freezing when we try and reload the map. Anyone else experience this issue and any help on fixing this?
  6. Was on a multiplayer with a friend and was riding back to our boat with my tamed horse. All of a sudden my horse back stepped and pushed me in the water and I couldn't stop. I tried to relog on the game and it keeps showing "Not Responding" now. Any help on this please?