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  1. OHNNI

    Did you remove some /cmd ?

    Yes maybe , i can do that , thks for the reply
  2. Hello guys , first congratz on the steam release ! I will play this game again tonight on stream , for some entertaining reasons i want to show my people the possibilty of your game. For this i need to give myself some items, but it feels like the "/additem" commands has been removed ?
  3. OHNNI

    Reveal whole map

    Hello , maybe an option to increase the rendering distance ? We have to be pretty close to island to be abble to see them.
  4. So i was playing yesterday with my GF and we discover a major bug , at first it was annoying but ..... So we have two ships , we decide to explore , so we took one of the ship and go to the nearest island we can find. Explore etc etc etc , and we go back to the ship BUT , once i click on the ladder i got teleport on THE OTHER SHIP at the main island ! So i decide to try again , i click on the ladder and nothing happen , then i click on the other ladder cause ships...
  5. OHNNI

    About the speed of ship

    What do you mean by weight ? excepting mast and chest what can i add on ship ? Oo
  6. OHNNI

    RESOLVED Fell through the map

    Hum , some NEWS , after i respawn after that bug , i continue playing , then i leat , i come back , and the save is corrupted i can only go back at the moment i die.... Can you help me ? I lost every cool stuff i made during the last 3 hours.
  7. OHNNI

    RESOLVED Fell through the map

    If you type unstuck , you have 3 options , wich one did you choose ?
  8. Hello ! Is there any things we can do to make the ship goes faster ? Except adding more mast ?
  9. OHNNI

    RESOLVED Fell through the map

    I know , but since we are in multiplayer we can't sleep and make the cotton grow faster , its like 3 game day of cotton gone !
  10. OHNNI


    holy ty ! I can make glass phere atm , just unlock the propeller pack , so it's time to have fun !
  11. OHNNI


    Still don't know how to craft ylandium generator ><
  12. OHNNI

    RESOLVED Fell through the map

    That cost a lot of coton to make some tissue thats the only thing a bit ennoying
  13. OHNNI

    RESOLVED Fell through the map

    I lost all my armor cloth map and mining helmet , but i got the rest
  14. OHNNI

    RESOLVED Fell through the map

    This is weird , i die when i try to load the save , Click on respawn , got everything on me , except my cloths ; but i didnt loose anything