Every time I start the game now it says "Fatal Login Error" "Unable to Complete Backend Request" I can get in after restarting but the first time I always get this error.
Alt-tabbing only unfreezes you. No matter how far from the object I get, it freezes. This has only happened to me on large objects like street lamps and a charging station.
No matter how much I play and get to know the game, it's very hard to decide which item I want to craft from the crafting menu. That's because the only information the crafting menu gives you is what it looks like and how many it crafts. The problem is that it's hard to tell the difference between each item in the crafting menu.
I'm sure you can come up with better ideas but here are some ideas that I have:
- You could be able to click on each building block (before you craft it) and spin it to see exactly what it looks like
- From the crafting menu, it would help if there were an indicator on each block to show if you've got any in your inventory. Maybe it shows the count in your inventory?
- It would also be helpful to show the size of each item before you craft it.
- From your inventory you should be able to click on a building block and there could be a "Craft More" button so you don't even have to go to the crafting screen
When using a spade you can see what area is going to be affected by it as there's a green grid that appears. But when using the mining tool the area affected is a mystery. Can you add in a similar green grid?