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Bob Salvador

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Everything posted by Bob Salvador

  1. Bob Salvador

    SPA_LIFE_V1.5 (Exploracion)

    Great Job!!!
  2. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #127 - New Terraforming Improvements

    @Miguel Preguisa Yeah tools like that ❤️ thinks for your illustrations. Love the idea of a smashing shovel !!!
  3. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #127 - New Terraforming Improvements

    Hello, is it possible to have a new tool in exploration that can flat and another that can Smooth the terrain ? Because with the terraformer gun players can add ressources and it's not a survival if you can have all ressource on your islands.
  4. Bob Salvador

    Mini medieval city

    Hello, just two screen of my "mini city" project. Not to much to say about. ? if you want to see the all prosses tell me, I have ton of screnshots
  5. Bob Salvador

    ship stuff by zarwil

    O.O Love it!! great job again !
  6. Bob Salvador

    Mini medieval city

    @belrathius water is marble bloc paint in blue for flat surfaces and the waterfall is made in shell. And yes I can invite you in game My in game name is Emmettbrown
  7. Bob Salvador

    Can you move from scenario to scenario?

    I'm interesed to learn if it's possible too.
  8. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #123 - Easter Fun

    Yeah 1 ticket ❤️ thx
  9. Bob Salvador

    Kids learning

    Hello @jchob, I'm a children animator and I use Ylands in my recreation center to bring fun for some "geeks teenagers" and to start I use the basic tuto of @Adam Snellgrove, it's a good way to enter in the editor. After that we try to creat our own creations and animated some little things like custom doors etc.. All 14 vidéos are in this playlist .
  10. Bob Salvador

    Update 1.2: Astonishing Adventures

    Thx for this update, you are on the good road with all of the new adition, thx for all the new assets and new editor ❤️
  11. Bob Salvador

    1.2: Astonishing Adventures

    @Horemvore you play with words, How can you complain like that when you see what all this update bring to the table .... Sad that you are "disappointed" for this tiny small detail ....
  12. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #118 - New Audio in 1.2.

    HO new chest ? in the first picture?
  13. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #118 - New Audio in 1.2.

    Great , the 1.2 promise a lot of new stuff ;D
  14. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #117

    It's look like there is a new terraformation system too, no ? the hole of the cave is clean comparing to actual caves. Am I crazy ?
  15. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #117

  16. The new bloc has a slight shift, Is it a feature ?
  17. Bob Salvador

    Interview Ynterview #17 - Naru

    wow love the map that creat bloc after bloc, look realy nice.
  18. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #111

  19. Bob Salvador

    Interview Ynterview #16 - Xeniya

    Hey Xeniya, nice to read your intervew: ". Waterfalls would be really awesome.  " hooooo yeeeaaah.
  20. Bob Salvador

    ship stuff by zarwil

    Insane work ;D love it ❤️ GG
  21. Bob Salvador

    Mini medieval city

    I'm in bad position, My graphic card is dead, I'v send it to return, I can't play before I receive the new one, tell me your in game name I'll invite you to my friend list and let you join when you're ready to go
  22. Bob Salvador

    Traduction des Vidéos de tuto

    Salut a toi, malheureusement la communauté française sur Ylands n'est pas très tourné traduction, cependant les vidéos de @Adam Snellgrove sont très très bien faite et simple a comprendre. Si tu ne comprends toujours pas, envoie moi message privé , je te donnerais mon discord pour t'expliquer les fonctions de base de l'éditeur qui te permettrons de ne pas utiliser de tuto par la suite. C'est enfantins une fois que l'on a les bonnes bases.
  23. Bob Salvador

    Dev Diary #110

    I'm working on "creat your favorite book location" but it will take 1year to finish the project.(the first attempts date from 1month :/) I'm not complaining but I will not have the pet for sure?, good luck all .?
  24. Bob Salvador

    Mini medieval city

    Yes you can share I can add more
  25. Bob Salvador

    Mini medieval city

    Thx all for your feedback, I had a project to do a little Rts strategy, but scripting is not done for my brain. : p. realy hard start from nothing ?