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Everything posted by Chasepai_is_the_Pai

  1. Chasepai_is_the_Pai

    #BoostYlands Initiative

    I am with #boostylands!
  2. Chasepai_is_the_Pai

    P1's Monthly Game Jam for Ylands -- 1000 USD prize (shares)

    Progress update: I have finished my creation of the walls map. It has 4 quadrants with an area in the middle with better loot. The quadrants have basic things for tools, such as flax stone grass and trees. Better tools will be obtained from the center. Eruon will be coding and will have the next update from our group -Chasepai
  3. Yes I have had 3 run ins with this issue. It occurs when I die, then do not click respawn or,main menu, and I get disconnected. This cause my char to reset and I lose control over the pb sorry for late response. I have school