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RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

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Everything posted by RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

  1. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    As you have requested it, I will take down the personal conversation when I’m on PC. For years now a lot of people have been really excited about the potential of the exploration part of the game. The original trailer caused us to fall in love with what this game could be. The game was fundamentally amazing but the servers were broken and we were assured for years to just hang in there as they fixed it and they’re going to launch right away in 2018. In another part of that conversation you talked about launching in 2018 because they were pretty much feature complete and just wrapping it up. However you added so many things over those two years and took so long to address the one major problem which was servers. I think you really failed to recognize how much exploration was something that incredibly touched the community. Rather than doubling down on that you removed that trailer And shifted this game to something almost totally different. At the same time when you make promises about enabling creators to monetize with everything in your power if we would only stick around — I sacrificially did that for two years, keeping the creator community together and encouraging them and asking them to stick with it. In this conversation you mentioned that you really don’t want to lose creators like us. Then when we ask for help to keep the creators engaged and together your email response is basically like if we lose the creators, it’s no big deal. Then I see that rather than putting this creator community to use you just decided to ignore them and make your own mini games to feature on the homepage. We feel totally cut out and like we waited two years only to not see the promises made fulfilled. Moreover, the issue with the Coyns was not addressed. By doubling the price of servers you halved the value of our work that we worked to pile up. One way to fix this problem would’ve been to increase the amount of Coyns as a percentage of what we have. Such an action would balance out the loss. The thing is that the whole Coyns thing is reminiscent of what I’ve seen other companies do. Without a fixed value set to Coyns before we earn them, they should not be touted as a way for creators to earn money as a small change in the exchange rate can make a huge difference.
  2. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Canal through my yland

    You can’t fix this atm
  3. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    0.15.1: Ylands Yncoming (Ylands 1.0 Release Candidate) (28/11/2019)

    Good to hear, yes a lot of people are struggling
  4. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Interview Ynterview #13 - Adam

    We were about to fine you 10,000 Coyns for lack of a picture but you’re going to get away with it this time
  5. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    How to get Ylands 1.0 beta

    Ok but that creator can make a game based on explore maps that non explore owners can enjoy?
  6. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Interview Ynterview #12 - Anne

    I’m a big fan of the pet animations! Thank you so much!
  7. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    RESOLVED Sharegame Backend Request Error (400)

    We have reports that it’s been fixed
  8. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    RESOLVED [YLD-19338] Show bubble is bad for long convos

    @Adam Snellgrove this is not so much a bug as a very poorly designed feature because the bubble length is much too long. When you have an npc say lots of text the bubble comes over the next bubble and comes over the next one. The key here is to make it that bubbles are like the set text command where the content of the bubble is replaced
  9. This is well building in editor on pc
  10. The same goes for hunger however, it has no impact at all
  11. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    What’s new at P1!

    Right now we are making some interesting stuff for people to find on our servers:
  12. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    What’s new at P1!

    Niwa essence just finished his ?
  13. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    What’s new at P1!

  14. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-20141] Feature or bug?

    It would be awesome if we could Keep it a feature. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to Ocean based games. Moreover your front page art shows somebody attacking a shark with A spear in the water which is not possible if you remove this
  15. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    P1 City Roleplay Project

  16. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    What’s new at P1!

  17. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    P1 City Roleplay Project

  18. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    What’s new at P1!

    @kirkou made This house recently
  19. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    What’s new at P1!

    Right now we’re working on Tencents brand new house building competition and here’s some of the progress we have so far:
  20. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Daily Screenshot Thread

  21. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    P1 City Roleplay Project

  22. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Dedicated Server FAQ

    @Adam Snellgrove any news on servers ?
  23. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    P1 City Roleplay Project

  24. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Players on Playlands?

    That’s a very interesting idea
  25. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    New server: Tutorial for new players!

    I should probably do a new version of the map soon ?