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RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

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Everything posted by RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

  1. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    New server: Tutorial for new players!

    Really, it was actually those big stone statues That ask you to light the fire.
  2. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    A tutorial for mobile users :D

  3. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Contest Screenshot Contest Week 6 Winner

    Have you been working on a secret project @Fompster?
  4. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Dev Diary #100

    This solves my most pressing concern for the future of this game as a PC game. At some point I realize that when people paid for the game and then saw the micro transactions they wouldn’t stand for it. I would have done it the other way around where people unlocked the free-to-play part of things as a free DLC in a paid game. I think you were on to something massive with explore itself And it would’ve been a great starting experience for all those who later move on to playing the mini games. However, this idea that you have will bring a lot more players because there will be no pay-gate. I do have a question though, won’t new players be able to join the custom explore servers? Also, I know a lot of people who have a PC who cannot play ylands because they don’t have a graphics card. Is there going to be an option for them? The advantage of many free to play games I know is that they can be played on any device. I was thinking that a scaled down version like the mobile version of the game could be made available?
  5. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Contest Building Contest #1 - Winners

    Ya it’s very cool
  6. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    We released a new game!

  7. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Contest Mobile Game Creation Drive

    Does this contest have a time limit. Also do we have to produce like really high-quality games like the golf game or can we just produce little tiny assets.
  8. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Contest Screenshot Contest + Guidelines

    Again that’s what I like about your approach your really open to our feedback and tolorate our back seating ?
  9. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Contest Screenshot Contest + Guidelines

    He he I probably shouldn’t tell you how to do your job . Just ignore my advice if it’s not relevant
  10. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Suggestion: Custom music and sounds in user created game-modes

    Wouldn’t this be impossible because you have to download all these assets before you are able to play the game. Moreover some of these music assets could be copyright.
  11. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Ylands Clan List

    Thanks Adam ?
  12. RedEagle - P1Gaming.net

    Contest Screenshot Contest + Guidelines

    @Adam Snellgrove You might want to unpin this one as it’s over :)