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Posts posted by TomasGestinger

  1. Hey, sounds like a good plan with lots of good questions, I could help you figure out a lot of stuff especially in the beginning and I'm sure lots of other people will be willing to answer your questions here. If you want more help on specific problems, you can message me here on the forums or on Discord.

    I agree that making two games would be better, the dungeon crawl can be smaller and laser tag for more people. You can set player count when you're creating a map and in settings if you want the game to be for a specific number of people. You can set any entity as not interactable and not pickable in object properties so people can't mess with them and you can change environmental simulation in settings so people don't freeze to death. And as the last thing for now, you can set starting equipment in Player Role logics.

    I'll look into what you already said a bit more and we can talk about it later.?

  2. Hello, Ylanders!

    As we talked about in Dev Diary #114, the Workshop is being worked on intensively right now and as a first step, we introduced new rules for content submission. These rules go as follows:

    • No offensive content, language or imagery - Do not post any information in the game or in connection with the game that contains nudity, excessive violence, abuse, harassment, or offensive subject matter or that contains a link to such content.


    • All submissions have to include a relevant thumbnail and a description - Provide basic and accurate information about your creation and add a relevant thumbnail, preferably a screenshot of your creation.


    • Correctly tag and categorize your creations – Use tags that accurately represent your creation only, do not mislead people on purpose


    • Do not use other people’s or copyrighted content - Your content must not infringe anyone's copyrights or author rights, it must not be offensive to people or illegal in any other way.


    • Write in English - Descriptions, and titles have to have an English version


    • Do not abuse the reporting system – Do not report creations unless they break the rules written above or have other significant technical problems

    These rules are being implemented and we already finished our first review of the Workshop. Many submissions have been taken down because they violated our rules or had severe technical issues, but no creations were deleted. We only block submissions so they don't show up to the public, but they can always be put back up if the creator fixes issues their creations have. If any of your creations disappeared after the review and you want to know why or you'd like to put them back up, please reach out to me here, on Discord, or send me an email at tomas.gestinger@bistudio.com.

    Moderation of the Workshop is going to keep progressing and the review process is not finished yet so if you have any feedback, please let us know.

    Stay classy!

  3. On 2/24/2020 at 6:16 PM, Oswulf Leowalding said:

    I was an early access backer. Exploration is pretty vital in my opinion. I like that the game has in-built flexibility with the editor (to create whole mod-like sub-systems and events.) but I see this as a means to enhance and chisel the exploration experience for a particular game/server.

    I look forward to the Exploration updates mentioned: 
    * Expandable maps. (Great! I hope that with this comes slightly larger landmasses with smaller satellite masses around them. If the distance between Ylands could be significantly increased, then it would be perfect.)
    * Water Physics. (Excellent. This caught me by surprise when someone on my game dug the edge of the starter Yland and it caused a trippy underwater tunnel.)

    Could I also suggest the following too:
    * Add functionality to the screwdriver to toggle the "pickable" property of free-placed items. (With one-way setting for the Building Blocks - ie; make non-pickable.)
    * Add game options to disallow Barriers & Propeller Packs (Maybe block-owners could "unfix" their building blocks, and blocks could have a lot more health with ways of reinforcing them, instead, maybe? (especially doors.)) - I feel that Propeller packs are too OP right now. You can get one pretty quick in an exploration game and they very quickly remove a lot of difficulty. I would like to disable them; but if not - then making them slower and requiring charge at the very least would be nice. 
    * More drinks! (Coffee, beer, wine etc..) :D 
    * Capped collection backups (A rolling set of n backups for a game.)

    Some more far-reaching ideas:
    * Rope mechanics. (Tether things together - small boats to a dock, a horse to a post, a small boat to a larger boat) 
    * Hot-Editor (Access to an instance of the Editor while playing for Characters with a Role assigned - I understand this would need to be limited to certain editor features, but being able to lock things down / move things / change entity properties on the fly would be a great addition. Currently I have to quit and create a new editor instance, then open my game file from there, then re-join my new game.)

    Thank you for the support and feedback, I'll make sure all of it gets to the right people. The editor functions would be pretty awesome to have so I'll see how difficult it would be to implement.?  And I agree with coffee, we need that energy for fighting those mutants.?

    • Like 1

  4. Hey, if you already uploaded your file to the Workshop, you should be able to find it in All Games in-game. I can check it if you give me the name of your creation.? You can also export your creations locally in the Editor and play them without uploading them to the Workshop if you want to play singleplayer only. Just open chat in the Editor and use the command /exportlocal and after that go to All Games, My Local Games and you should see your game there.?

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, bojo2736 said:

    As an FYI, I have been uploading content lately, and the process is clunky.

    It requires me to put in two images. Often, the screenshots are too big. So I end up having to pull those images into my photo editing software, to crop and reduce the file size.  It's really a pain in the backside.

    Another weird thing is the description. It does not allow me to put the description in during the upload process.  Apparently the description MUST be put into the file in editor when you are saving it for the workshop.

    Saving it for the workshop isn't at all intuitive.

    Some suggestions: Allow for the taking of thumbnails as opposed to full blown screencaps. It shouldn't require third party software to meet your upload standards. 

    Allow for adding the description inside the upload process.  

    Why do we need TWO images? Sometimes I have them. Other times I just have to upload the same one twice. A waste of time and bandwidth.

    Thanks for the feedback, you're right and these are exactly the issues we're working on. The Workshop is going through much-needed development right now and all of your suggestions are greatly appreciated. Did you encounter any browser-related issues recently by any chance?

    • Upvote 1

  6. 51 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    I'm quite concerned about the brand new updates you're bringing to the workshop because right now the workshop has to be used in a very specific way to run a server.
    Protects its Creations require that you first upload you're content to the workshop and then load it onto your server. 

    This means each time we want to make a change to our server we have to upload a brand new version to the workshop test it to see if it works and then deploy it on a live server once ready. 

    Each server will have three or four versions at any given time up on the workshop which have no value to anyone but the server creator. 

    These versions are specifically there for testing or to roll back to in case something goes wrong.
    I really feel that the functionality of the workshop should be addressed before the implementation of the rules because it interferes with our ability to run servers. 
    However how the workshop works right now contributes to the low quality of the content on it. My idea is that server owner could be given a different way to upload protected Creations to their servers so that they don't make a mess of the workshop

    I understand your concerns and we know about these issues. The rules don't mean we'll delete everything right away and we're aware of what creators have to go through with the current version of the Workshop so you don't have to worry about losing everything as long as you describe your uploads well. The Workshop is going to go through changes in the future and even though it would be ideal to do everything at once, it isn't possible. We want to implement the rules now to make sure the community can use the current version effectively, quality creations are protected and everything is healthy in general. If you'll have any problems with how we move forward with the rules, you can always let us know.?

  7. Hey there, Ylanders!

    Update 1.1 has successfully released and we’re busy at work with not only more game improvements but also changes to the Workshop. As you know, Ylands has evolved fast over the last couple of months and we want to make sure that the Workshop is a safe place to share your creations and experience what other Ylanders made for you so we’re introducing new rules for content submission. These rules serve as a way to both give more information on how to create appealing and safe content and as a clear guide on what we won’t allow on the site from now on.


    Rules for content submission

    • No offensive content, language or imagery - Do not post any information in the game or in connection with the game that contains nudity, excessive violence, abuse, harassment, or offensive subject matter or that contains a link to such content.


    • All submissions have to include a relevant thumbnail and a description - Provide basic and accurate information about your creation and add a relevant thumbnail, preferably a screenshot of your creation.


    • Correctly tag and categorize your creations – Use tags that accurately represent your creation only, do not mislead people on purpose


    • Do not use other people’s or copyrighted content - Your content must not infringe anyone's copyrights or author rights, it must not be offensive to people or illegal in any other way.


    • Write in English - Descriptions, and titles have to have an English version


    • Do not abuse the reporting system – Do not report creations unless they break the rules written above or have other significant technical problems

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules you can always contact me here, on Discord, or send me an email at tomas.gestinger@bistudio.com.

    Together with introducing new rules, we’re going to do a “review” of the Workshop and check for any submissions that don’t follow the rules or don’t work for technical reasons. There are many old games that don’t work with the current version of Ylands and in order to promote quality content, we need to take them down as well. This review will happen over the next two weeks so make sure all of your creations are up to date and don’t violate the rules before February 17th.

    If you have an old game, you'd like to preserve and fix, contact us and we'll be glad to help.

    And so, until next time,

    stay classy Ylanders. 



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  8. That's a really cool and elegant idea, I'll send it to the designers. I think it should be fairly easy to do and it would be a lot of fun to play around with, thanks for the idea!? I can already see how it could work in different games.

    • Thanks 1

  9. I talked about this with Aleš, we're definitely going to look into it more and it shouldn't be a problem to add seeding options to exploration. Seeds are a native function so the only real issue with implementing their usage in more places is time and that's why it's only available in Sandbox now. There should be more time to work on improvements like this now so thanks for the feedback, it's very useful for me to know about these "smaller" issues that could improve the game in a major way. Keep them coming!

    • Thanks 1

  10. On 12/13/2019 at 8:18 PM, Play3r_01 said:


    First and foremost, I really enjoy the game thus far. and find the mechanics are very easy to understand. My only confusion is whether or not water is able to be add/placed in Editor mode?

    If so, how? If not, is this a possibility to be added?

    Hello to you too! Editing water is not possible as of now, it requires more work to function properly but we definitely want to make it possible in the future so stay tuned!
