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Everything posted by furrwizzer

  1. During a DS game, we were using the trade window. There were too many items for how many open slots for the receiving player. Trade was started, but gave fail message. Trade window was closed, player went to clear inventory space. Player who was trying to send items did not receive items back after the close. Attempted to reopen trade window and nothing there so all items were lost.
  2. furrwizzer

    DS - Trade fail, lost items

    log_clean.txt I think this should be the one from my side. I canceled the trade after the fail to clear the inventory space.
  3. When launching a multiplayer game, the password to the server is displayed is in plain text. Can that be made to be ***** to add security to the servers? When streaming and you have to exit / re-enter a server the password is being displayed for all viewers to see.
  4. furrwizzer

    Ylands codes giveaway winners!

    A little late, but CONGRATS and welcome to the new-to-be players!
  5. Both on the standalone and on the steam version I keep having what I call shark problems. Not only do they get stuck on my boat (great when I can use them as a make shift compass) but I've found a few on land now.
  6. Since switching over the Steam edition, I've noticed a layering problem using the map. The Center and Close button are behind the discovered portion of the map, and become unreadable / usable when they go behind the blue or islands. Screen shot showing a partial included
  7. furrwizzer

    Anyone else with a shark problem?

    Had one hitchhiker yesterday, but he came loose a minute later. @eriiugam The sharks know where you are, They seem to be drawn to the smell of pixel people.
  8. furrwizzer

    Anyone else with a shark problem?

    Yes, thank you for anything you can do to deal with this. I'm currently looking for a source of "Bat Shark Repellent" but the last can was seen in 1966.
  9. furrwizzer


    Some people pay to have a pool full of sharks. But they also want lasers strapped to the sharks heads.
  10. furrwizzer


    Sweet! I need to really work on my boat after I kill my shark infestation. Or make a 2nd one.
  11. furrwizzer

    Anyone else with a shark problem?

    First sharks, now the bears are attacking out of their elements. What next.. Air bombing Hyenas? Carnivorous Horses? These stories and more can be read at the Ylands Yakker, on sale now.
  12. furrwizzer

    Anyone else with a shark problem?

    and on land
  13. furrwizzer

    compass suggestion

    I've been using sharks that get stuck on my boat. Unfortunately that has now stopped working that I have 3 sharks in different placement. They quit turning to point south. <grin>
  14. furrwizzer

    Dev Diary #14

    Great to hear that your baby is growing up. Steam will definitely add to the player base. I know I've had at least one person tell me they are planning on buying it soon, and one that was hoping for a Linux compatible version. I'll keep streaming and hope you do as well...