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Coco Doce

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About Coco Doce

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  1. Coco Doce

    how do I create my own blueprints?

    I didn't know you couldn't do this on a sandbox map, I thought it worked like space engineers, but thanks anyway
  2. I have a construction, which I made in sandbox mode but I want to create a blueprint of it to build in exploration mode, but I'm not able to create a blueprint of the construction, how do I create a blueprint?
  3. Coco Doce

    Aerial Vehicles

    I'm sorry I didn't see the answer, nice to know that this is a plan my friends are more and more excited about the game updates.
  4. Coco Doce

    Aerial Vehicles

    What do you think of adding medium and small planes, balloons or zeppelins with places to put things like the creation and modification system of the other vehicles of the game in the exploration mode? It would also be really cool to be able to carry wooden boxes, chests and barrels in your hand even after they are placed on the floor. The addition of new door types would also be cool for the game. And the addition of submarines, and more shipwrecks, more vehicle chassis and new cabinets for vehicles, more vehicles in the game in general, adding rails would also be very good for the game. The game is also very empty and with few islands for a very large map.