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Everything posted by spiritchaser28

  1. spiritchaser28

    Vicinity Looting/Picking

    I use an auto clicker. All I do is hit f10 and it picks up everything in my vicinity. (I can change the hotkey to auto click) It runs smoothly alongside ylands and is a lot easier on my fingers.
  2. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #156 - New Assets in Update 1.5

    Also @zarwil I know if they don't give that option soon, you will still be able to open old style explore maps to make the blueprints.....but I think your way is better.
  3. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #156 - New Assets in Update 1.5

    I have to agree with @zarwil. I know the only way currently to use the blueprint camera is to own exploration DLC, however it would be easier to save the blueprint from the editor. Currently to make a blueprint from a composition it involves too many steps of opening exploration to use your blueprint camera after you have imported the composition from editor....thats a lot of opening and closing editor and explore just to make a blueprint. It's time consuming and a bit of a hassle. I'm not saying do away with the camera, but just make it an option for people that own exploration to make the blueprint directly from editor. If they don't own exploration then it shouldn't be an option. Seems like an easy enough fix.
  4. spiritchaser28

    can anyone change my nickname.

    Yes. He does not recognize it....but the answer is yes....people are tired of being pinged by him. Nobody wants to pick up the phone every 5 minutes just to see a message that says "OK"....it's annoying as all get out...the harm you ask about is simply...it harms people when you annoy them....He has apologized, so I have hope....but I give up on Bohemia.
  5. I started playing Ylands almost a year ago....i have a love/hate relationship with the game like many of you. There is soooo much to love about this game, but there is also so many things to hate about it. It is my hope that by posting this thread, somebody.....ANYBODY.....at Bohemia might take notice. Bohemia makes great games....but their lack of enthusiasm at one of their greatest games disheartens me......however I have hope....and love for this community. I keep getting encouraged at the updates to the game...and am especially encouraged by the return of @Aleš Ulm as a developer....there is so much more that is needed however....exploration needs fixing, and it's great you folks at bohemia realize that simple fact...but how much more can we expect? With Unity at it's current state of buggery...I do not expect much. I won't make a long list of glitches...that is to be expected with Unity's failure to address anything that is pertinent to their shortcomings. My only suggestion to that glitch is to do away with Unity and find a better engine....and better support...maybe that will take time...but time is on the side of every dreamer. That being said, here is what I love and hate about the game....will I stop playing? probably not.....unless they make it impossible for computers...(stop making it universal...we get it Mobile phones make money, but to make a GREAT game...skip the idea of phones......anyhow).... I have suggestions...and I am sure many of you will agree with these. Editor suggestion number 1....The game parameter scripts are fantastic....but you have forgotten the basics.....how many islands, amount of resources, types of resources available, mountains, deep oceans.....you give the editors options to make games, but forget how to allow them to adjust the size of the game as a whole....that is a fault of Unity however....again....try a different engine. Server speed....you did a good thing with going with Nitrado....however...Unity engines combined with Nitrado in it's current state is not feasible....this could be an awesome multiplayer game... Chat in game....oh my god fix this crap....we liked tabs to chat with clans/friends/whisper.....we love the idea of seeing missed messages, but seriously..this whole thing is broken now. Nobody likes the idea of typing a message 4 times because it keeps timing out before you are done typing and redirects the message to somebody else...seriously wtf?? Alright that is my list of things I hate....here is what I love... So many artists..it is fantastic to see an entire community come together with love and support for an artist's creation...whether it be a game, a simple composition, etc....and that's the list of things I love.....one thing....but it is an amazing thing.
  6. spiritchaser28

    can anyone change my nickname.

    @empeorgame3 I have given you a chance...more chances than anybody. I didn't mind your multiple name changes, your annoying habits of changing your name and trying to infiltrate communities that create things.....but now I have to draw the line. I asked you kindly to have some manners, and I was indeed hopeful when you apologized to everyone in the YLANDS community...but it only took you 3 days to fall back into your terrible habits. It is time @Adam Snellgrove to ban this person forever.
  7. spiritchaser28

    can anyone change my nickname.

    There is no such thing as "Cybercell protection codes"
  8. spiritchaser28

    can anyone change my nickname.

    @Adam Snellgrove Maybe it's time to ban IP Addresses.....
  9. spiritchaser28

    can anyone change my nickname.

    I give up...I tried to teach him manners...thought maybe he learned his lesson....it failed. Some people have none.
  10. spiritchaser28

    Apologize letter to ylands.

    Try working on yourself first...there is no business to expand without that basic principle...one step at a time ...who knows ? maybe later others will want to work with you. We all get the fact you got big dreams. Kick the ego to the curb. Everybody's big dreams will come true...patience
  11. spiritchaser28

    Apologize letter to ylands.

  12. spiritchaser28

    Apologize letter to ylands.

  13. spiritchaser28

    Apologize letter to ylands.

    There are the manners! Apology accepted here.
  14. spiritchaser28

    wanna change my nickname into knightwar

    I know you...you keep sending me messages....you are a spammer and your asshattery is no longer appreciated....stop harrassing people
  15. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #150 - Ships in 1.5 Exploration

    Comment removed and apology accepted.
  16. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #150 - Ships in 1.5 Exploration

    Yeah sure....we believe you...considering the fact we can read and know you are the same person. Your shameless self promotion of your discord accounts...it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. I know all your names....you are the reason I am leaving ylands...such a toxic person.
  17. spiritchaser28

    wanna change my nickname into knightwar

    Dang pick a name and stick with it....Name Du Jour.
  18. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #150 - Ships in 1.5 Exploration

    Seriously? Give us all a break dude. Your constant name changes and constant discord spam has gotten you banned multiple times..you keep coming back with new accounts to annoy people. We TRY HARD to ignore it, but you keep on doing the same things. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. How much would you like it if your phone beeped every minute only to see a message that says "OK"? I am sure you would have a hard time sleeping...we are begging you as an entire community....STOP DOING IT...please and thank you
  19. spiritchaser28

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-28655] Output logs for Crashes

    And the typing to someone switcheroo.....damn. Why does it change who I am texting to?
  20. spiritchaser28

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-28655] Output logs for Crashes

    Yeah the social aspect of the game is broke. It's nice to be able to see missed messages, but waiting for 15 minutes for them to load is annoying as all get out. Now it even doesn't allow you to click social most the time to search for your friends.. And honestly, having to type /g or /w everytime you want to talk to someone is crazy....go back to the tabbed system. I don't care if I missed some messages....at least it was easier to chat in real time
  21. spiritchaser28

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-28655] Output logs for Crashes

    Game closed without any warnings again. Was flying around Origins server 2. Went into inventory and total crash. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #150 - Ships in 1.5 Exploration

    I'm with you there bb! Bring back the old cave styles and mountains! I do miss the mountains especially.
  23. You aren't wrong, but you still have to consider the amount of dynamic changes made by each individual player,the amount of changes each entity goes through in a cycle, and the amount of other player's individual data that is being loaded....it's a massive amount of information. When you spawn at the primary spawn point, your computer is gathering information about all of the other players in that area, as well as movements from every other entity (including animals)...here is the catch...even if the players are not there, their information is there and even if their avatar is hidden from view, the avatar is still there....only hidden below the surface. It is a necessary fact this information remains because there is a chance that one of those players might rejoin gameplay. You may notice sometimes the game lags when somebody else enters the game..it is your computer basically activating the information that is already stored to become dynamic once again.....I hope that makes sense. I sometimes confuse even myself.
  24. spiritchaser28

    "break" and "craft"

    I concur with this. It would be cool if you break for instance a stick...it would give you wood pieces and resin instead of just wood pieces. I am following your train of thought, but it would probably require countless hours of programming data...Let's maybe think about this for a future update. Fix Explore first.
  25. It's a good idea, but I can see it as being problematic....It would involve the game constantly to pause while it loads the next visible entity. The game changes dynamically. If it were to stop every second to render the next visible entity it would be a laggy mess considering the fact that each entity changes constantly, whether that be from a player damaging that entity or the light rendering and shadows on the ground. In a way the game already does what you are suggesting this by displaying each angle from each second with each lighting effect...if it does not anticipate your next move by pre-loading those invisible blocks, then you are stuck waiting for the image to load. There are a few things I think would make the game faster to load, however I have mentioned these on another post here. The downside of that is it would require a much larger installation package, but the upside would be the game itself would run fluidly instead of choppy as it currently runs. This would involve all image and sound files being stored on each individual player's computer, possibly involve also installing lighting effects programs as well. That would mean instead of the few kb of information stored on your hard drive, it would possibly take a few gigs of storage...maybe 20, 30, or more....which can also be problematic for people with limited space for data storage....it's a catch 22.