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Posts posted by Cernu

  1. when two values cannot be compared, but are compared anyways (I have aLOT of problems with game objects, entities, templates, types, and individual objects), the script stops working. Do you know a coder way to bypass the error please ? 

    • Upvote 1

  2. Quote

    ## Error
    # Number has no properties (0)
    Stack trace:
    REPLACE(Source, Search value, New value) (#237, Line:1872, Column:30) in messages and text (ID:225)
    returns en minuscule(message to change) (#1666, Line:568, Column:65) in PLAYER STORAGE (ID:100)
    return attribute value(PLAYER STORAGE) (#1552, Line:139, Column:116) in skillCheck (ID:91)
    base skill check(difficulty, skill to check, skillName, player, tool to check, XP gained mult, global XP gained mult, attribute) (#77, Line:4364, Column:180) in forest hidden object trigger zone (ID:523)
    On Trigger enter(Trigger entity) (#1, Line:4363, Column:12) in forest hidden object trigger zone (ID:523)

    Like the one above.

    especialy what does stack trace mean ? 

  3. 10 hours ago, ocnoglittle said:

    Adam has said that the update won't be until after the competition.

    That is bad news, because from what I read, there will be some very nice coding QoL features for coders. And critters or things in Rigale are quite complex as far as internal system goes, and quite time consuming to create, even if I tried to ease the process.

    As for the competition, I will run sure why not, but I started Rigale before it was annouced, and will probably keep developping it after. And I really don't worry about it ? 

    As for the swimming, both if I can. Athletism is already a thing for next version ? I will do swimming today, and maybe add wolves. Wolves are a must for stone age world ?

    • Like 1

  4. updated to 6 nov 2020.

    Next I would like to try to improve and expand Athletism and swimming.

    I also have in mind a very big change for Rigale, that will allow me to introduce even more new concepts.

    However, I won't expand the world (in termes of size and critters) that much until the 1.5 exploration update, because some scripting improvments might be very helpfull for me.

  5. I have a very hard time creating functions with all the items variations in Ylands. I like my functions to be multi purpose, and have as wide an usage as possible. So I created a function that will count the number of item types in inventory, but I just can't have it count the number of templated items in inventory. Any idea please ?

  6. not really what I am looking for. Imagine I have a time trigger, that spawns an entity. I need to put some copies of this trigger all over the map. But what I am looking for is when I change the original trigger values (like spawn 2 entities instead of 1), all the triggers that I have copied on the map will spawn 2 entities, without having to manually update them, or delete them and re copy the original. Data sets can do this with no issues, I just wondered if there was an other way ...

  7. Hi all, I would need to have a game object template in the world, and duplicates here and there (they are spawners). However, if I change the template values, the duplicates don't change their values. Is there a way, beside using data sheets (which I do, but don't find really convenient...) ? 

  8. Thanks for the feedback. I think all your concerns will be alleviated soon, beside skills. I LOVE skills ? 

    I will try to add a little starting area next update, where you will choose a "job" and receive your "savings" (like a "big" amount of gold). This will help starting player learn recipes and buy stuff. The "jobs" will be very simple: start with some upgraded attributes and skills. Like a Hunter will start at skill level 600 in hunting and bows, 300 in tracking and survival, spears, 5 in perception and 3 in agility, for example. A Forager would start with scavenging and gathering skill, perception and intelligence, a warrior.... You get the picture...


    Maybe have lots of trees and then even more things spawn in when they pass through a trigger zone?

    This a must that will come next update. But I am still undecisive as of the skill. using some specific / perception skills would make sense, but a "notice details" skill would allow me to easily expand the system, by putting a bunch of little items into an array, and having them spawn randomly. I shall see. But areas will be denser too, no issue.

    I am still discovering the amazing creative power of the engine, that is perfect for my imagination and coding skill level, although would greatly benefit from QoL improvements for a heavy coder like me.

    • Thanks 1