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Everything posted by jchob

  1. jchob

    Create group with code

    Mayve we could make use of the group game logic, somehow?
  2. jchob

    Use weapons when riding a horse

    This has been suggested some time ago. I think they are considering it, but not for now. There are other urge things first. But maybe somewhere next year
  3. jchob

    Dark Art

    Wow, very cool looking. Will you release it for use to play? Do you have a date? If you need a gane tester i would love to do so. Keep it up the good job 😁
  4. jchob

    Dev Diary #251 Focused feedback

    Im a long player, but having a break for an year. I could have faked i dont know the game and you could have invited me and pay trip to there 😁 im jealous next time JC next time But indeed, a new player see things in a different way and can also see things that we long-time players haven't.
  5. jchob

    Dev Diary #245 Fun Energy Wanted!

    Like zarwill said, would be nice to make outside lamps light up only at night. It could be linked to a special generator, then activate it for all the lamps connected to it. For indoor, again, like zarwill said, a sensor that you enter the bedroom and light ON. A timer would be nice, this maybe could also be used for the outside lamps idea. Also, a dimmer if it ever be possible (maybe somone might dont know, basically a dimmer is a device to control the lamp...
  6. jchob

    Pip the cabin boy

    You should be able to change your character appearance in your profile. If im not mistaken, in thw main screen when you run the game, in the upper left corner you will see a head icon. That is your character and clicking on it should open the profile at where you can change the appearance. You will also be able to change your name there. Keep in mind that you can only change your name ONCE. If you already have changed your name, you can't change it...
  7. jchob

    Dev Diary #233 Ymprovements on the way!

    Cool, but i spoted a typo. "next week" shouldnt be "monday"? 😁😄 Just kidding, take your time
  8. jchob

    New Community Manager Introduction

    Ahaha nice one @Yo HasLEGO 🤣 welcome @anna_svecova you are in good hands... we are very easy to handle (or not 😅) Can't wait for the stream to know you better and to see again nikki. See you soon Edit: btw, how we win that cube? I want it so bad
  9. jchob

    Dev Diary #232 What Comes After 1.10

    Oh my god oh my god oh my god, it looks promising 😁
  10. jchob

    Dev Diary #230 Exploration is (an) Adventure

    I guess you are right @Igor Q. The very old eaely versions had that kind on main menu
  11. jchob

    What if Ylands was an RTS...

    Whooooa, i always thought about making a RTS. Back in the days, there was not many "support" to make it happen. But with the "recent" updates i know it can be done. Sadly i took a break for like 1 year and i dont really have the will to make it. I'm glad someone turned it a real thing. Only you @Igor Q. 😁
  12. jchob

    Dev Diary #230 Exploration is (an) Adventure

    Well, i guess the changes makes sense to me. Altough "Exploration" explains it itself because when you explore in survival games it is also an adventure, imo. But I guess you took the right considerations to change the label. So, i guess we have to agree with that. And that's fine, I see no problem at all for older players (but this is just me saying 😉) Anyway, speaking about letting new players to have more freedom without the DLC, i know you already have...
  13. jchob

    Extended Industries: Brewery

    Awesome work. I love beer and meads. Give me some please 😛
  14. jchob

    Dev Diary #229 Magnificent Mythical Beasts

    Whoa nice. The susprise will for everyone that catches 'em all? Would be awesome if they give different trophies 🤗
  15. Yes, the duplication bug has happened before to other players
  16. jchob

    Dev Diary #222 When the Prints Go Blue

    @FallujahMedic -FM- I dont think blueprints take more resources than normal building. If so, i never heard someone reporting it. And probably many players would notice that difference. Do you have any example? It maybe can be a specific item bug
  17. I like that idea because i had it some long time ago. Looking further how dev team will aproach it. Exitment 😁
  18. jchob

    Abandoned Projects - Story + DLC

    Whoa, @Igor Q. , is this for real? I will download them all before you regret of it ? jist wait some more hours for me to get back home eh eh eh You know everyone was/is amazed by your work, and your stuff is 100% sure a good look and something to study, earn knowledge from your all crazy stuff. Every people that is inside scripting MUST take a look at your work. You stated: in the hopes that someone else may find them useful Are you kidding? Hopes...
  19. jchob

    Dev Diary #196 Client Scripting

    Oooh, you made a good point. Maybe it is for that purpose? I already knew it would take some years for them to come up with a "finished game", and they are doing it. I hope they don't stop for the next few years. We, community and developer team... this game can go even more very crazy ? (i wonder what I have missed in editor) (Just to clarify, i did stop play ylands not because of the game itself, but just because of my own life)
  20. jchob

    Dev Diary #196 Client Scripting

    Hmm interesting! Well, this for bow seems suitable for single player games. Does this new thing means, for single.player games, builders will be able to overwhelm a map? Or that is just concerning the speed of the system to interpret code (scripting)? Probably team already have spoken about this a little more. So, is there any future plan to improve it more? Not really sure what this is "really really" about, but everything can be improved ? Actually I'm...
  21. jchob

    Dev Diary #189 Marking More Maps

    hmmm, awesome. Interesting... interesting ? I'have been thinking making a treasure hunt party where people search for chests (or whatever) abd get huge ammounts of resources/items. Tho, i will need to request my Locust viking family to help me. The map marks you are talking about seems a lot useful for that purpose ?
  22. jchob

    Dev Diary #186 Composing Blueprints

    @Mello1223 also mentioned a cool feature for scripting?
  23. jchob

    Dev Diary #186 Composing Blueprints

    [ EDITED ] compositions, are good as it is now, i cannot think of any better way to do it. Then, blueprints... oof... First, to make a blueprint is not user friendly. Its hard for us to help new people even using videos. The share process is also not user friendly, like everything, because we need to go to windows folders and deal with copy&paste (basically). Other thing is it can only be taken with DLC owners, which i agree because blueprints is a major...
  24. it happens the same with computers. Low spec computers will also run slow, a lot of lag or it will not run at all. Im surprised they achieved ylands for mobiles, and how the game state is actually, its not even possible to make it work for low specs. Its technically impossible. My last mobile was not compatible with ylands, but the new one is a little better and runs ylands very good. i fear you will have to get new mobiles. Anyway, whoever played on...
  25. jchob


    Yes @bojo2736 the old jagged style was better imo. But this new style is also cool. I only checked 2 maps and I liked them. Soon, i guess for 1.8 we will have flowing water. That will be fantastic ?