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Everything posted by kimbuck

  1. saw you there energritz ...and you found my boat was locked up and could not be taken i say no more
  2. yesterday i visited p1 spawn and replaced stones grass flint and sticks ....today they were all gone.. there were about 20 smelters scattered around, 100+ bodies and tree stumps and few trees. most of the trees had been cut to make wooden spikes to be planted around avatars in the spawn area the ground looked like a teenagers face suffering from acne humans are lovely people ...
  3. The idea behind the making of certain resources hard to find to add challenge to the game has potential problems. Never expect players to stick to the rules and be nice and sociable ..there will always be the ratbags who come into a game to disrupt and destroy, and have no intention of playing the game. Yes idiots who get their thrills by killing all the animals including other players tamed horses, destroying anything thats not locked down inside a PB and stealing whatever they can ..not to use but to dump somewhere But now we have limited resources that you have to search for , often inside caves and you have to search ost of the time do battle to get them But with what? most weapons are inadequate pre iron. Iron is essential but hard to find ...so is coal.. But what do you do when some smartypants blocks up a cave entrance, then places a PB so you cannot remove the blockage? ..and then that player goes offline, never to return. How are you going to mine coal r other surface materials when griefers arrive and place their PB so you cannot dig the resources? ..and yes, they don't stay, they go offline to wait for another game they can do the same destruction to. Sure makes the game frustrating, when you cannot get the necessary material to advance because of idiots... ( there always will be idiots! ..tis the nature om the human race! ) Not every player wants to run around shooting things etc .. they are here for the exploration and creation. But the game is no longer the same as when it first started. You can never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time, but consider those who came to this game because the liked the initial concept and it was different to other games. The game has changed so much that the strategies have changed . if you have to go from island to island to find things , then there's no need for a base, and therefore no need for a PB. At the moment i am ambivalent about Ylands. Yup , the new promised 1.0 release looks pretty, but still has functional issues to be ironed out, but is it what everyone wants? truthful answer: NO Hopefully there will be some modifications to make the game more playable, be less like a arcade set of games, and convince those who saw the original promise see it fulfilled as such. Meanwhile i wait and hope that 1.0 and a few hot fixes make it worthwhile to stay. I am not alone.
  4. ooh great !!!!! Now i will not have to build my base out over water to dump avatars through the floor when they insist on going offline blocking doorways ...... ?
  5. hard to shoot an attacking mutant with a crossbow when a horses head gets between you and the target! :}
  6. kimbuck

    Not enough resources for multiplayer

    there's a difference between playing a game with like minded friendly players testing things than there is on an open server with idiots, griefers, kiddies and those who simply join in a game to wreck it for others. perhaps the devs should get testers to come into an open server and try to survive. Maybe then they would appreciate the input players have provided about making the game suitable and playable. Listen to the feedback !!!! . Poor Adam seems to be shoveling water uphill with a fork, handling suggestions/feedback as to basic functionality, whilst shiny pretty things get added to the game instead ...
  7. kimbuck

    Not enough resources for multiplayer

    perhaps there should be a way of respawning some of the materials in limited amounts on the surface ...preferably in an area that is not able to be blocked by a PB. Would be a start to making a fairer, playable game. This should be standard , and not something to be added by server owners through scripting.
  8. kimbuck

    Where to find iron?

    the current map i am on is socially dead ... there were 8 payers consistently during the first day ..all were asking " where can i find" ... iron etc . I discovered clay and took enough for my immediate needs ...came back an hour later and found the lot removed -- by possibly one player, and others asking where could they find it. i also went to an island and found no caves .. used freecamera to locate them and then couldn't find the entrance...someone had filled it in to hide it went back to spawn and there's no more flint for fire starting or stones to make basic tools ...so bodies just piling up. after one day with a full server, today i was the only one active for 3 hours. Hopefully with the release of 1.0 the whizzkid scripters etc of P1 can create maps that overcome these issues ... but the problem is when you make something foolproof, a long comes a bigger better fool...
  9. This is one of the reaqsons you see piles of abandonded avatrs on spawn ... theres nothing left for them to use to craft equipment to survive or travel to another place. Late arrivals ( even 2 hours after a map is loaded) can find very little ...and even less after the griefers slaughter the animals and gather all the flint or destroy food crops.
  10. kimbuck

    Runaway boats

    several times i have had time out/ freezes / crashes on a boat in the open sea ( on 0.15.1)...and when i managed to log back in , my ship was well and truly run aground on the island i was aiming at.. .if i was not aiming at an island , i would find my ship aground at spawn ... sometimes with new arrivals trying to hijack it ( but as i was still at the controls , they couldn't, other than try whacking me with an stone axe..) Before, if you fell off your ship it would stop just out of sight and swimming after it you could retrieve it ..if a shark didn't get you ! same with a crash etc . when you returned swim in the last know direction and it would pop into view I have also seen ships sail past me at high speed with a non responsive captain on board... apparently offline... i wonder where they ended up? So, it pays to aim at a possible island location asap when sailing in case you get the "time out" or "ylands not responding message" ... who knows where you will end up when you return ... maybe on an ARMA battlefield?
  11. kimbuck

    RESOLVED Multiplayer issues

    apparently until the new 1.0 is fully released, some explore games do not appear on thelist . You need to go to multiplayer page ..and look there for the P1 gaming explore game
  12. kimbuck

    Where to find iron?

    frustrating, isn't it? What will happen is someone else will find it and block others from mining it. Hopefully they will revise their thinking and take issues like this into consideration to save the game.
  13. kimbuck

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    yes and no .... wild horses seem to like you as well .. something i never found in rl !
  14. kimbuck

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    the horses can be a problem ... in game they follow and get between you and what you are doing ..and you try to click on a workstation and end up on the horse! Also we were preparing to shoot a mutant roaming around at night ..and every time i got the crossbow aimed at it, a ***** horse would walk in front and try to kiss me They also try an follow you into your house...its like that godfather scene, except when you wake up in bed its an entire horse, not just the head.!!!!..
  15. kimbuck

    Item's I would love seen

    chickens! we need them ;0 also more female clothing items flowering orchard trees ... with fruit that can be harvested? ( apple plum peach?) more fences and gates for containing animals and ships sails that can have symbols on them ! and name boards signs .. that can have actual words put on them other than scribbles ?
  16. kimbuck

    Daily Screenshot Thread

    who loves who? love is in the air on the P1 gaming NA server. Why does the first screenshot show a player in a house full of sheep? hmmmmmmmm:) and what perfume was these other players wearing....... was it "Hay-bale No. 9 " ?
  17. kimbuck

    RESOLVED [YLD-18955] Phantom Mountains

    i have not been into any beta game. yet maybe RedEagle and his cohorts can answer that
  18. kimbuck

    RESOLVED [YLD-18955] Phantom Mountains

    only just saw this request ..here are the screenshots .. the third one is what you can see when flying through a mountain!
  19. kimbuck

    How to get Ylands 1.0 beta

    Okay ... so if we opt NOT to download the beta, when it goes to 1.0 release, do we still get the explore free, or have to buy it? I am not interested in the Pvp, mobile apps , kids stuff hand held mindless games ...monetization or whatever... just the explore that the game had and which was fun ......... and you played with friends. Not touching the beta ....I am going to wait until 1.0 is released and if i cannot get explore as promised , then bye bye..
  20. kimbuck

    Dev Diary #105

    so i gather we are being asked to try something that they know doesn't work to replace something we know doesn't work ? If this is not the case, well either i am not reading what you are saying correctly. or what you are saying is not explained correctly.. I think its time to forget Ylands until after the working 1.0 version is released, and the reviews say its working and worth playing. No idea when that's going to happen, and i suspect BI is dangling promises to cover delays until they work out how to fix things. What should have been done? ..........Fix the old before cluttering it up with untested new shiny stuff. I so long for the original days when we would pay on nearly full servers with friends... now, its just un-occupied wastelands... with a game changing to be for kids sitting around with i phones. So sad. No more posts etc from me ........ i am tired of being a guinea pig testing a product that should have been tested and made sure it worked before release.
  21. If the update doesnt fix things and solve the current issues, Ylands is dead in the water regardless of all the new whizzbang promises being touted. Every day i go to log in and the game is offline..it has to be restarted. Apparently they did a complete server clean up and dumped gazillions of old files... that was a day ago and the game was again offline today. Again the server logs apparently showed the game was cluttered with old files etc. If they have to wipe and restart every map after 3 to 5 days, then you can see why people are not coming back !!! .You log in..its a new map .. you start to build ... have to attend to real life for a day ... try to log in but the games fallen over... and when you do get back it had to be a new map ..and you start all over again gathering rocks grass and flint etc. to craft.. You are often the only one on the server after 3 days...others have lost interest. Repeat 4 times in 3 weeks and you see why players do not stay. The game has to be fixed to make it contain interest as it progresses... remain playable, and last more than a handful of days. We live in hope .
  22. Where are the brave explorers? Currently spawn is littered with "wussies" who arrive, and after finding there is nothing they can steal, properties are locked, and they have to actually craft things to survive ... they give up ...never to return!!! Come on players, this is a survival /craft / create game. Its not Donkey Kong or some other mindless shoot em up or kill the monsters and such game ...its a combination of using crafts, survival techniques, creative skills and social interaction. You dont get things handed to you ... you have to learn and earn But it seems the MP servers get infested with those who want it too easy .. they are not prepared to be adventurous, or learn crafts or explore... or interact with others These wussies just want the easy way ... steal what they need , and when that fails ... destroy what they can ...and then rather than create, they go offline..never to return My base gets overcrowded with these interlopers who arrive ... they might craft a helmet... but that's all ... then they sit around cluttering up places where i could build or create something. I have lost patience ..i now build out on a platform over the water..if someone goes offline for over 24 hours on my base, i deconstruct the floor under them ...dump them in the water ... then cover up the opening. I got a real graveyard under my place ? But still i ask ..wheres the adventurers? On the current game i have sailed around the spawn a island and found islands untouched .. It seems a lot of people are too lazy to build ships, craft, explore... thinking is too hard for them☹️
  23. currently, anyone can klll any animal ..if they have a weapon. Whats getting annoying is to find ones tamed horse missing...and a roll of leather left in the yard it was pastured in. Obviously some kiddies think this is funny ... and i can see it getting worse with the talk of domesticated animals etc. Can it be made so that horses and domesticated animals inside a PB area cannot be killed by other than the owner?
  24. Its not new ...it was reported after the "in use" bug was fixed. refer YLD-18640 September 7, with more screenshots.
  25. i have not made any new blueprints for a while ..but here are (finally) are 2 screenshots of a structure i tried to place on the ground.... its hovering above ground and any attempt to lower it gets the red outline warning. in the 2nd pic i placed a block so you can see how much offset is happening I can try a new blueprint tomorrow ... its late here at the moment/