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Everything posted by HimitsuArashi

  1. Hello everyone, i'm playing the game a few days and i love it but last days i search Ylandium generator recipe and i cant found yet. İ have discovered many underwater encounters an i already have 6 Ylandium components and many energy items recipe but somehow in generators section only wind trubine is craftable. How can i discover Ylandium generator recipe? Note: sorry for bad English.
  2. HimitsuArashi

    How to discover Ylandium generator?

    Thank you. Yes i read your answer in discord but after that i'm searched many encounters an i find 5 more Ylandium components and also i found the encounter that you share its image ( more than 3) but still generator recipe doesnt open. So i try to search Google and i cant find any Info. Finally i create this post. İ still wait a certain information about which underwater encounter give the recipe. İ think i've already discovered all types of underwater...