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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone, i'm playing the game a few days and i love it but last days i search Ylandium generator recipe and i cant found yet. İ have discovered many underwater encounters an i already have 6 Ylandium components and many energy items recipe but somehow in generators section only wind trubine is craftable. How can i discover Ylandium generator recipe? Note: sorry for bad English.
  2. CavemanMo

    World Map

    I discovered a method to create this map on a newly generated world. It is an accurate representation of the islands without any exploring. So perhaps a bit of a cheat, glitch, or exploit since it removes the challenge of finding your islands. Personally I have burned or to me earned after countless hours of exploration. So now I can build and explore the islands easier. How to: Step 1. load "task manager" Step 2. load ylands Step 3. Start a new explore game Step 4. watch the screen. As soon as the world map creation text reaches 100% and before you teach parrots to curse use your task manager to end the program. Ylands.exe Now when you reload the game and hit the continue button your map will be displayed as above. I recommend you screen cap. You won't see this screen again. Well that is what I did. I am not super clever, I discovered while fumbling around keybindings on Steam Controller and it happened. Then I repeated it to verify.