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Everything posted by Houp

  1. Houp

    Random Min (0) Max (0)

    Hi, you can use Random 0-1. If you need full range between 5 and 8 then just use <<Random 0-1> * <3>>+ <5>
  2. Hi, in fact "delay" internally creates Time trigger and after it triggers it is "destroyed" (used by another Delay instruction) Time triggers are probably little more effective (because delay is "Something" + Time trigger) but I would not choose between them from the view of performance. I would use the one which would make code clearer.
  3. As Oliver hope writes, now you can only setup interaction which are active only when you focus an entity in the world, not in hands.
  4. Hi, thanks for your suggestions. Some of them you will see in next update, some later (this year). Feel free to add more.
  5. Houp

    Better restarts needed

    There is only one restart tile. It should work as you want it to work. Can you please provide logs of server/clients after their reconnection fails?
  6. Houp

    cant specify when spawning entity type

    Some entity types (building blocks, vegetation) have several visual objects but they are considered to be the same. (same name, entity type, HP, interactions ...) We will thing about adding control over it but it will not probably be a priority now.
  7. Houp

    Better restarts needed

    "Restart the game" instruction should work for you. (it will start game again with same people)
  8. Houp

    Does write to log work in MP

    All scripts are executed on server side (and needed data is then distributed to all clients). The log will be generated on a server.
  9. Houp

    Spawning player in the same space

    Hi, there should not be any offset to target position. You can spawn/teleport players in exact same position.
  10. Houp

    Does write to log work in MP

    Yes it should work. No output for clients, only for host.
  11. Houp

    Zone Trigger Collision

    Ok, you meant by "Editor" Visual scripting. That was not clear from that post. In 0.12 you will be able to mark some trigger zones dynamic and then you will be able to change their position/rotation/size with VS tiles. (you will be able to do that with trigger zones which are triggered by Players/Player team/Player role/Specific entity and Labeled entities -> last one will not be much effective for labels with a lot of entities in it but it may be useful in some cases) We will consider the other suggestion but it will not probably bee in next update.
  12. Houp

    Zone Trigger Collision

    Hi, I am not sure what do you mean with that. Which values you are unable change in editor?
  13. Houp

    On water event listener

    There will be On start/end swimming/flying events. Not sure if it is enough for you.
  14. Houp

    Null Error Explanation - Request

    Hi, you will see more info in next update in GUI but you can find that info in your script log: Script with error: Error message in console: Output_log_game.txt path: Output_log_game.txt content
  15. Houp

    The least recourse intensive to make CTF

    Hi, I am not near a computer but probably "Entity highlight" could work on a player. Other solution can be playing particle effect once each second/showing message bubble "I have a flag" In 0.12 you will be able to equip clothes and make them locked in their slot.
  16. This will be fixed in 0.12 (set position will work on players in ragdoll)
  17. Houp

    Eye Dropper in editor script

    Hi, it will be fixed in the next update. You can try what Oliver Hope suggested: hold shift when double clicking on entity/game logic or you can open it directly from selection window.
  18. Houp

    Trying to create a chain reaction system.

    Hi, unfortunately you need to wait for 0.12 release. "Change color" event is not what you think it is. This event is very old one and it is connected only with one entity. (color spotlight)
  19. Houp

    Editor Script Updates.

    You were able to lock opened door. From 0.12 you will be able to open locked door. (and it will remain locked in open state)
  20. Houp

    Entity Template for Logic

    It is planned but I can not promise any specific update number for that.
  21. Houp

    Zone Trigger Collision

    Thanks for a suggestion. Something like this is planned for the future.
  22. Houp

    Do non used instructions affect the game

    Hi, no problem with that. It will not affect performance during play. Just do not leave empty events in your code.
  23. 1) it seems to be problem with ragdoll, we will look at to this 2) probably in 0.12 you will be able to set player immune to fall damage (he will not turn to ragdoll then)
  24. Houp

    Max number of islands.

    8-12 and it is random.