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Posts posted by Houp

  1. Hi, there are many custom properties that cannot be edited by default for stackable items.  (what should happen if you have 1 piece of cheese with description "Best cheese of the world" and second one "Worst cheese in the world" when you try to merge them?

    So you have to first mark them as Unique. Unique stackable items can not be divided to separate stacks and will not stack with any other objects.

    However, it will not solve your issue. At the moment you can disable only interactions of entities (what entities offer you when you focus them in the world). There is now no way to adjust what items offer when you have them in hotbar.

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  2. Hi, each yland has its own system.

    There are 2 variants of Set weather, Set weather will change weather on all of the ylands. (and it will remain in the target weather "forever"), Set weather at will override weather only on nearest yland to the target positon.

    You can "reset" weather to default transition system when you use "Set weather" "None"

  3. RedEagle_P1: it seems to me that at least one of the exported files is missing at target location:

    [IN] [08/05 22:59:28.37] Searching for .ysd in: C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands
    [IN] [08/05 22:59:28.49] Searching for .ygt in: C:\SERVICES\ni1427091_3_SHARE\ftproot\ylands
    [IN] [08/05 22:59:28.62] Request #3: POST https://ylands-api.bistudio.com/ylands-api/bgslt-api/v1.0/ylands-game/getRegion 549B ...
    [ER] [08/05 22:59:28.65] Unable to retrieve map data. Quitting


    @Berzeger will have probably better answer but probably not sooner than on Monday. (DS are not my expertise)

  4. 18 hours ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    You can see my DsConfig from my last working attempt here:  

    Hi, it seems to me that you have attached a log file instad of DsConfig.

  5. 16 hours ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    To run a fresh test I need to export my game but when I do I get: 


    I believe this is also stopping me from saving games or why my game saves are being deleted. 

    Hi, please check this thread:

    You seem to be out of your steam cloud

  6. Hi, we have tested it again and it seems to work for us. (we tried it with new explore map created in editor). There may be many reason why it does not run for you (wrong config file, missing pregenerated files or just some piece of VS which does not work with DS :( )

    Can you please send us your DsConfig.json , .ygt file and log files?

  7. Hi,

    unfortunately sometimes happen that new features added to a "explore" are not perfectly handled from a custom games view. At the moment there are a lot of interaction among all of the features.

    I think that it should be exactly opposite of what you want. Editor and game should be handled together. We need to think more how new changes in game/editor affects the other.

    1) Roll is new type of movement. In the new update you will be able to change  it too. (we discussed it and it seemed to us that it will be better to have 2 separate instruction to handle speed of movement and distance of roll)

    2) In 0.13 using Equip will add item to your equip (if target item is an armor) or it will go to hotbar (if target item is not an armor) - in the future we want to add instruction to set specific hotbar slots and to lock active item to it's slot

    3) You are right that editor needs to have a way to make some "mass operation" easier. We sure want to do something about it. (our designers of mini games suffer too. You are not alone. :) )

    -> and sorry that this answer take too long.

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  8. Works fine for me.

    So check if target player has specific label.

    Check if target entity is considered as Tree

    Check if you can do damage to a tree (is it indestructible from the start?)

  9. Yes (just probably do not expect it in upcoming updates, many big features are in plan and probably there will not be spare time to implement many small features)

    (capture the flag in the mind? (I know that know you need to equip and lock crazy hat or switch on high light on a player holding "the flag")

  10. Hi, that is not possible at the moment. Features in the game are divided to the one which depends on game time (I think that this counts for growing trees/extinguishing fires/sleeping cycle of animals and few more) but most of the features depends on real time. (for example it would be wierd if change to "day cycle time" would affect speed of vehicles or time out for thrown grenades - and for vehicle they would be probably completely broken if affected by scale)

  11. Hi, this is not planned at the moment. One reason for this that we plan to add feature which will allow you to use our servers for it (and we would like to to give you access for these data from outside of the game.)

    So " Transfer data such as a players reputation between Ylands and our server " should be possible but " Enable a whitelist so only discord users can join a server.  " probably not. (it will be read only for you from outside of the game)

  12. Hi,

    there are no limits appilcated when running game online but of course what is running for you in SP can be to much for MP. (everything you do through script is synchronized with all clients) (there is only limit for numbeer iteration of loops and for instruction "call stack" so games just do not freeze completely but this is same for SP/MP)

    Maybe  just some visual scripting instruction does not work in MP as intended. (everything should work :) )

    What does it mean that it is broken? Probably video of woking SP vs not working MP would be helpful. + screenshot of broken script in VS  (+ output_log_clean, output_log, userscript.js, output_log_script - not sure about the last one¨s name )


  13. 1) planting trees: you can not block it but you can destroy planted vegetation with event listener

    picking fruit: you can disable interactions on bushes

    2) in editor hold ctrl (or shift, not sure now) and double click grass on yland(or in Add object panel). It should select all grass in the level (even not loaded grass) Then use Object properties window. Second option is to make Event listener listening to On create for specific type and make it invincible via script in the start of your game

    3) not possible now

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