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Posts posted by Ane

  1. If you bought the game before Steam you should have 9600 (I believe it is?) coyns too. Please check if the Link account in the game settings is active and can be clicked. If not, the linking procedure failed for some reason, so please try again. If it isn't and the accounts are linked, tell me your account name or email and we'll take care of it asap.

  2. In order to narrow the issue down, we need the following info:

    1/ Your public ip: just open https://www.whatismyip.com/ in webbrowser, it will show the value

    2/ Please open windows command line (cmd) and run these three commands for us

    tracert api.bistudio.com
    nslookup api.bistudio.com
    telnet api.bistudio.com 443

    and send us the output.

    A few suggestions:

    - Possible firewall/antivirus interference, try disabling/adding rule for Ylands
    - Are you using some browser-level proxy?
    - Check the network environment you are running on (if you're at work the traffic might be blocked etc.)


  3. It looks like it's not an Ylands specific error. You could try the following:

    -Restart Steam and/or your machine.
    -Reset network adaptor: From a command prompt enter netsh winsock reset and restart your machine.
    -Try adjusting settings for third-party applications, such as antivirus software or disabling it completely for the duration of update
    -Try installing to a steam library on a different harddriv

  4. Please first make sure you completely uninstall the launcher version of Ylands and then install the Steam one.

    It looks like the "content file locked" issue is not an Ylands specific error. You could try the following:

    -Restart Steam and/or your machine.
    -Reset network adaptor: From a command prompt enter netsh winsock reset and restart your machine.
    -Try adjusting settings for third-party applications, such as antivirus software or disabling it completely for the duration of update
    -Try installing to a steam library on a different harddriv

  5. We found an issue in the save system, causing files to get duplicated and the game loading older versions of save files.

    Your save files should be intact - workaround is to keep deleting the older saves in game until you see your most recent one. If you'd like to physically back up your save files, you'll find them under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\remote\SaveGames

    • Thanks 2