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Posts posted by Ane

  1. 9 hours ago, Dirtyefenhairy said:

    Also the game hasn't had an update in nearly two months.. I understand that the car thing is getting worked on, but there's so many other bugs and features that need work on that could be addressed in the mean time I am sure?

    Don't get me wrong the game is fun, but there's loads of things that need improving, multiplayer bugs, items, crafting, the animal glitches, had so much fun a few months back playing, even bought 3 extra copies for my friends to play, just hope this doesn't end up being one of those games with potential that is forgotten about in a few months down the line or a year.


    You're right, this update is taking longer than what we'd like to, but we believe it's better to spend extra time really shaping the feature the way we want it to work (I'm talking specifically about the cars here) than releasing something half-done. And we're not working on the cars only, this update brings a lot of improvements and fixes that were needed, you'll see :) Also, while the people responsible for the cars work on it, the rest of the team is working on other features/the next update.

    But I understand what you mean, and we can guarantee you that we're not gonna let the game fall into oblivion, we'll keep working on it for many years :) And your feedback is really needed for the game to get better and better! So thank you for that. 

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  2. Thanks for your feedback! We know that we still have a lot of work to do when it comes to the dedicated servers. We are continuosly working on it and we'll keep doing so in the following months :)

    Just out of curiosity, why don't you play in Singleplayer mode? Most of the issues present in the dedicated servers are not there in SP.

  3. 11 minutes ago, TE5LA said:

    I just got into a situation while trying to chop down a tree that I could not turn more than about 5 degrees left or right and could not walk. The screen would start to shake when I tried to turn or move. I was still getting over 100 fps.

    While chopping the tree? Or how exactly?

  4. Then it's definitely related to the PS4 controller being plugged, yes. We had a similar report in the past where the PS4 controller seemed to be messing with the mouse pointer (we weren't able to replicate it, though). At the time we believed it had something to do with the program used to make the gamepad work in the PC.

  5. Hi there!

    This update is taking a bit longer than usual (so many things going on!), but if everything goes right, it's planned to be released sometime next week.

    Have you guys tried the Creative mode or played the other games? You can find some cool stuff to download in the Workshop: https://ylands.net/

    Anyway, I hope you keep enjoying the game! :)


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  6. I'm sorry about the confusion, but I just realized I said next week when the update is meant to be out sometime during the week after that one (the one starting on the 7th, that is). We are just finishing the final touches and polishing the cars and will be using the next week for thorough testing (and thanks to John, we'll test the cars in the game he created too! Thanks for that! Enough testing is never enough :) ) Again, sorry about the confusion, my mistake.

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  7. On 26/7/2017 at 7:01 PM, KoToC said:

    Hi, I could give a try helping to translate to portuguese (as it covers portuguese from portugal and portuguese from Brasil).

    Could you inform me other portuguese players working on it?

    Portuguese is my mother language, although I prefer using english for everything, I don't mind help to translate it so other players can enjoy the game with it translated to whatever language they like (in this case - portuguese).

    Just reply what should I do to start with it.

    I sent you a PM :)


    You need to click on the + in order to subscribe. In this case, after subscribing to this one, the next time you launch the game the "Ylanders Power Station" game will be among the list of your games.

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