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Posts posted by Ane

  1. Update: 09/06/2017

    Version: 0.4.33994

    • Improved pathfinding for very short distances (this should improve animal attacks a bit).
    • Animals stop attacking a player who has equipped the Cube while under attack.
    • Fix: boats and rafts did not work on dedicated servers
    • Default max players in Server Monitor is now 4 instead of 0.


    • Upvote 2

  2. Update: 08/06/2017

    Version: 0.4.33959

    • It now takes some time for animals to fall back asleep if they wake up.
    • Every animal now wakes up when a player is too close, meaning horses are now mountable during night without having to punch them in order to wake them up.
    • Decreased AI CPU load a bit.
    • Removed misleading error logs about too long messages from Server Monitor to reduce logs size.
    • Null ref spamming caused by client trying to send server measures data fixed.
    • Learning new recipes on dedicated server is fixed.
    • Fixed wrong component setup on Alpha Tainted Wolf, resulting in the poor animal not knowing how to walk properly.
    • Upvote 2


    Stylish Sharing - 07/06/2017



    • Ylands Workshop
      • You can access it through Ylands.net or via shortcut at Ylands.com  
      • With the exception of the Explore and Creative games (that are still in the game) all games are available to download in the Workshop now
      • Once you log in, you can subscribe to games and compositions (mods will be added later). More info here.
        • When you subscribe to a game, you'll find it in the list of available games the next time you launch Ylands
        • When you subscribe to a composition, the next time you launch the game you'll find it under a new tab in the Editor
      • You can rate and report both games and compositions
      • At any time you can unsubscribe from games or compositions - they will disappear from your list (to get rid of them altogether you'll have to manually delete them)
      • More games and compositions will be added later
      • This is just the ALPHA version as a first iteration, feedback is appreciated to improve it!
      • We encourage you to upload your own creations! :) 
    • AI has been reworked from scratch, fixing a lot of issues related to animals (new ones might arise) 
    • Multiplayer now supports up to 10 players
    • New respawn system. Current behavior if you die in Explore:
      • You click on "Respawn": you will spawn with the same character (you will know recipes, you will still own your horses) on the last yland you occupied (nearest one if you die in the sea)
      • You click on "New character": you will spawn with a fresh new character on the first yland your first character spawned
    • When reversing, all vessels have significantly lower friction with whatever is underneath them. If you happen to get stuck with your big ship by forward sailing into shallows, you should be able to leave by reversing out of there. This has the disadvantage that if you reverse into shallows (which is even easier due to lower hull friction while reversing), you will get stuck there for sure.
    • Adjusted camera alignment logic for vehicles and mounts. By ALT you can switch between the 'default' and the 'free' modes.
      • The default camera follows the direction of the controlled object
      • The free camera is like the default one, only after moving it it doesn't realign automatically




    • Character now emits a faint light in dark areas (visible only to the controlling player)
    • /unstuck console command now has three options 
      • a - align with terrain (it does not take entities into account)
      • b - pick a likely safe starting position on the beach of current yland (different for every unstuck call)
      • r - pick a respawn position for this scenario
    • Added new game Rating and Reporting functions in the escape menu
    • The Basic panel of the Feedback Tracker has been removed, as it proved to be not as useful as the Advanced panel. You are still welcome to provide feedback using the advanced panel! 
    • Idle animations
    • Smoother idle animations transitions
    • Animation for turning mounted player when aiming
    • Horse dies faster, in a more humane way
    • Improved calling horses
    • Animals can be waken up by sounds now 
    • Animals will now fear campfires
    • Starving players and players affected by extreme temperatures will now lose health much slower
    • Raft can now be moved very slowly even on land
    • You can now stop autorun by pressing forward/backwards key when on foot
    • Pickaxe, spade, shovel, annihilator and terraformer will not show any progress bar
    • Planting seeds now takes significantly less time
    • Drying rack removed from the cloth crafting chain, making cloth crafting easier
    • Generating of veins was redone into new better system
    • Added console commands for emotes (/dance, /facepalm, /threaten, /wave)
    • When dragging equipment from character, other panels will automatically switch to inventory
    • Inventory now opens as default upon pressing Tab, instead of Crafting
    • When crafting/breaking with full inventory, items are dropped into scene
    • Map now opens with a click, not holding the mouse button
    • Building fire on a burnt out campfire turned to ash now consumes wood pieces
    • [Editor] Game logic "ownership". You can see ownership of objects when you hover with mouse above them




    • Fourth substitute maritime flag
    • Bone needle
    • Iron needle




    • [Ships] Fixed ship behaviour when moving forwards and backwards 
    • [Ships] Ship won't stop when you let go of the helm
    • [Ships] When you destroy the helm, the ship will stop
    • [Ships] Items won't fall through the ships anymore when you drop them on it
    • [Ships] Ship's warning hints are now properly translated
    • [Ships] Player moves properly with the ship after taking control of a cannon
    • [Ships] Ship rudder now animates properly when steering the ship
    • [Ships] Logging out when controlling the ship will not break the game anymore
    • [Ships] Animals present on board of the ship will not tip it over anymore
    • [Ships] Animals won't slide on a moving ship
    • [Ships] Player won't slide on a moving ship after getting up from sleeping pad
    • [Ships] Chairs, beds and sleeping pads now work properly on moving ships
    • [Ships] [Multiplayer] Other players than the driver should properly move with the ship
    • [Multiplayer] You won't get stuck cancelling the password form when joining a server
    • [Multiplayer] You should again be able to join a game hosted on dedicated server
    • [Multiplayer] Fixed player condition screen indication after healing on client side
    • [Multiplayer] Fixed horse never waking up from sleep
    • [Editor] You can hide vegetation again
    • [Editor] Some catalogue content was outside of the screen
    • [Editor] Added Save As option under File in menu bar
    • Building is now not possible while riding a horse
    • Placing mode is now accessible again after death on the horse 
    • Volume of tree falling has been readjusted 
    • Player with empty hands won't hold last active item anymore
    • Fixed grain plant to form clusters again
    • Tamed horse will never shake the player off
    • You are able to craft leather out of panther and puma hides again
    • Set up character limit for explore games so it doesn't exceed windows filename length limit
    • Standing up from chairs will not damage or kill the players any more
    • Fixed holes in Sky arena map
    • Hotbar doesn't disappear after dying while reading a book
    • Inspecting items while in an open chest no longer closes the chest
    • Upper body animations are interrupted by player's death now
    • Taking crafted items from a workplace with full inventory now displays error message
    • Feedback text is now reset after you send feedback
    • Fixed wrong names of highlighted entities while flying via potion of flight
    • You can quickly switch through colour variants of items in placing mode
    • Campfire sound should now be muted properly when you set volume to 0
    • Workstation panel should show correctly after adding items to craft, saving and loading
    • Hotbar items are no longer too large when you select a new character after you die
    • Screenshot names now use 24h format
    • Character equipment in starter scene is again properly coloured
    • Creator Cube and potion light emits light around the player again
    • Catalogue is no longer accessible after you drop Cube or die
    • Dates of created games are now properly translated
    • Fixed crash related to changing terrain under fluid
    • Water animals should no longer walk on terrain
    • Animals should now sink into the water when you drop them on it
    • Marine animals now properly fall down when spawned in the air
    • Animals will not try to kill players equipped with the Creator Cube anymore
    • Fixed a bug where an attacking animal would only follow the player, but not attack
    • Fixed a bug where animals would start twitching when coming near a player to attack
    • Fixed animals getting stuck when player is nearby
    • Fixed predators threatening, but not attacking players
    • Fixed predators not knowing what to do when attacked by a player with the cube
    • Fixed predators losing interest in player when he sits or lies down
    • Baits are luring animals again
    • Fixed building blocks having wrong collision structure in various rotations
    • Fixed oxygen meter showing wrong values after loading the game
    • Autorun no longer persists after death
    • Players sleeping on a raft should not get attacked by sharks anymore
    • Fixed missing terraformer in funfair scenario
    • It's no longer possible to mount horses while caught in a trap
    • Potions last the correct amount of time now
    • Hotbar broken item red indicator works properly after repairing a broken item
    • You will not drop your equipment and inventory after death in creative mode
    • Energy powered light sources shine brighter in the dark
    • Fires are brighter and shine properly in the fog
    • Sticks and bushes on the ground can be lit and turned into campfires again
    • Fixed rabbits getting stuck in idle animation
    • Tamed horses now follow player when called and no longer flee from their masters
    • Blank papers are now stackable
    • Player emotes interrupt when interacting with things in the scene
    • Removed splashing sounds from Sky Arena
    • Fixed swapped gamepad axes for third person camera movement



    Coming Soon to your ylands… Unknown Update!


    • Upvote 3

  4. Can you please try the following?

    Go to the game install folder (> Launcher). Right click on YlandsLauncher > Properties > Compatibility. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select Windows 7 and the one that says "Run this program as an administrator". 


    Let me know if this doesn't help!

  5. Hi there, ylanders! 

    Let me start by answering the question you all have in your minds: "When is this wonderful (writing) Stylish Sharing update coming out?" Well, it's currently going through the ultimate testing and tweaking and will be ready for your use and enjoyment at the beginning of next week :) 

    In one of the previous Sneak Peek's we mentioned that in this update we would introduce a couple of changes in the crafting system - mainly a new feature that would let you quickly see how even the ingredients for a selected item can be crafted - unfortunately this had to be pushed to the following updates, but worry not, it will come :) 

    As mentioned before too, this update will introduce a complete AI rework, meaning that we built the AI from scratch - this is the first step towards having NPCs in the future! The AI is not still where we want it to be, in fact the fact of having it built from scratch means that there might be new bugs and issues we'll have to deal with, but the positive side is that (because it was built from 0), those will be easier to fix. 


    Will you stop sticking your head into doors, bad horsie?


    If any French and/or Russian speaking player is reading me, I have good news for you! We are now at a whooping 100% of the translations done (thanks @TheIntelloBox for the final push!), and we'll be implementing a "experimental version" of these 2 languages in the game in the 0.5 update. As you know, feedback and improvement suggestions regarding the texts are always welcome!

    On a different note, here at the office we're quite excited (the excitement reaching skyrocketing levels :D) because very soon™ something ™ that will put Ylands into the spotlight and help us get attention and hopefully bring more players for you to play with is happening! In a week or so you'll be able to see this thing™, where you'll discover two awesome features™ coming to you in the 0.5 update. Sorry guys, this is what happens when you want to say something real bad but you're not allowed to :D 



    And that's it for now! Looking forward to seeing your creations in the Ylands Workshop! 


    • Upvote 2

  6. Heya! 

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the game! Thanks a lot for your feedback, we just had a meeting where we went over your suggestions! 

    * I would love to be able to craft musical instruments. Drums, flutes, a gong, a guitar or a violin would be fabulous.

    We would love to have these too! There's no ETA for this though.

    * I would love to be able to craft a spyglass and a compass, but I think this was mentioned before.

    Compass is definitely coming our way!

    * I would love to be able to attach a simple rope to a tree or rock and use it for climbing.

    Climbing is something we definitely want to have in the game at some point.

    * I would love to be able to see the crafting ingredients for every item I have in the inventory, especially for the ones i just found.
    * I would love to be able to click on a missing ingredient and jump to its crafting recipe to see what i need to craft that. 

    Very good points! These are planned to be in the game in the following months.


    Thank you!

    • Upvote 1

  7. Indeed, the Dutch translation of Ylands is now in a sweet 12% :D but the player who was doing it stopped at some point, so we decided to remove it from the game until it reaches a high percentage. If you feel like giving it a go, let me know!

    • Upvote 1