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Posts posted by Ane

  1. 15 hours ago, paulsoaresjr said:

    He's definitely named and tame but that didn't stop him from tossing me! :P

    So we have to keep riding to make them less wild? But that could be a lot of deaths! Is there a way to land softer? Does armor mitigate fall damage? Can I stop the bucking? I wouldn't mind the training so much if I didn't have to reorganize after dying...

    Miguel, does SPACE stop the horse from throwing you? It seems like once he gets into this routine there's no stopping him! And yeah, I've done some Minecraft :)

    Yes, if you keep riding him he'll become loyal, and then he shouldn't back you off. But dying immediately after falling from the horse is definitely an issue, so we'll fix that :) 

  2. How good friends are you with the horse? :)

    The friendlier, the less chance there is for him to buck you off! Did you already get to the point where you have to name him? If not, keep feeding him until you do, in that case he should be friendly enough to behave :)

  3. Ahojjjj!

    So, it's Friday afternoon, and right now you're probably thinking about what I said 2 weeks ago (I know you are, don't lie to me!).

    On 8/3/2017 at 10:22AM, Ane said:

    For months our bookshelves have been missing something, filled with wordless books that contain no stories to write or read. That will be a thing of the past! Write your adventures down and leave your legacy for other ylanders to find or read a bedtime story before taking a nap.

    What did I mean by reading a story before taking a nap? Well...


    Yes, coming the next update you'll be able to actually sleep when you lie on a bed - either a proper one like the one in the picture or one you'd improvise with grass and hay. This way you'd be able to 1) advance time and 2) heal your wounds. The downside to this is that before getting a proper sleep you'll have to watch out for predators around you! And obviously the comfier the bed and the safer the place you sleep at, the better!


    And that's it for now! You guys have an awesome weekend!


    • Upvote 1

  4. We actually have something like electricity! It's called energy, it's the green glowing weird lines you might have seen somewhere :D

    The energy is generated by some objects like the ylandium generator or the wind turbine, and by creating energy streams you can activate switches, open doors or make something like the energy stove prepare food.

    • Upvote 1

  5. Glad to see you in the General Discussion :P

    There is Multiplayer - right now the limit of players is 5, and we definitely want to enlarge this number in the future. 

    Ylands supports dedicated servers right now (at this moment Windows only, at some point we would like to have a Linux version on our own). At this moment we are not running any public dedicated servers but that might change in the future. You can check all the info about the servers here: https://ylands.com/community/topic/654-how-to-the-dedicated-servers/



    • Upvote 2

  6. Hey Helldogz!

    I'm glad you decided to give the "fluffy" world a try! We'll treat you nicely, I promise :D 

    You don't have to create several threads before you can post in the General Discussion subforum. Until now, it worked in a way that Registered Users couldn't post there (we basically wanted to avoid random users spamming our forum, so it was kind of an experimental phase :D), but I just changed the settings and newly registered users are free to post there now (and so are you!). 

    So feel free to ask as many questions as you want! :) 

  7. Hello honorable ylanders!

    We are back from PAX and I just want to share some pictures so that you get an idea of what being there was like! Overall, it was an amazing experience - personally, that was the biggest exhibition I've ever been to (even as a visitor) and the amount of people there was just mind blowing. With so many games and things to try out, we're thankful for every single person that came by our humble booth! 

    DSC_1112_s.png        DSC_1122_s.png

                    With some time and tools we managed to go from this...                                                                                  ... to this!



    There were even people who came to play Ylands more than one day or people who played it and came back later with their friends! If any of you is reading this now... you rock! <3 

    And we even had some distinguished guests over!

    PHOTO_20170312_125243_s.png PHOTO_20170310_140256_s.png

    It was great having so many people play the game, because we noticed several things (issues or generally the way people play Ylands) that we don't normally get to see. So, once again, we'll use this feedback to shape Ylands the way you players want to!



    If you don't believe me, these ares pictures from BEFORE and DURING the exhibition. 


    Aaaand here you have some random pictures of PAX (before the thing actually started, afterwards it was impossible to get near those :D

    DSC_1150_s.png   DSC_1167_s.png



    And that's it for now! Talk to you soon with more details about the Wonderful Writing update!


    • Upvote 1


    Fabulous Funfair - 08/03/2017



    • Codex - feeling lost? No more! Find a lot of useful information in our awesomely looking Codex. More topics coming soon! You can access it via F1 by default
    • Ships are now physically simulated. You can walk over them as you sail and they rock, shake when collide, or interact with the sea surface. They now have (by default) an anchor and a lever that controls it. Note that building on anchored ships is much easier than on ones that move.
    • Funfair scenario - a lot of fun Ylands activities on a small place




    • Control schemes for rafts, boats, and horses were unified. Default keyboards/mouse controls are now always WSAD with mouse used to rotate camera
    • Code redeeming system implemented. Now it's possible to unlock specific items for players based on codes (e.g. as part of promotions during events like PAX, as a reward for helpful players etc.). Please note that any items given out to players this way are only visual variants of existing ones and they will never give players advantage over those who don't own them.
    • Discovering potions is now easier - if the tested ingredients make up any potion, exact number of each of those needed is shown
    • Additional batch of optimizations (object visibility, faster map processing etc.)
    • New polished jump and fall animations
    • Player character scale scaled down slightly to exact 1.0 in order to make external modding easier
    • A lot of sounds are newly exposed for players to use in Scenario editor
    • Improved Main menu scene <-> game scene transition time and smoothness
    • Smoother horse swim transitions
    • Introduced the first batch of redone horse riding animations
    • New horse turning on spot animations
    • New mounted horse idle animation (horse head is not obstructing player's view)
    • Horses now turn faster
    • Specific audio environment is now enabled when entering caves
    • Improved gamepad controls for various ingame panels
    • If you force a controller through Configure/Controls/ActiveController, the change will happen immediately after closing the dialog.
      - The option to force gamepad is not presented in the dropdown unless a gamepad is connected
      - If gamepad is disconnected while gamepad control is forced, the control switches to keyboard and controller mode to 'automatic'




    • Funfair banners (13)
    • Anchor lever
    • Energy gate (NOT) 




    • Fixed Sun, Moon and stars not being visible in the sky
    • Removed obsolete 'Visual distance slider'
    • It is no longer possible to build on falling objects
    • "Evil genius' yland" is no longer marked as favourite automatically
    • Fixed incorrect time of day set in Main menu under some circumstances
    • Fixed issue where players were able to place dirt, sand etc. right in the air with Terraformer
    • Gun no longer disappears from player's hands after shooting from a cannon
    • Fixed cannon crosshair disappearing when operating the machine with an item in player's hands
    • Fixed machines forcing FPS camera mode incorrectly
    • Fixed erroneous focus when controlling machines
    • Horses no longer climb over walls
    • Fixed mishap event while mounted 
    • Fixed small issues with the horse movement
    • Fixed player position relative to ship rudder to align rudder steering animation
    • Fixed localization and hiding of the message box shown after losing connection to host
    • Energy Streams are now properly updated when the nodes are moving. Ports that are not in the same storage (e.g. the same boat) cannot be linked
    • Greatly reduced spread of items dropped from destroyed entities
    • Fixed several issues related to dropdown lists
    • [Dedicated server] Fixed unclickable parts of Server Monitor 
    • [Dedicated server] Fixed dedicated server not starting when there is an existing saved game associated with a no longer existing scenario
    • [Dedicated server] Fixed infinite map loading when running a dedicated server
    • [Dedicated server] Server Monitor: Fixed restart/stop buttons not working properly
    • [Launcher] Launcher now works properly in 1366x768 and 1369x768
    • [Gamepad] Fixed issue where players were not able to access all skin colors in Character creation panel
    • [Gamepad] Fixed issue where highlight outline sometimes got disconnected from slider handle
    • [Gamepad] Players can now scroll the Cube catalog with analog stick
    • [Gamepad] Fixed incorrect gui elements highlighted when switching tabs via LB/RB
    • [Gamepad] Fixed crosshair moving down instead of up while shooting
    • [Gamepad] Horse riding has now valid gamepad buttons set by default
    • [Gamepad] It is now possible to rename ylands with gamepad
    • [Gamepad] It is now easier to access 'Take all' button in Container panel
    • [Gamepad] Onscreen keyboard no longer overlaps feedback panel
    • [Gamepad] It is now possible to write passphrase and search for a game
    • [Gamepad] It is now possible to navigate through Basic feedback form
    • [Gamepad] It is now possible to zoom and rotate in item detail view
    • [Gamepad] Question marks are no longer shown as hotbar shortcuts
    • [Editor] Fixed selection being blocked by hidden terrain




    Coming Soon to your ylands… Wonderful Writing!

    For months our bookshelves have been missing something, filled with wordless books that contain no stories to write or read. That will be a thing of the past! Write your adventures down and leave your legacy for other ylanders to find or read a bedtime story before taking a nap. 

    • Upvote 3

  9. Hello there!

    The upcoming update is dangerously getting close to us (like really close!). I already mentioned some of the things we can expect in it, like the Codex, but if you remember, the name of the update will be Fabulous Funfair, so without any further ado, let me present you... the Ylands Funfair!



    And what is the Ylands Funfair? It's basically a new scenario that pretty much summarizes what fun stuff one can do in Ylands! You know, making potions, destroying ships with a cannon, frying mummies with a Tesla Coil... that sort of fun stuff :D 

    OH! And I would especially recommend giving the ships a try now (in this scenario or in any other one), since a looot of cool stuff has been added! Like being able to walk around the ship even when releasing the helm :) 

    Also, as you know, we are going to PAX East in Boston next week, so you can expect some juicy details and pictures next time we talk!


    And that is all for now! You stay classy, ylanders! (hopefully Ales doesn't realize I stole his catchphrase) 


    • Upvote 3

  10. Hi there!

    To make cloth, you need 3x yarn and the weaving loom workstation (that requires 6x pole + 2x rope to be built). To make yarn you need the spinning wheel workstation (that requires 6x pole + 2x rope + 2x wooden pieces to be built) and a bundle from some plant like cotton or flax. I hope this helps :) 

  11. Heyo!

    How do you like the caves so far? Have you managed to successfully get out of them with gold or ylandium in your pocketses?

    Aaanyhow, it's time we move on to the update 0.22! Before you start wondering, this update won't be centered around a specific "theme" like the ones before (alchemy, caves, ships etc.). Obviously the update will contain fixes and improvements as usual, but this time we are working on something different - a Codex that will help the newcomer ylanders take their first steps on their ylands. The tutorial level will still be a thing, but this will be a quick way of checking how to do "this" or "that" as you go. 

    The proof is in the pudding!



    In other news, not connected to the update but to the project in general - Ylands is going to PAX East! We will be in Boston March 10-12 showing the game to whoever is interested. If you are around, make sure you stop by! We'll be at the booth number 22019 (with approximately 80 kg of merchandise! :P


    If you want to know what other things this update will contain, tune in next week! :) 


    • Upvote 1

  12. Update: 17/02/2017

    Version: 0.21.29655

    • When the connection to the servers that provide game updates is impossible/unreliable, data are now downloaded from an alternative location
    • Fixed issue where having HBAO+ enabled (GFX settings/Ambient Occlusion) could lead to the game crashing while scenarios were being loaded and/or visual artifacts/blinking present on screen
    • Fixed an issue whereby in multiplayer clients got sometimes stuck and were unable to move
    • Fixed an issue whereby client players would not see entities in parts of the world they explored first