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Posts posted by Ane


    Playful Presents - 20/12/2016



    • North Pole factory scenario
    • You can now eat building blocks made of edible materials (remember these words when playing the scenario!)
    • Cooldowns on various actions (eating etc.) have been temporarily disabled (until we are able to replicate and fix a related bug reported by players)




    • Added support for translators. For languages that are currently being translated by the community we provide specific tools to help them with the process. In order for these tools to work (to be able to select other than "core" languages) the launcher needs to be run with "-- translator" parameter (please note that quotation marks should be removed and there are actually TWO hyphens without a space between them, not one). Currently this is available for French, into which the game is being actively translated
    • Improved hover animations 




    • Present box
    • Googly eyes
    • Ladder
    • Toys
    • Pet rock
    • Frost weapons
    • Arctic rabbit
    • Arctic wolf
    • Carrot noses
    • Chocolate blocks
    • Green wood blocks
    • Piece of coal
    • Red brick blocks
    • Shipwrecks
    • Submarine wrecks
    • Teacups
    • Wrecked bamboo raft 
    • Marble blocks
    • Santa's armor
    • Santa's staff
    • Green festive pillar
    • Wooden box
    • Sleigh




    • Fixed issue where saving the game while resting on a chair or a bed could cause a loss of data
    • Boats won't fall under terrain when placed too low anymore 
    • Animals and characters on board ships or rafts now behave properly when the vehicle is destroyed
    • Fixed obsolete hints visible when controlling the catapult
    • Removed catapult control hint while flying via Flying potion
    • All terraform hints are hidden while in catapult mode
    • Terraform gizmo is now disabled when players perform any action
    • Players can terraform while sitting on the horseback
    • Catapult can no longer be focused while riding a horse
    • Player can consume food or potions while riding a horse
    • It is no longer possible to respawn in scenarios where it is not allowed
    • Fixed issue where animal skeleton models could be broken when being dragged
    • It is now possible to be teleported even when caught in a trap
    • Sails no longer highlight when being focused
    • It should be more easy to come by iron veins now
    • Fixed gamepad inverted controls not working properly
    • Player can no longer dig while riding a horse
    • Out of ammo warning is now shown only when the player is trying to shoot
    • Fixed issue where switching to free camera made player stand up from a chair or a bed
    • Fixed Hold text being shown over control icon
    • Hints are now correctly shown even for objects that had two interactions triggered by clicking and holding primary button




    Coming Soon to your ylands… Dangerous Depths!

    Depths... Johnny Depp... who once recorded a song with Nick Cave... caves... you see where I'm going? :D This is my subtle (and lame) way of telling you that in the next update you'll be able to explore those hidden corners that are not reached by the sunlight, and as you descend you'll come across more and more objects that cannot be seen in the open air. Also, after hearing your feedback, we believe it's time the first person view gets some attention.

    • Upvote 1

  2. Dear Ylanders,

    Have you realized that next week is already Christmas eve?! How can days pass by so quickly?! It seems that just yesterday it was January and I was watching Sherlock's special episode... Anyway, here we are, 14 updates after, with another Christmas update in our hands. This year, unlike the last one (hmm, the perks of introducing an Editor in your game :D), we've created a whole new scenario that will make you feel like you woke up in Santa's workshop (or in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?)


    Brace yourselves. Christmas sweets are coming. And they're here to fill your bellies.


    And that's it for today! We want you to discover the scenario by yourselves, no fun in spoiling anything else this time :) 

    Good luck in the last-minute-gift-buying-hunt! (next year I'll definitely buy them in advance... nah, who am I kidding)


    • Upvote 2

  3. Update: 08/12/2016

    Version: 0.19.27109

    • Fixed the issue where no animation was played while moving around on a raft 
    • Fixed big performance drop when cycling through object variants when placing ship / ships parts
    • Fixed the issues where focusing an object on the ship was problematic after trying to control a ship without sails
    • Upvote 1


    Boats & Buccaneers - 06/12/2016


    The big ships are here! I want to go explore the sea - what do I have to do to sail away? Basically, there are two different sized hulls, that include a ladder, so that you can get into the ship, and a helm, that will let you control it (but you can place these wherever you want to as well). As an extra part, you'll need a mast with sails, otherwise you won't be able to move, and having a wind indicator can always come in handy. Just as with the small boat, you'll have to take wind into account when sailing. And that's it! The rest really depends on you - you can add anything, from cannons to building an art gallery on it. 

    Oh, and this time I'd recommend having the music on when launching the game :) 



    • Large and customizable ships
    • Small and large cannon - you'll be able to shoot them as long as you have cannon balls in your inventory
    • New (mostly MP) scenario: Buccaneer Bay
    • Players can now find Random encounters even at the sea, marked by floating debris. Please note that some may be located too deep for the players to get to them without specific water-breathing items.
    • Every time the player dies now a new panel is shown giving players options based on the current scenario. They can exit the game to the Main menu, Respawn, or Respawn as a new character. In Explore scenario dying now results in the player's items being dropped on the ground next to their corpse (where others can claim it) with items getting some damage. Players respawn at the starting point so if they want their inventory/equipment back, they need to get to the place where they died
    • Due to some optimizations incompatible with the old code the content of maps that players have might have been cleared
    • [Launcher] Fixed the "deleting directory ../tmp/ failed" error users with Avast have been getting (you will have to either reinstall the game or download a new setup)




    • Characters can be now randomly generated and rotated in the Character creation panel
    • Hearts indicating players' health now disappear gradually, making even the small damage dealt to players more obvious
    • Added hints into the descriptions of items that can be equipped, containing information about slots where those need to be put
    • Players are now able to see the selected scenario's Respawn rules
    • Some actions are now on cooldown
    • Groups in catalog now have more accurate names and images
    • LMB clicking an item in a container now moves it from the container into the inventory instead of showing the item detail panel (the original behavior was found to be confusing to many players)
    • Crafting panel can now be opened with a dedicated key (default: O - please note that if the default key doesn't work for you, you may need to reset the keybindings or set it manually)
    • Specific building blocks (oriental, the ones used in the Wild West scenario etc.) can no longer be crafted (as they were not used this way and made the crafting system needlessly bloated). They can still be placed in the level from the Catalog or via Editor
    • Pressing Toggle Inventory key now only closes the Character panel when the Inventory tab is active, otherwise it changes to the Inventory tab first
    • No level sounds are played in the editor (unless players switch in to the Character mode)
    • Existing games in the list can now be sorted either by date or name
    • Added icons to make it easier to notice the current Character panel mode (Inventory / crafting / catalog)
    • Games can now be renamed (via Advanced options accessible by clicking the game preview with RMB)
    • Added visual hints to make it more obvious that Game logic objects can be renamed by clicking their name in their settings panel
    • Mouse sensitivity can now be set in the configuration panel
    • It is now possible to separately invert Y axis for FPS/3rd person camera for gamepad and keyboard control scheme 
    • Terrain in the level has no longer limited height and depth
    • In addition to animal hide the map can now be crafted from paper as well again 
    • Propeller pack now flies faster
    • Iron tools are now more durable
    • Repair kits now repair 4x more damage than before
    • Number of seagulls flying among ylands has been reduced
    • Warmth factor on all clothes lowered - players should not die of overheating so easily
    • The bottom of the sea has been improved so that it feels less empty
    • If players end up in a situation from which they can't get out, they can use the command "/killself" to respawn (if possible in the given scenario)
    • [Editor] You can edit items in containers (by clicking on them with middle mouse button - this is just a work in progress solution and will change eventually)
    • [Editor] Added ID of edited entity/game logic to editing window
    • [Editor] It is now possible to set the volume specifically for editor sounds
    • [Editor] Added group editing
    • [Feedback tracker] Description text field now isn't scrollable and shows character count
    • [Feedback tracker] Feedback tracker now sends compressed (anonymous) game logs when the appropriate checkbox is ticked 




    • Ship hull
    • Ship helm
    • Mast with sail
    • Large mast with sail
    • Plane wreck (7)
    • Shipwreck (7)
    • "Bumblebee" cannon
    • "Big Betty" cannon
    • Glass window (3)
    • Ship hull aft
    • Ship hull fore
    • Rope ladder
    • Coral (12)
    • Large ship hull
    • Wind indicator
    • Pirate shirt
    • Pirate pants
    • Pirate boots
    • Pirate captain jacket
    • Pirate captain hat
    • Soldier pants
    • Soldier jacket
    • Soldier hat
    • Tricorn soldier hat
    • Sailor shirt
    • Wooden roof
    • Stone window
    • Brick blocks 
    • Rusty Bell (2)
    • Broken helm
    • Medieval window (2) 
    • Flags (69)




    • Console is now closed after pressing Esc.
    • Grenades now behave more consistently (e.g. don't suddenly disappear into thin air)
    • Fixed the issue where many animals were generated at the exactly same spot at the start of the game 
    • Players are no longer able to kill themselves while shooting up in the sky
    • Players won't kill a horse when shooting near its head while mounted anymore
    • Fixed stone crossbow bolt having a wrong model assigned
    • Player was able to spam particle effect when drinking potions
    • Improved various horse animations
    • Fixed players not being able to enter machines (catapults) anymore after they left them
    • Fixed bonfire being filtered as workstation
    • Fixed the issue where players were not able to enter crafting panel
    • Minor GUI tweaks
    • Several Multiplayer related issues have been fixed
    • Improved some of the Czech texts
    • Fixed ammo needed from "Ball" to "Musket ball"
    • Fixed interaction progress bar being shown even when it wasn't supposed to
    • Fixed the issue where players weren't able to scroll to see all existing games or scenarios
    • Improved readability of some GUI elements
    • Building block sizes in the inventory / catalog are once again shown with the size indicator
    • Updated some old GUI color schemes to the new one
    • Fixed the issue where cancelling out of the character creation in the Explore mode made players unable to use the basic island generation dialogue 
    • It is no longer possible to search in the inventory while dragging an item
    • Escaping from a window with opened dropdown list will now close it properly
    • Fixed the issue where it was impossible to scroll game / scenario lists via mouse wheel
    • Fixed the issue where switching to the basic view during the preview refresh in the world creation panel disabled most of the advanced options
    • Fixed some of the GUI sounds not being played properly
    • Focusing items with ylandium lamp in hand should no longer be problematic
    • Fixed break and dismantle buttons not working properly at times or having misleading hints
    • Fixed unwanted particles when switching an energy switch
    • Fixed wrong loot from Brazier showing up
    • Fixed books not showing in hand
    • Fixed bug where players couldn't feed fire with flammable materials
    • Swimming animations have been improved
    • Fixed issue with steel arch blocks where you could not build around them and they could not be deleted
    • Fixed issues related to ship and raft placing
    • Projectiles should not get stuck in trigger colliders such as plants
    • Fixed explosive and crushing projectiles erroneously dealing damage twice
    • Fixed chain explosions not always working properly
    • Fixed the issue where the game would get stuck at loading when launching Ylands from a shortcut pinned at the taskbar from a previous version
    • Fixed the issue where after playing for a while dropped items fell through buildings
    • [Audio] Fixed the issue where current volume settings were ignored after leaving the credits panel
    • [Launcher] PLAY button now gets disabled upon clicking, thus preventing players from running multiple instances of the game at once
    • [Launcher] General code tweaks that should improve performance a little bit
    • [Editor] Drag and drop of duplicated objects sometimes did not work
    • [Editor] Teleporting (via move entity action) a player on a chair, bed, in a trap, on a horse, in a boat, controlling catapult should work now
    • [Editor] Combination of surface snapping and translation grid did not work correctly
    • [Editor] Drag and dropping by one axis in local coordinate system now works
    • [Editor] Picking a building block in the currently selected hotbar slot did not start placing mode 
    • [Editor] Placing and deleting items in the inventory for players' roles can no longer break the dialogue window
    • [Editor] Escaping out of a logic properties window with an open list will no longer make it visible in another window 
    • [Editor] Fixed Redo / Undo buttons not being highlighted at times where they should be 
    • [Feedback tracker] Advanced feedback panel can now be closed with ESC
    • [Installer] Installer will now create Start Menu links properly
    • [Installer] Fixed wrong "Start In" shortcut property
    • [Random encounters] When you destroy the teleport switch on a random encounter teleport, it stops working now




    Coming Soon to your ylands… Playful Presents!


    Who doesn't like opening presents? We'll make sure you have plenty of those to have fun with in a Christmas-y set. Also, in this update we'll focus on fixing and tweaking the most pressing issues and features. 

    • Upvote 1

  5. We can get a bit weird sometimes, I guess :D I hope you guys will be able to build even more creative ships, otherwise I will be disappointed! :P 

    Nice catch, Michal! Yes, that is a ladder, and yes, it will be functional to a certain degree - only if it's placed at a certain height (it's a rather short ladder :D)

    • Upvote 1

  6. Apparently it can happen that you don't have iron on the starting yland (just in case - as Adrie pointed out, it's usually on the top of mountains, and it looks grayish-blue). The amount of ylands is not infinite, there are usually around 8-12. You would have to be very unlucky not to find any iron in any of those! :) 

    • Upvote 1

  7. Heyo!

    Another week, another sneak peek! Since a lot of you have been asking, I'll start with the most important thing - the upcoming Boats & Buccaneers update will be available to play at the beginning of the next week! In case you've missed it, here's a recap of the things we've already mentioned that you can expect: large and customizable ships, cannons, underwater random encounters and a pirate-style scenario. And of course a bunch of fixes and tweaks as usual :P 


    It's not "Mêlée Island" but it has its charm as well, right? :P 


    So now it's time to already start thinking about the next update! This time we want to focus on fixing the most pressing issues and giving some love to those features we think could be improved. We've created a list of our own, but we need your help as well! Tell us in the comments below this post what issues you think are more annoying or generally what things you'd like to see in the game. Of course, you can also count on having some presents to open (it'll be Christmas time, after all!)


    And that is all for now! Looking forward to seeing the ships you come up with :)


    • Upvote 2

  8. Hello there, ylanders!

    With the 0.19 update being this close to us we'd like to show you a couple more things that you can look forward to :)

    On the one hand, we wanted to add a little extra "deadly touch" to our ships so that you can go full Master & Commander in your overseas trip, so having cannons sounded like a reasonable option. I don't know about you, but destroying someone else's ship while I sail away laughing like a maniac sounds pretty satisfying to me :D You might want to know as well that you can place these cannons not only in your ships, but literally anywhere you want to - one never knows who's gonna come and try to steal our golden chalice from our castle!


    For now the rest of the ship remains a mystery :P (but you can find a clue somewhere in our website if you look closely)


    On the other hand, we've also been working on a new scenario that should give you an overview of what being a pirate feels like. But that also means that you'll have to be the bravest of the seven seas and fight like a pirate to claim this fort here! This is where the cannons could come in handy :D 




    And that is all for now! You now might be thinking "alright, alright, this sounds cool, where can I start sinking other players' hopes and dreams along with their ships?" (or something less cruel :D) Good news! We'd like to have the update out sometime the end of the next week, or, at the latest, the following one :) 


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