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About speaker60

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  1. speaker60

    RESOLVED Craft button not working

    Okay heres the log file output_log.txt
  2. speaker60

    RESOLVED Craft button not working

    visually there's not much to show, as you can see here im in the inventory section if i click on crafting or creative the only thing that happens is the green highlight around the x in the top right corner disappears for a split second. Sometimes the crafting button will work but like 1 out of 5 times. In the tutorial the crafting button dosnt work at all
  3. Hi there iv just download and installed the trial to check the game out iv just got to part of the tutorial with the cave and crafting a burning torch but when i go into inventory and click the craft button it dosnt do anything well actualy the x in the top right gets highlighted green. From a review video i saw clicking the craft button swaps inventory items to craftables but its not happening for me Its almost like when you have a popup up on a program and you try and click the program behind the popup, and the popup just flashes and makes the windows dong sound I managed to start a creative game but in the inventory there the craft button sometimes works sometimes dosnt(i kind of have to click the button fast enouth the computer isnt expecting it) and the creative button dosnt work in the same way the craft button dosnt in the tutorial Has anyone else expericaned this before iv not seen any mention of it in previous post on the forum thanks