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Dustin Michael

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Everything posted by Dustin Michael

  1. Dustin Michael

    Removing a dead body?

    How do you do that?
  2. Dustin Michael

    How do you open your explore map to creative?

    I don't know if you meant to say google.. but I really searched uncle oogle on this forum hahah
  3. Dustin Michael

    Do mutated creatures respawn?

    Same place you are! Hope they figure this out cause at this point I really can't do anymore other than just building which gets old. I want to play with all the ylandium stuff but I've got 20 out of every island and nothing respawns
  4. Dustin Michael

    How to get more Ylandium dust?

    That it does.. I have only found 20 dust so far and I really can't progress in ylandium dust anything. I've been to every island, every cave and 20 is all I have found
  5. Just as the title says. I have both in another save but can't remember if you can craft them or I picked them up
  6. Dustin Michael

    Can you craft diving fins and breathing helmet?

    Good call.. I will give that a try cause I found the underwater city and I can use all the help I can get!
  7. Dustin Michael

    Please oh please make ylandium more plentiful

    WAY too rare if I want to progress farther than I am. I have searched everywhere in the caves.. every island I have and only got 20 ylandium.
  8. Dustin Michael

    Please oh please make ylandium more plentiful

    I have been to every island I have and every cave possible and only 20 ylandium dust. How am I supposed to progress when when it is pretty impossible at this point to get anymore? (EDIT) Didn't see the other post about his and I don't know how to delete
  9. I've had the glitch before where it shows what is at the bottom of the sea in several areas before but this is the first time it helped me find a wreckage. It didn't have any markers such as things floating above it so I would have never found it. I didn't do anything to make this happen.. It just does on my map in a lot of areas.
  10. Dustin Michael

    Only glitch in the game that has helped

    just missing the nose
  11. Dustin Michael

    Armor and extreme cold

    Is there any good armor that protects against freezing? Other than fur?
  12. Dustin Michael

    Armor and extreme cold

    thats what I was figuring there is only fur stuff
  13. Dustin Michael

    How to get more Ylandium dust?

    unless it has been changed which wouldn't matter on your save since it's not new islands should come in even numbers on maps
  14. Dustin Michael

    I want join the test for DS

    I wouldn't mind having it either. I have about 100 hours in the game so I know my way around it.
  15. Also question how did you get the hammer to pick up things? I can't get mine to do it, is there a trick I haven't figured out yet?
  16. Dustin Michael

    How to get more Ylandium dust?

    Islands come in patches of 8, 10, and 12. Meaning you should still have an island around you somehwere you haven't been to yet, Maybe even 3 or 5 more.
  17. That's freakin sweet! Also for more room stone chests have 18 slots where the bamboo only has 15 slots. I subbed as well
  18. Dustin Michael

    land generation

    I tried putting in the same name and it put me in various different biomes
  19. Dustin Michael

    Stone to chunks

    Not that I am aware of.
  20. Dustin Michael

    Recipe for Medieval windows *consumes* Hammer?

    It happens for me so it either is intentional or a bug. So you are not alone
  21. Dustin Michael

    How do you dye the ship sails?

    You can make them a handful of colors when you are crafting them.
  22. Dustin Michael

    bear boots make you run faster?

    I got um, never used them.. I'll try it too see if I think it is faster. That would be cool if they are
  23. Dustin Michael

    music and soundtrack

    They have mentioned they are planning on coming out with a soundtrack and new music as well
  24. Dustin Michael

    Winter Sale YLands

    I agree.. I have little experience with PC gaming. Just recently got a decent setup and was mostly a playstation player. This is all a learning experiance for me
  25. Dustin Michael

    Red & White Bricks?

    good answer. I haven't got the paint gun yet so that makes sense.