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Posts posted by V-Alfred

  1. Did you put anchor down? If you do and still not align correctly, then ram the ship to the beach and anchor down. The ship won't waving after that. I always did that at my early playing experience, but now I always build vehicle with Editor, since you could move fast and built precisely in editor.

  2. Ah I see, so you didn't start a new character. Then choose "start a new character" it will spawn you on the same island where you died. With that, your stuff will laying around somewhere at the same place as you died. Becareful not to get killed again ;) that's how it works, if you go to main menu after you died, your character won't respawn later when you continue again.

  3. On 12/26/2017 at 4:02 AM, badtouchatr said:

    In explore mode, whenever I get killed (wolf, bear, leopard, whatever), and I go back to the main menu and continue, the game keeps re-spawning me in the same exact place I got killed with the same result...

    What do you mean "the same exact place I got killed"? Did you mean the same island? There is new update about respawn mechanism not too long ago, so new update changed everytime you get killed, you'll respawn at same island where you died except when you died on polar island, you will respawn on first island.

  4. On 12/26/2017 at 2:17 AM, Ybok said:

    Is there any way to climb to the nest at the top of the masts? Haven't been able to figure it out myself

    you can do that by placing 1 normal ladder, 2 squares away from the mast and then place 1 long ladder on top of the normal ladder then put 1 normal ladder on top of the long ladder (the second ladder) if doesn't enough . But becareful not to take a step at wrong place.. xD

    • Thanks 1

  5. lol, I didn't say  "I don't understand what is that" :D

    oh well what I meant is this file output_log.txt and output_log_clean.txt you can find it in \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data. That files are constantly updated each time you play the game, so latest version after you get crash/bugs/'stopped working' could help developers to understand what cause it.


    This thread is dedicated for my workshop collections, it will contain all of creations that created by me. This thread will continuously updated until I'm not able to type a word or make new creation. :D This thread main function is to make easier for me to update and post new stuff, also easier for you to find my creations. Make sure to follow this thread so you will be notified when new update/post comes out. ^_^

    So far here is the list of creations I have been created in the past and some already uploaded to the workshop:
    (Click the name to go to the post of each creation)

    (SHIP)(Released) Old Dreadnought - Clipper

    (SHIP)(Released) Dreadnought 2.0 - Clipper

    (Car/&Trailer)(Released) Ranger's Trailer

    (SHIP)(Released) Acquilla - Empty Man of War 

    (SHIP)(Released) Acquilla - Furnished Man of War

    (MAP/SCENARIO) Yggdrasil - Work in Progress

    (BUILDING) Elven Style Windmill

    (BUILDING)(Released) Traditional Japanese House - Game Logics Experiment

    (Car/&Trailer)(Released) Mercy - 1930 Mercedes Benz SSK


    Since we can't fully control our own thread(Delete, rearrange posts, etc) in this forum, here is my first creation in Ylands: 

    Old Dreadnought

    Dreadnought is clipper ship designed for fast and agile movement. The ship has 7 masts in total, it is also equipped with cool stabilizer on the side. Because of it's speed, the ship need stabilizer on the side to maintain the agility so Dreadnought could turn sharply while still moving fast. Dreadnought is very suitable for brave adventurer and rich merchant since it provide plenty of storage for your stuff. You can pre-order now to get Dreadnought as soon as possible at your beach! :D and then sail to the seven seas with this beautiful beast. ;) Call 911-911-911 for more information to get this ship.

    Ok enough marketing xD, now lets talk about the design itself. Dreadnought exterior design is done at current state (I think). For the interior I just put necessary furnitures and still have some spot for stuff. So you can put like alchemy table or something. Here is some pictures of Dreadnought (click reveal):





    lol.. oh well :D check Ylands workshop, you can download the composition of Dreadnought - Clipper so you can sail to the Seven Sea with it!

    I will appreciate feedback. ^_^

    Have fun

    • Like 5

  7. It happened to me twice now, I don't know why, the game crash when "Exit to Desktop" from Editor, the game will stuck on loading screen if I don't close the "Oops!" notification.

    even though it's not a big deal, because I wan't to go to desktop anyway. But here is the error report and the logs. I don't think you need dxdiag report since output_log_clean has it anyway.




    • Thanks 1

  8. 10 hours ago, BoomCheeseBurge said:

    I hope they can tweak this so that we don't have to waste time breaking blocks. =D

    This is hard decision for devs, why? They're currently battling with griefers, energy/protective barrier is one of the new solutions. But it has flaw, current barrier's size is too small for greedy human, and each player only have one. So while we're waiting for another solutions, why not giving good feedbacks and report bugs to help developers.

    Have fun!

    • Thanks 1

  9. Ah I see.. oh well, you can edit exploration mode in Editor and you have your own full responsibility by using Editor in exploration mode or other mode. As long as it's only in single player or your own server, there is not a problem and I think nothing is wrong cheating in singleplayer game, no one get hurt except you so it's your own risk. That's ok to limit yourself to not use editor in survival/exploration mode, after all thats how you get fun and thats the point of playing games, like this wonderful Ylands!

    Have fun!

  10. 1 hour ago, Jacob Ellinger said:


    Thank you. I will try that. However what would be nice is if there was a button you could hold to rotate (say v for instance) and then a second button that would rotate whatever block was selected by degrees!

    For that case, I don't know if that available in V mode, I could imagine what you mean by rotating to certain degree. Maybe typing number and direction of degree while holding V would be great, like rotating in 3D modelling apps.

  11. 6 hours ago, gbkisses said:

    Do we have any clue if the game is going to be editable in the final release? 

    You mean modding? If that so, yes this game will support mod in the future. But I'm not sure what kind of mods is possible, since ingame skins is in BI's playground, maybe some "action" mods. Let's see in the future.

  12. Same with @0ldguy , my potato machine wouldn't run recorder + game, slide show mode On if I do that. :D I assume you already knew the basic use of Editor, then here is a bit advance tips from me,

    Hold V button to rotate or move things precisely and freely after you place and click objects and in movement/rotation widget.

    Don't be afraid of trying new methods, you can always undo/redo.

    Using shortcut buttons is very helpful for long run.

    Always Save your progress frequently, annoying things can happen when you're not aware.:)

    Use composition feature to have back up of many things

    To make perfectly round shape, you need plenty of works, but make round with many angles is doable. Can't wait to see your creation.

    Have fun!

    • Upvote 1

  13. 10 hours ago, Dustin Michael said:

    Only downside is you don't move very fast in editor

    hold shift while moving in editor mode, it will make you move fast. Becareful not to fly too fast, because things need to be loaded in your screen, you will miss your island if you going too fast.  not in creator character.

    • Thanks 2