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Ezzy Rox

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Everything posted by Ezzy Rox

  1. Ezzy Rox

    Multiplayer issues

    As I said above, nothing happens when I search. It is my PC as another PC in our home does show the list.
  2. Ezzy Rox

    Multiplayer issues

    My daughter is sitting next to me and hers works fine... so weird and very frustrating. Searching for P1 or 3HT do nothing. UPDATE: LittleBon was able to invite me to a multiplayer game and I joined. I just can't see the list!!
  3. Ezzy Rox

    Multiplayer issues

    NO MULTI PLAYER DISPLAY Ever since the latest update I can no longer see any multi-player games at all. I've tried: uninstalling and reinstalling Ylands, and turning off the Firewall. It's still blank- screenshot and output logs attached. Thank you. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Ezzy Rox

    Friends to play with

    Hi everyone, I've been playing Ylands for 145 hours for months now and have explored the random generated maps and built most things and now I would like to try playing online with other people. Is there anyone who would like to invite a mature player to be a part of their community? I'm in Melbourne, Australia. Thanks heaps, Ezzy.
  5. Ezzy Rox

    Friends to play with

    Sorry I went to bed! I've just logged in and can see your avatar outside my house. It says "EZ". And no, I don't want any of the stuff at the bamboo platform - I did try to dismantle it without any luck! Thanks so much!
  6. Ezzy Rox

    Friends to play with

    I found it thank you. I headed over to another Yland close by and now need to move my power generator to my new house. Are you able to help with that Bojo? My in game name is Xaria. Thanks muchly!
  7. Ezzy Rox

    Friends to play with

    Haha! Awesome... pity there's no Lima's. Okay... it seems I haven't gotten to the BIG help area. I shall keep trotting round anti-clockwise.
  8. Ezzy Rox

    Friends to play with

    That sounds great Indian Chief thank you. I'll go find the passwords.
  9. Ezzy Rox

    Friends to play with

    Hi Kimbuck, I joined that server last night with name 'Xaria', and setup a little bamboo lookout up the hill from the spawn area. I took a horse around the island and couldn't find space to setup - I've never had to deal with those bubbles around areas before, so was unsure how to decide where to build. Yes I visited some of the houses though always felt a bit like a snoopy von snoopster being there while no one else was online! I joined discord too though haven't used it before. There were no resources to get me started in the starting area except a bunch of chisels strewn around. I will keep hopping on today/tonight to see if I can bump into you. Thank you so much for reaching out.