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Everything posted by stainless88

  1. wow thank you so so much that worked just killing the horse thanks for the super quick reply
  2. Hello i just recently ran into this issue, Me and my wife ran the large ship into the shore, i jumped off the ship and its been glitched since, i open chest i hear the sound but the screen doesnt come up, i cant access the foundries or anything no screen pops up, my wife cannot join my game anymore after this happened. i deleted my character with the editor and it didnt fix, ive also sent the file to my wifes computer and she has the same problem. ive...
  3. Im having this issue, ive played for 40 hours on the same game this is the first time it happend. i cant open chest or anything i can eat and drop my items, i did what they said could fix the issue in the post by deleting my character with no luck, if you have a fix please let me know thank you.