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Everything posted by Roborooskie

  1. I build a little cabin on my large ship, but whenever I open the door and walk through, or interact/stand close near a container I placed the entire ship flips out and starts rocking back and forth as if my character just gained 500 tonnes of weight. Sometimes the ship speeds forward a few meters. This also happens ocasionally while sleeping on a bed, sitting on a chair or when I am opening any container that is located on the boat.
  2. While exploring another island I climbed back onto my large ship with the ladder, and teleported somewhere underneath the map and fell into a cave, then died. Now I lost all my equipment and my ship is stranded on another island. This teleportation happened more frequently for me, where I teleported from the ships ladder to a ladder from a randomly generated structure. This happened while playing with friends. (Both I and my friend died of this teleportation glitch)