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Posts posted by Lupowop

  1. 23 hours ago, Velocifer said:

    today patch just came out. in singleplayer or multiplayer, you should spawn at island where you died or atleast nearest/last island if you died in ocean or arctic biome.

    Have fun! :D

    I didn't get a chance to test this last night... I'm getting good at surviving :)

  2. This is something that I have seen a need for as well.  I just started decorating my house and I was doing the same thing.  It was late last night when I put down the bear rug and then I went to bed so i'm not sure if after 2 minutes the "stuff" you place locks down like the walls or floors do.  It would still be nice to have a "remove decorations" button in your structures.  I have seen some of your builds and they are "heavy" on the décor.  I can just see me moving around and randomly picking up stuff by accident.

  3. On 12/10/2017 at 3:18 AM, Ane said:

    There are no backpacks in the game for now :) 

    I was SOOO hoping this was not the case :( soon right Ane... soon?


    On 12/9/2017 at 11:26 PM, Velocifer said:

    I have been playing quite awhile now and I didn't see any bags like you descript in this version (0.6.42044) except for propeller pack and little things like pouch for herbs, potion, seed, dirt, coal, pigment, etc that you can carry in your inventory. They pretty helpful for collector :)

    Totally agree!!! I "discovered" these last night... they are SOOOO helpful for inventory management!  make them as soon as you can... So far I have found: coal bucket, herb bag, seed box, and dirt container... any more available that I have not unlocked yet?  A wood container perhaps? 

  4. On 12/10/2017 at 10:22 AM, Velocifer said:

    1. Not really that important, its just for utility and temporary storage at the beginning

    2. Not that hard if u have decent gear

    3. When u found good spot :D


    - Fully explore and gather everything in first island, 

    - make temporary base just for some stations, 

    - then try to make ship/boat. Sail to the seven sea by following bird direction

    repeat except the ship part 

    Found good spot to build base? Then base construction begin

    Note: make/pick up something to unlock the recipe

    Have fun :D

    I agree... I have been playing for 4 (real life) days, I built a ship but it's sitting in front of my base undecorated as of yet... However:

    1. Your ship is an entity just like the ground so you can build on it... like crafting stations, storage, etc.  If you are going to be a nomad make a ship base and live off of it
    2. Keep in mind that (so far) your original spawn is your permanent spawn (this may change eventually).  So if you die while travelling you start over at your original spot... plan accordingly
    3. Make 2 of everything when making tools / weapons... have a backup at your spawn point
    4. As far as I have seen stuff dropped on the ground does not ever despawn so if you cannot make storage yet make a "stuff" pile at your original spawn
    5. As many posters have already written... when sailing other islands are fairly close... max 5 mins ingame.  If you sail for 30 + mins... change directions
    6. Also as others have stated... Start new games until you find a biome you are "happy-ish" with then build there... it's so much easier to build on your starter island then go exploring rather than start on a bad island and sail to a good one... death sux at the moment and wastes valuable time
    • Upvote 1

  5. On 12/10/2017 at 11:27 AM, Dustin Michael said:

    Here is what I did and kinda cheeky. When you start a save,  spawn in and immediatly leave. When you go to continue there will be a picture of your map instead of a picture of your character. I screen shot that and then explore my island. I get the shape of it then go back to the screen shot and find what island I am on and then from there I know exactly where every island is so I don't go on the hour sail...  If the map does not show when you try to continue just erase your progress which would be nothing anyway and the map will pop up.


    Ohhh... cheeky indeed... I'm so trying this tonight!!

    • Upvote 1

  6. Same here... I have about 8 save games which were "lets just try this out"... Last spawn was initially epic (lots of clay, wood, food, no baddies around, etc) but I'm missing rubber, copper, and sulphur to progress my crafting recipes... so off to find new resource lands soon...  This game is so much fun so far!  I love the way its' running, playing, and progressing so far! 

  7. Hi all I'm brand new and in love with Ylands so far... 

    so i'm building (alot) and found a nice place to set up shop near my original spawn.  As I'm sure everyone has done... I plopped everything down on a flat'ish piece of land near the beach... Then I started gathering, building, unlocking, terraforming, etc... I'm now at the point where I have a masterplan for my base... I would like to move the kilns, furnaces, stoves, storage, etc around... what are my options?? I have tried to search for this topic but could not find an answer.  Is there a way to pick up a big ticket item like a blacksmith forge and move it or do i just have to build a new one... If the latter is the case... How do I go about destroying one that I build previously?

    thanks in advance for any help/suggestions

  8. Hi there, I too am new and I have read a lot of the forum posts before getting into serious building.  I am a long time player of games such as Minecraft, ARK, Survivalcraft, etc. and so far Ylands does everything almost perfect!! My questions to the community are the following:

    1) I saw a post on flags moving with the wind... are flags the same a the wind direction marker (small brown flag)? or are they different... in other words... if I place a flag on my ship does it always flutter in the direction of the wind or are they not dynamic like that?

    2) When you die you leave behind a little marker that announces your name... Is that removable?  I died in my base once (damn sea urchins) and i had to look at that marker until I died again and then it moved to my new death location... Once i loot my stuff can I get rid of the marker?

    3) Unlocking recipes... I have crafted most everything I can from my current island... I am almost to electricity but not quite... I know I need more materials like rubber and sulphur but this comes from much searching online... I know the devs are working on making a better system of leveling / unlocking recipes... this is my only hitch so far... Is finding what to make next is so super fun and yet frustrating at the same time!!

    5) Goats... what do I do with goats other than killing them for hide and meat... can they be "tamed / lazooed / brought back to your base"? Any help here would be great!

    6) Tips I have picked up so far... (for the original poster)...

    • Mark your spawn and set up backup gear there... you will die...
    • Get familiar with the "gamechangers" like make a map ASAP, make a bedroll, figure out what you can eat, spade versus shovel versus pick for terraforming... this one is huge...,
    • There is a little icon at the bottom left of your crafting menu... on any station... this indicates recipes that are needed to "unlock" more recipes... craft this stuff if you are stuck / unsure what to craft next
    • If you have no new recipes... make sure you have gathered and made at least 1 of everything... for example... Kiln liner bricks do not show up until you mine sand... same for glass...
    • Craft at least 1 of everything you can craft to try to unlock new recipes
    • When gathering Cotton or Flax or desert cloth plant... I forget what it's called... Deconstruct them to get seeds then plant them early on... 1 plant = 3 seeds which yield 3 plants, etc... you will save so much time early on
    • Harvest and plant tall trees and make a tree farm nearby... Also a huge time saver
    • Placing using locked versus unlocked grid... this is super helpful...
    • Lastly before you make a big Build I suggest popping in creative and try it out there so that when you go to your survival world you know what materials you will need, you will not make costly mistakes, and most of all you have a gameplan before you start plopping down that stone fortress that will take you 3 hours to demolish if you mess up!
    • This last one is more of a comment / suggestion for new players... Get containers ASAP... not chest containers but rather "stuff" containers... So far I have unlocked the Herb bag, coal bucket, dirt container, seed container, shell container...  If there are more please let me know!!  These are SOOOO helpful in inventory management!!  They sit in your inventory and have a LOT of room to hold things that will be plenty cumbersome like seeds and herbs... I would love to see a "wood" container... if that exists it will make my life so much simpler in ylands!!

    So as a new to Ylands but advanced survival player... I am just scratching the surface... I LOOOVE this game.  It does so many things right and has so much potential!!  I cannot wait to see what the devs and the community have in store for us!
