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About WoodenEels

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  1. Hello, I received this game via steam a few days ago and played for 30 hours and decided to come on the forums. When attempting to log in using my steam account It gave me an error so I logged in using my twitter account. Then I linked my steam account to that account afterwards not knowing what would happen. In game at the main menu it tells you who you're logged in as, before I linked the steam account with the new account it was just my steam name but then I noticed it changed. Then I go to log in and realize my character was gone now this wouldn't be a big deal as I just killed my old self in-game but then I realized as well that I had lost all of my learned crafting recipes. Now I've tried to get the original account back but there is no way to find it as there was never any email setup with that "Ylands" account. Therefore I can't just log back into that original account and link it again. If anyone has any suggestions please leave them, Thanks! PeteFromStargate
  2. Yes, this is actually what I noticed first but then it was confirmed by my On Screen Display. My OSD isn't the greatest so for some games it won't pop up sometimes which is maybe why I didn't notice it till later. I was reaching temps of around 72 Degrees Celsius which is why I was concerned about my GPU considering for my card make around 80 Degrees Celsius is pushing damaging temps.
  3. GPU USAGE AT 100% AT ALL TIMES Hello, I have an EVGA GTX 960 SSC 4GB and I have attached my DxDiag Output as well. I use the EVGA PrecisionX program to Monitor my hardware and OC normally but I noticed with my OSD that in game I was always getting 100% GPU Usage. I did some tests tweaking some power settings and other 3d options but to no avail. I did notice however that when I do go into /freecamera and fly away a bit the GPU Usage goes down to around 50-60% which seems normal. I was gifted the game on 12/8/17 and this did not seem to be a problem until 12/9/17 if that helps at all. I hope this information helps as I enjoy this game with over 30 hours already I'd just like to not fry my GPU Thanks, PeteFromStargate DxDiag.txt