Hello, I received this game via steam a few days ago and played for 30 hours and decided to come on the forums. When attempting to log in using my steam account It gave me an error so I logged in using my twitter account. Then I linked my steam account to that account afterwards not knowing what would happen. In game at the main menu it tells you who you're logged in as, before I linked the steam account with the new account it was just my...
Yes, this is actually what I noticed first but then it was confirmed by my On Screen Display. My OSD isn't the greatest so for some games it won't pop up sometimes which is maybe why I didn't notice it till later. I was reaching temps of around 72 Degrees Celsius which is why I was concerned about my GPU considering for my card make around 80 Degrees Celsius is pushing damaging temps.
Hello, I have an EVGA GTX 960 SSC 4GB and I have attached my DxDiag Output as well. I use the EVGA PrecisionX program to Monitor my hardware and OC normally but I noticed with my OSD that in game I was always getting 100% GPU Usage. I did some tests tweaking some power settings and other 3d options but to no avail. I did notice however that when I do go into /freecamera and fly away a bit the GPU...