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Indian Chief

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Everything posted by Indian Chief

  1. Indian Chief

    0.12 Update first impressions

    Thanks Ane, I've got no idea. It's happened on 2 servers now. It reaches 100% load and just keeps spinning. I left it for 30 minutes and came back to the same screen.
  2. Indian Chief

    0.12 Update first impressions

    Will the dev's please look into why after playing a multiplayer game for only an hour I can no longer log back in. I've had this happen twice now, and until it's sorted can't play Ylands… which is a right bummer.output_log.txt
  3. output_log.txt I've had problems logging into a server also... it has spaces and has 2/3 friends who's played on it. I crafted the leather armour and when trying to put it on my character it disappeared... I tried to relog and it freezes at 100%. So I found out that I had to relog for my armour to appear.. but it seems that the leather armour is bugged... as unless other players relog they couldn't see me wear it. Also after playing on a 2nd server, I'm having the same issue with the game loading to 100% but not entering in the game although it says that I'm online when other players have checked the players panel in game. I hope this can get fixed soon.
  4. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #73

    Which update will include the editor items in game? 1.0? or before then
  5. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #72

    How's the update coming along?
  6. Indian Chief

    AI pirate ships/ New pre-built ships

    An explore boat would be great, with a chest and some kind of lighting at the front
  7. Indian Chief

    Music Albums worth listening to

    Listen to this almost every time I play Ylands
  8. Indian Chief

    Is the update on track to be released in March?

    Won't be in March, the dev's have mentioned before that they won't release an update over the weekend... let's hope for the 1st of April r soon afterwards
  9. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #70

    G'day Dev's, just wondering if you have any plans for players to be able to add water via a bucket or something simular? I know the ocean's have been disabled, but it'd be really cool to be able to add water control to the game like Minecraft has. Cheers
  10. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #70

    G'day Dev's, have you thought about adding in a feature where it says what type of server it is in the game search? Locally hosted or dedicated server information would be handy to know
  11. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #68

    Blueprint alignment needs to be looked at. Any chance you can make it to snap to the grid? As adding on is near impossible unless you've got the blueprint on the correct alignment, and 90% of the time ends up floating.
  12. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #68

    Thanks Ane, not rushing you guys. Appreciate the response. Have a fantastic week
  13. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #68

    G'day, just wanting to know if the update comes out next week? Just so I don't waste time on a build on a server for it to get reset. Cheers
  14. Indian Chief


    Thanks Ane, I look forward to when they're added. Cheers
  15. Indian Chief


    Hi Dev's, Could I request that player's aren't allowed to log out inside another players barrier. It's kinda annoying to have to share your build with a player that isn't welcome. Another feature would be if a player doesn't return to the server for x amount of days that there dead body be relocated or moved on... as soooo many random's just join for 3 minutes then move on. Last thing.... any update on the added item's that I've been asking for roughly about 6 months with no response. Thank you kindly!
  16. Indian Chief


    Morning all, Sorry to hear Kim that you're having the same problems. hahaha V-Alfred, you hit the nail on the head mate. I had forgotten about the Marble Veins but that'd would be a much appreciated addition too. The main addition I'd love is all the items in the editor be made available in Explore mode. I'm happy to show pictures if need be Ane. Oh, I was also thinking that with the amount of stones that you can collect, have the devs thought about adding in blocks that can be made from them. Not that I've played but Minecraft has cobble stone's, and I keep thinking how great it would be to have them in game. Thanking you
  17. Indian Chief

    RESOLVED Grid alignment problem with blueprint

    Started a blueprinted and now says someone else is using it.
  18. Indian Chief

    Dev Diary #65

    Any chance you'll be adding in those comfy chairs, medieval banners, medieval shields, bell and wooden wheel to the crafting menu?
  19. Indian Chief

    Greetings Ylanders

    Hey mate, welcome to Ylands. First person has been readded by typing /fpscam enable and /fpscam disable for first person view. When ever I play on Stouts server or anywhere else.. the first thing I do after getting the basics set up is go looking for a desert to collect sisal.... as this will make your cloth/sail production much easier. Break the sisal down to get seeds, and you'll be able to collect it twice a day. Use the compass on your boat/ship to locate land... the darker arrow is you and the lighter ones and other Ylands. Happy playing
  20. Indian Chief

    We need better boat hulls .. a suggestion

    Can anyone tell me if this items are now craftable? And if not, when they'll be added... and if not... why not?! Cheers Chief
  21. Indian Chief

    time wasting

    Now I remember why I don't post bug's.... #goodonyaylands!
  22. Indian Chief

    time wasting

    Same old song and dance.... #greatfeedbackdevs. ANY CHANCE WE'LL GET ALL ITEMS FROM THE CUBE AT ANY STAGE!
  23. Indian Chief

    time wasting

  24. Indian Chief

    time wasting

    check the 13 minute mark Ane as I'm not the only one. Cheers
  25. Indian Chief

    time wasting
