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NoIwon'tTell YouMyRealName

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About NoIwon'tTell YouMyRealName

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  1. NoIwon'tTell YouMyRealName

    KNOWN ISSUE Steam Engine and Helm placement post Dec 19 patch

    I had the same problem post Dec 19 patch but I have a [small/regular size] "ship" base and was unable to place anything on it. I tried the small/regular mast, helm, aft, and fore. The fore really pushes the ship down! The boat will float again eventually or I can change the position of the anchor to make it float immediately. Ship objects were always failing with red placement blocks no matter where or how I tried to place. It was giving me "not enough room" errors while the ship was above water. First person or third didn't make any difference - same results. The thing that ended up working for me was to place a single log on the ship. Then I removed it (not sure that this part mattered) and everything else was suddenly place-able. Screenshots of the issue are in steam profile named "PeculiarPickle" output_log.txt