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Everything posted by GoldenPSP

  1. Hello, Ever since the new exploration mode was released I have been unable to play it. When I get to the confirm window I can click confirm all day long and nothing happens. The legacy and sandbox modes work fine. I have tried removing the game and reinstalling via steam. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  2. GoldenPSP

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    That worked! I'm fine with that as I don't use a controller to play ylands.
  3. GoldenPSP

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    Thanks. Let me know if you need any additional information
  4. GoldenPSP

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    Is there a better avenue to get timely support?
  5. GoldenPSP

    RESOLVED Unable to start New Exploration

    No controller. Windows 10 via steam. Keyboard/mouse.
  6. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    Ylands has a dedicated server for over 2 years. Active pinned thread still exists with no indication on the OP that this feature is getting scrapped. The same thread even has indications up till this november that has no hint that this feature is going to be scrapped. At the 11th hour this feature is ripped out of the release, with no indication that it is a future feature once issues are worked out. Just removed. Regardless of the reason, d**k move.
  7. GoldenPSP

    Refund of coyns?

    I'm guessing you are going to have much better luck contacting support vs posting on the public forums. At best a mod will probably tell you to open a ticket.
  8. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    My point is the loss of access to the customer server files is not related to Nitrado being ready, as they are not likely going to steam like I would to get the files in the first place. To tie it back into the point in this thread, BI clearly has figured out how to run a dedicated server, as I can pay to run one. They led us all to believe for the last 2 years that this would be a downloadable option for end users, given we could get them for years. I haven't gone back but I...
  9. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    I highly doubt it. I expect Nitrado will get the server files from BI, which they clearly have since they are renting servers. The files are no longer available for end users to download. Given that these files never made it out of beta and were always buggy I doubt the files we as users had access to are even the same as what BI is using for renting servers.
  10. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    Currently you cannot as the files necessary to download and run a local dedicated server are no longer available.
  11. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    By the same token, if they are selling dedicated servers it seems to me that they have managed to make some solid server code... And I agree, sadly this is one game that my gaming group has done very little multiplayer due to the frustrations involved with multiplayer options.
  12. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    Basement/datacenter wherever it might be. The point is this option for a dedicated server was available pretty much since the game was released in EA. I bought ylands 2 years and a day ago, and the first thing I did was sign up for the dedicated server beta. Now I understand early access means things might change. But there was a clear precedent that the dedicated server would be an option up until just before the release when they cancelled it and...
  13. GoldenPSP

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    One key piece is that we had the option for a free locally hosted server right up until release. Many of us were counting on this to be a thing given the dedicated server has been there since the beginning of early access. Now if it is simply not ready and it will be out later fine, but so far it seems it was just axed in favor of a revenue stream
  14. GoldenPSP

    Windows server error 2016 dediated

    The main point being they decided at the 11th hour to remove the self hosted dedicated server option
  15. GoldenPSP

    Windows server error 2016 dediated

    It seems they decided to not give us our own dedicated server option anymore. You can rent one, or run it from your PC (not dedicated) or their shared savegame feature.