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Everything posted by 6Cowa6Bunga6

  1. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Extra Inventory Containers

    ya I feel this. My boats usually require a few ten of thousands of stone to blueprint. But if you build it slowly free hand. it only requires some shoveling
  2. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    How to Unlock items for Crafting?

    this cant be done for exploration
  3. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    1.9 OCEAN ODYSSEYS - Changelog

    yah shooting stone out of a cannon, good way to use that stone up to clear cutt
  4. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    1.9 OCEAN ODYSSEYS - Changelog

    i can no longer shoot forks and grass from my cannons.. that was actually a cool part of the cannons. like even shooting explosive kegs 😥
  5. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Old Ylands Talk

    thats about when you would catch one every so often flying about minding its own business. Look, its a seagull, wait no its a shark looking for seagulls to find more islands
  6. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    How to Unlock items for Crafting?

    you also unluck more things to craft by finding points of interest
  7. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Old Ylands Talk

    riding a flying shark, enough said
  8. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Update 1.9: OCEAN ODYSSEYS

    You can re summon your ship in like 30 seconds at 40% hull hp, until repaired with a repair hammer and some resources your ship does less then half speed or something similar
  9. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Going Broke for Repairs being a Captain

    after some more hunting I was able to find me some Sea devils in the Green Kelp Forest in the shallower waters. was searching in the wrong area in too deep of water I guess
  10. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Going Broke for Repairs being a Captain

    spent a good chunk of time trying to retrieve my death box when i died to a shark above a crystal formation bio looking for sea Devils. the shark just wouldnt go away and it was too deep. I havent found anything yet to fight back at the sharks.
  11. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Types of quests

    puzzle, Saving someone, a chase , hide and seek, repair broken structure/item , survive are a few off the top of my head, hope this might give you some ideas
  12. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Ship Builds

    So after a wipe, im building a new ship and giving the catamaran a go since it is cheaper on iron to maintain on repairs compared to the Steam boat. I have noticed the building limits are smaller as in length and width. but the Hight over the steam boat, it is a bit taller. But one cool thing I have come across is that you can build lower decks in the center just not on the side. like the steam boat there's enough space in the lower center compartment that it can be made into many things, but the water does come inside making you swim if you make it deep. When i build a ship, I go the biggest i can. before I deleted everything my old yatch had 6 decks with everything on board, included 8 telsa coils, 10 cannons, but sadly never blue printed the finished build. it would have been to expensive to blueprint anyways What sort of boat builds have you done or out of the box building have you added to your ship?
  13. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Going Broke for Repairs being a Captain

    If you could point me in the direction of finding sea slugs and devil's teeth ill get right on that
  14. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Better Swimming Quallities

    a new item like a thruster pack would be a nice addition to the water life when you havent gotten to the submarine end game
  15. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Better Swimming Quallities

    a submarine sounds like alot of work. it wouldnt be something we can build ingame as there are no water mechanics for building air tight compartments. but it could be a two birds with one stone. adding air tight compartment mechanics ingame could introduce a foundation for a submarine building platform and underwater bases. with the amount of work this would require, i dont see this coming anytime soon Edit: Unless they add a full submarine recipe to build thats like a raft or starter boat. very limited on what you can add. but how would the door hatch work. like a ladder? you teleport in and out
  16. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Better Swimming Quallities

    more options to withstand the drastic temperature's of the deep oceans. other then just the potion would be nice. the speed at which one swims, maybe like the propeller pack, maybe we can get a thruster pack now ( Edit: but this would require another slot as it would take the scuba tank location)
  17. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Update 1.9: OCEAN ODYSSEYS

    with the new loot box on death, what the thought on having it float?
  18. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Unable to dig near water

    Ya, it caused atlot of problems with griefing and werid water levels. so it got removed to beta or something with the hope it would get fixed. It never did
  19. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Power limits?

    I believe you can also use either/or switchs and such to add in generators inline to help fix splitter issues down the line. I never experimented farther then using a splitter and single nodes, but im sure with the extra ones you can do this
  20. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Unable to dig near water

    A much missed feature this game had, it also caused alot of greifing too from what I remember. you could drain a portion of the ocean into an underground cave. make hidden underground lakes. at the cost of uneven surface water levels in an area. if you just made a massive hole, the lowering levels totally worked. It looked fantastic with all the waterfalls it would create. you could've lost ships this way also if you hadn't locked down tight. something of the Past though! You could make homemade islands with connecting tunnels and caves ( what's not cool about that). then have someone come flood it all and place dirt like crazy🤣😭 Fun times!
  21. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Motorised Boats (& Linking Boats to Ships)

    an upgrade from the steam boat. maybe we can have a diesel boat or ylandium boat, bigger, faster and more to build with I have fully exhausted the steam boat build and have grown to wanting more from boat building. The boat building and surviving has always been my favorite part of this game, aside some the terraforming With the maps becoming larger it takes forever to get anywhere with the steam boat on max engines.
  22. 6Cowa6Bunga6


    admire them
  23. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Dev Diary #202 New Beginnings

    Now im a little curious what you used as a foundation for a flying vehicle in explorer. I assumed it was stuck in place until it moved. Thats insane!!!
  24. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    Dev Diary #203 Oh ship!

    I have a 6 floor ship that is well over a few thousand blocks. game freezes for a few seconds while it loads. I used the max space i could to build this ship on a steam boat. Im hoping for bigger ships and more buildable space
  25. 6Cowa6Bunga6


    Great update, but taking 15 mins to sail to a new island on the fastest ship in a straight line with engines. yah no thanks. is there gonna be a new drill or upgrade for the drill? since we got bigger maps can we get being able to buy gunpowder back? explosives was best method to dig, now that's not viable is there gonna be an electric furnace. smelting 5k iron with 30 furnaces is no fun. automatic furnace you deposit iron ore into the Q menu is just cluttered now with the text I find. maybe make the text visible only when mouse over? a faster ship base would be nice to build on, the steam boat seems to slow for the large maps with the amount of water increased, maybe add some things to do in the water. maybe bring back water mechanics?